使用jQuery中止JSONP ajax请求

时间:2022-12-06 21:19:00

I'm using a JSONP ajax call to load some content from a different domain, and all this stuff is executed if the user causes a "mouseover" on a button.

我使用JSONP ajax调用从不同的域加载一些内容,如果用户在一个按钮上造成一个“mouseover”,那么所有这些内容都将被执行。

I can capture the $.ajax() call return as a xhr object, and use it to abort the ajax request each time the user causes a "mouseover". But the JSONP callback function still gets called, and this causes an error, and I think it is beacuse the xhr.abort() method does not prevent the callback function to be called.

我可以捕获$.ajax()调用return作为xhr对象,并使用它在每次用户创建“mouseover”时中止ajax请求。但是JSONP回调函数仍然被调用,这导致了一个错误,我认为是beacuse xhr.abort()方法没有阻止调用回调函数。

I've tried surrounding the $.ajax() call with try{}catch(e){}, but after I call the xhr.abort() method, the error continues.


Is there a way to handle that exception?


The raised exception is like this (according to Firebug): jQuery16102234208755205157_1308941669256 is not a function

引发的异常如下(根据Firebug): jQuery16102234208755205157_1308941669256不是函数

And the exception's internal structure is like this: jQuery16102234208755205157_1308941669256({... my json data from a different domain....})

异常的内部结构如下:jQuery16102234208755205157_1308941669256(我的json数据从不同的领域.... })

5 个解决方案



In jQuery 1.5 all the Ajax APIs have a wrapper object around the native XHR objects. Take a look at:

在jQuery 1.5中,所有Ajax api都有一个围绕本机XHR对象的包装器对象。看一看:


http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.ajax/ jqXHR

 jqxhr.abort(); // should be what you're looking for



The basic answer is simply the one given here: You can't really abort() a JSONP call. So the real question is, how do you avoid both superfluous callback invocations and the error you're seeing?


You can't use try...catch around the callback because it's asynchronous; you'd have to catch it from jQuery's end, and jQuery generally doesn't handle exceptions thrown from callbacks. (I discuss this in my book, Async JavaScript.) What you want to do instead is use a unique identifier for each Ajax call and, when the success callback is invoked, check whether that identifier is the same as it was when you made the call. Here's an easy implementation:


var requestCount = 0;
$.ajax(url, {
  dataType: 'jsonp',
  requestCount: ++requestCount,
  success: function(response, code) {
    if (requestCount !== this.requestCount) return;
    // if we're still here, this is the latest request...

Here I'm taking advantage of the fact that anything you pass to $.ajax is attached to the object that's used as this in the callback.


It'd be nice if jQuery made abort() do this for us, of course.




jsonpString overrides the callback function name in a jsonp request. This value will be used instead of 'callback' in the 'callback=?' part of the query string in the URL.


So {jsonp:'onJSONPLoad'} would result in 'onJSONPLoad=?' passed to the server. As of jQuery 1.5, setting the jsonp option to false prevents jQuery from adding the ?callback string to the URL or attempting to use =? for transformation. In this case, you should also explicitly set the jsonpCallback setting. For example, { jsonp: false, jsonpCallback: "callbackName" }

所以{jsonp:'onJSONPLoad'}会导致'onJSONPLoad=?传递到服务器。对于jQuery 1.5,将jsonp选项设置为false可以防止jQuery向URL添加?回调字符串或尝试使用=?为转换。在本例中,还应该显式地设置jsonpCallback设置。例如,{jsonp: false, jsonpCallback:“callbackName”}



jQuery adds ?callback=jQuery17109492628197185695_1339420031913 and later sets the request data as parameter to this callback, so you will have:


  "status": 200,
  "data": {your json}

To avoid setting additional parameters to request a URL and calling callback, add this parameter to ajax method: jsonp:false, so it will be look like:





Do not abort the request


Just store somewhere the XHR object


theXHR = $.ajax(....

If the user cancel the request null the saved object


// user canceled
theXHR = null;

Finally when you receive the response (success callback) the callback will compare the XHR object of the response with the saved object.


function successCallback(data, textStatus, XHR )
    if( theXHR !== XHR )
        // user canceled; discard the response

    // process the response

No jQuery errors.


As a general advice don't rely upon abort(), even for regular ajax requests.


  1. In any case you won't save resource on the server bacause the request you sent will be processed and there is no way to stop it. And a response will come back.


  2. Some (older) browsers handle abort() not properly.


Just "cache" the XHR object and handle the CANCEL scenario yourself.




