
时间:2022-12-05 22:22:08

I have a UITabBarController in my application. In the first view of this controller I have a UINavigatioController and user can navigate to multiple views through this NavigationController. In the rootview of this controller I have my frontview or main view of the application which have an info icon, which flips the screen to info page which is an another view in my appDelegate. So I use the following code from my appdelegate to switch to info page.


UIView * controllersView = [aboutUsViewController view];
[UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:1];
[UIView setAnimationCurve:UIViewAnimationCurveEaseInOut];
[UIView setAnimationTransition:UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromRight forView:window cache:YES];
[self.window addSubview:controllersView];
//[aboutUsViewController animateView];
[self.tabBarController.view removeFromSuperview];
[UIView commitAnimations];

My problem is when I flip, I see a very small white bar at the top. This white bar is seen only while fliping from main view that is first screen to info page and not viceversa.


I am confused how to remove this bar since I have a UIImage covering my whole page on the mainview.


How to solve this.


7 个解决方案



If the bar is only visible during a transition, then change the color of your main window to be the same as the view you are transitioning. Or you can make it totally translucent, which may do the same.




I had the same problem. I think this is a bug in the 3.1 OS. File a bug with Apple. My current workaround was to use the standard slide up modal transition. Not the best solution, but at least it doesn't look weird.




Have you tried setting wantsFullScreenLayout on your view controller?




I'm not sure if you are displaying the status bar or not, but you may want to check if your UIImage size completely goes to the top of your view - especially if you've added it in IB. Also, try setting the cache setting in your transition to NO to see if that makes a difference. It uses more resources, but I've had to do that to stop text fields from blanking out during a transition.

我不确定您是否正在显示状态栏,但您可能想要检查您的UIImage大小是否完全位于您的视图顶部 - 特别是如果您已将其添加到IB中。此外,尝试将转换中的缓存设置设置为NO,以查看是否会产生影响。它使用了更多的资源,但我必须这样做才能阻止文本字段在转换期间消隐。



You probably shouldn't be doing all those animations yourself. I'm not exactly sure what your goal is, but it might be easier to use something called "pushModalViewController" and have a controller for your info page, along with a view. This may fix the problem, because it may just be something to do with animations.


Then, when you exit your info page, control returns to your navigation controller (which is what I think you want). I hope this helps.




I had the same puzzle/riddle/problem: after switching back from a modal view the underlying view had a light blue status bar, which showed for half a second:



However, because I did take this screenshot, I realized it's not the status bar, but some distant remainder of the navigation bar. I switched navigation bar off in the app delegate, but here it still, and only during the transition (after the UIModalTransitionStyleFlipHorizontal transition there was no blue bar)

但是,因为我确实采用了这个截图,我意识到它不是状态栏,而是导航栏的一些遥远的剩余部分。我在app delegate中关闭了导航栏,但在这里它仍然是,并且仅在转换期间(在UIModalTransitionStyleFlipHorizo​​ntal过渡之后没有蓝色条)

Therefore what I did was giving it a translucent color:


self.title = @"";
self.navigationController.navigationBar.tintColor = [UIColor clearColor];

Might not be the world's finest solution, but it's not a bug with Apple.




If you are working on ionic2 then here is the code-

如果您正在使用ionic2,那么这里是代码 -

let config = {statusbarPadding: false};
ionicBootstrap(MyApp, null, config);

This worked for me! Here it is in more details-
ionic2 how to remove white space from status bar from top in iphone

这对我有用!这里有更详细的介绍 - ionic2如何从iphone的顶部状态栏中删除空白区域



If the bar is only visible during a transition, then change the color of your main window to be the same as the view you are transitioning. Or you can make it totally translucent, which may do the same.




I had the same problem. I think this is a bug in the 3.1 OS. File a bug with Apple. My current workaround was to use the standard slide up modal transition. Not the best solution, but at least it doesn't look weird.




Have you tried setting wantsFullScreenLayout on your view controller?




I'm not sure if you are displaying the status bar or not, but you may want to check if your UIImage size completely goes to the top of your view - especially if you've added it in IB. Also, try setting the cache setting in your transition to NO to see if that makes a difference. It uses more resources, but I've had to do that to stop text fields from blanking out during a transition.

我不确定您是否正在显示状态栏,但您可能想要检查您的UIImage大小是否完全位于您的视图顶部 - 特别是如果您已将其添加到IB中。此外,尝试将转换中的缓存设置设置为NO,以查看是否会产生影响。它使用了更多的资源,但我必须这样做才能阻止文本字段在转换期间消隐。



You probably shouldn't be doing all those animations yourself. I'm not exactly sure what your goal is, but it might be easier to use something called "pushModalViewController" and have a controller for your info page, along with a view. This may fix the problem, because it may just be something to do with animations.


Then, when you exit your info page, control returns to your navigation controller (which is what I think you want). I hope this helps.




I had the same puzzle/riddle/problem: after switching back from a modal view the underlying view had a light blue status bar, which showed for half a second:



However, because I did take this screenshot, I realized it's not the status bar, but some distant remainder of the navigation bar. I switched navigation bar off in the app delegate, but here it still, and only during the transition (after the UIModalTransitionStyleFlipHorizontal transition there was no blue bar)

但是,因为我确实采用了这个截图,我意识到它不是状态栏,而是导航栏的一些遥远的剩余部分。我在app delegate中关闭了导航栏,但在这里它仍然是,并且仅在转换期间(在UIModalTransitionStyleFlipHorizo​​ntal过渡之后没有蓝色条)

Therefore what I did was giving it a translucent color:


self.title = @"";
self.navigationController.navigationBar.tintColor = [UIColor clearColor];

Might not be the world's finest solution, but it's not a bug with Apple.




If you are working on ionic2 then here is the code-

如果您正在使用ionic2,那么这里是代码 -

let config = {statusbarPadding: false};
ionicBootstrap(MyApp, null, config);

This worked for me! Here it is in more details-
ionic2 how to remove white space from status bar from top in iphone

这对我有用!这里有更详细的介绍 - ionic2如何从iphone的顶部状态栏中删除空白区域