
时间:2022-12-05 16:01:55

My searching skills seems to have failed me. I have this php object that I unserialize from a mysql entry, and I want to pass it as an argument to a javascript function, so it could compare the object with the values in a form. From what I gathered from my search, encoding the object as a json object would have done the trick, but when I'm doing a json_encode on the variable, it only result in {}.


Here is the relevant snippet of code:


$data = new Data();
$data = unserialize(base64_decode($rawdata));//Where $rawdata is the data retrieved from the mysql query.
/* using function such as $data->getName() to retrieve the relevant data */

<form id="myform" action="#" method="post" onsubmit="compareEntry(<?=json_encode($data)?>)">

<!-- Different input and select field initialized with the php data -->

<input type="submit" onclick="compareEntry(<?=json_encode($data)?>)"/>

I know that the php data is correctly retrieved from the database, as the values in the form are all correctly initialized. Only with the last html comment did I knew that I had an empty json object.


Here is an example of what print_r($data) returns (sensitive information edited):

以下是print_r($ data)返回的示例(已编辑的敏感信息):

    [m_path:private] => 
    [m_version:private] => REL_54
    [m_bugs:private] => Array
    [m_targets:private] => Array
    [m_symptoms:private] => Array
    [m_exception:private] => Array
    [m_instruction:private] => Array
    [m_sources:private] => Array
    [m_risks:private] => Array
    [m_test:private] => Array
    [m_contact:private] => Array

Do I do something wrong? Is encoding to JSON the right approach in my scenario?


2 个解决方案



Your object contains private properties only that won't be output by json_encode.


Also, there seems to be some sort of recursion going on, probably meaning that a member of each array is referencing the object itself (or something like that).


You will need to make some of the properties public, and probably also fix the recursion issues.




JSON is the correct way to do it. And basically json_encode/json_decode works well in that case. If it returns an empty object maybe there is a problem with the data you are trying to encode. the function expects the data to be in UTF-8, while PHP itself is still ISO-8859-1. So if you have e.g. special characters in some fields it may help if you convert these first with utf8_encode.

JSON是正确的方法。基本上json_encode / json_decode在这种情况下效果很好。如果它返回一个空对象,则可能是您要编码的数据存在问题。该函数期望数据为UTF-8,而PHP本身仍为ISO-8859-1。所以如果你有例如某些字段中的特殊字符,如果您首先使用utf8_encode转换它们可能会有所帮助。



Your object contains private properties only that won't be output by json_encode.


Also, there seems to be some sort of recursion going on, probably meaning that a member of each array is referencing the object itself (or something like that).


You will need to make some of the properties public, and probably also fix the recursion issues.




JSON is the correct way to do it. And basically json_encode/json_decode works well in that case. If it returns an empty object maybe there is a problem with the data you are trying to encode. the function expects the data to be in UTF-8, while PHP itself is still ISO-8859-1. So if you have e.g. special characters in some fields it may help if you convert these first with utf8_encode.

JSON是正确的方法。基本上json_encode / json_decode在这种情况下效果很好。如果它返回一个空对象,则可能是您要编码的数据存在问题。该函数期望数据为UTF-8,而PHP本身仍为ISO-8859-1。所以如果你有例如某些字段中的特殊字符,如果您首先使用utf8_encode转换它们可能会有所帮助。