Trevor Burnham's answer is pretty good, but instead of tracking a request count, you should just compare the request to the XHR parameter, like so;

Trevor Burnham的回答很好,但与其跟踪请求计数,不如将请求与XHR参数进行比较,就像这样;

doRequest: function() {

    this._request = $.getJSON(url + params + '&callback=?', function(response, status, xhr) {
        if (this._request !== xhr) return; // aborted

        // success

_freeRequest: function() {
    if (this._request) {
        delete this._request;

Calling doRequest again or _freeRequest once before the previous request has completed, will result in the "abortion" of said request by causing the if (this._request !== xhr) line to become true, since this._request will either be deleted or another request altogether.

在之前的请求完成之前,再次调用doRequest或_freeRequest一次,将导致if (this)导致上述请求的“流产”。_request != xhr)行变为true,因为这。_request要么被删除,要么被全部删除。



In jQuery 1.5 all the Ajax APIs have a wrapper object around the native XHR objects. Take a look at:

在jQuery 1.5中,所有Ajax api都有一个围绕本机XHR对象的包装器对象。看一看:


http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.ajax/ jqXHR

 jqxhr.abort(); // should be what you're looking for



The basic answer is simply the one given here: You can't really abort() a JSONP call. So the real question is, how do you avoid both superfluous callback invocations and the error you're seeing?


You can't use try...catch around the callback because it's asynchronous; you'd have to catch it from jQuery's end, and jQuery generally doesn't handle exceptions thrown from callbacks. (I discuss this in my book, Async JavaScript.) What you want to do instead is use a unique identifier for each Ajax call and, when the success callback is invoked, check whether that identifier is the same as it was when you made the call. Here's an easy implementation:


var requestCount = 0;
$.ajax(url, {
  dataType: 'jsonp',
  requestCount: ++requestCount,
  success: function(response, code) {
    if (requestCount !== this.requestCount) return;
    // if we're still here, this is the latest request...

Here I'm taking advantage of the fact that anything you pass to $.ajax is attached to the object that's used as this in the callback.


It'd be nice if jQuery made abort() do this for us, of course.




jsonpString overrides the callback function name in a jsonp request. This value will be used instead of 'callback' in the 'callback=?' part of the query string in the URL.


So {jsonp:'onJSONPLoad'} would result in 'onJSONPLoad=?' passed to the server. As of jQuery 1.5, setting the jsonp option to false prevents jQuery from adding the ?callback string to the URL or attempting to use =? for transformation. In this case, you should also explicitly set the jsonpCallback setting. For example, { jsonp: false, jsonpCallback: "callbackName" }

所以{jsonp:'onJSONPLoad'}会导致'onJSONPLoad=?传递到服务器。对于jQuery 1.5,将jsonp选项设置为false可以防止jQuery向URL添加?回调字符串或尝试使用=?为转换。在本例中,还应该显式地设置jsonpCallback设置。例如,{jsonp: false, jsonpCallback:“callbackName”}



jQuery adds ?callback=jQuery17109492628197185695_1339420031913 and later sets the request data as parameter to this callback, so you will have:


  "status": 200,
  "data": {your json}

To avoid setting additional parameters to request a URL and calling callback, add this parameter to ajax method: jsonp:false, so it will be look like:





Do not abort the request


Just store somewhere the XHR object


theXHR = $.ajax(....

If the user cancel the request null the saved object


// user canceled
theXHR = null;

Finally when you receive the response (success callback) the callback will compare the XHR object of the response with the saved object.


function successCallback(data, textStatus, XHR )
    if( theXHR !== XHR )
        // user canceled; discard the response

    // process the response

No jQuery errors.


As a general advice don't rely upon abort(), even for regular ajax requests.


  1. In any case you won't save resource on the server bacause the request you sent will be processed and there is no way to stop it. And a response will come back.


  2. Some (older) browsers handle abort() not properly.


Just "cache" the XHR object and handle the CANCEL scenario yourself.




Trevor Burnham's answer is pretty good, but instead of tracking a request count, you should just compare the request to the XHR parameter, like so;

Trevor Burnham的回答很好,但与其跟踪请求计数,不如将请求与XHR参数进行比较,就像这样;

doRequest: function() {

    this._request = $.getJSON(url + params + '&callback=?', function(response, status, xhr) {
        if (this._request !== xhr) return; // aborted

        // success

_freeRequest: function() {
    if (this._request) {
        delete this._request;

Calling doRequest again or _freeRequest once before the previous request has completed, will result in the "abortion" of said request by causing the if (this._request !== xhr) line to become true, since this._request will either be deleted or another request altogether.

在之前的请求完成之前,再次调用doRequest或_freeRequest一次,将导致if (this)导致上述请求的“流产”。_request != xhr)行变为true,因为这。_request要么被删除,要么被全部删除。