在asp.net mvc 4中的视图中设置页面标题,元信息

时间:2022-12-04 22:57:29

I am very new to MVC and I am updating a web form application to mvc. I have a shared layout (masterpage in webforms), I would like to set the meta and title information per view but I see no options for this. thanks for any help.


4 个解决方案



Typically, in your layout, you'll have something like this:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
     <!-- the rest omitted for brevity -->

The important part is @ViewBag.Title. This bit of razor syntax encodes and writes the value of ViewBag.Title. ViewBag is a property on all razor views to a dynamic type that uses the ViewData dictionary as its backing store. ViewData is just a dictionary where you can store random stuff that you want to use in your view.

重要的部分是@ ViewBag.Title。这一部分剃刀语法编码并写入ViewBag.Title的值。 ViewBag是动态类型的所有剃刀视图上的属性,它使用ViewData字典作为其后备存储。 ViewData只是一个字典,您可以在其中存储要在视图中使用的随机内容。

In your controller, layout, or view, you can get or set ViewBag.Title. Here's an example of how to set it in a view that uses your layout (called _Layout.cshtml in this example):


   ViewBag.Title = "My View's Title";
   Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";

You can access the model metadata from ViewData.ModelMetadata. In this example, I enumerate the properties of the model and display the names:


@foreach (var property in ViewData.ModelMetadata.Properties)



In your method of controller.


ViewData["Title"] = "this is page one title";

ViewData [“Title”] =“这是第一页标题”;

in you view, have this. @ViewData["Title"])

在你看来,有这个。 @ViewData [ “标题”])

if title is html, it should be @html.raw(ViewData["TopMessage"])

如果title是html,那应该是@html.raw(ViewData [“TopMessage”])

Razor engine is better for mvc, so I recommend you try razor when you create a new project. hope it help you.




I like to set page titles dynamically using the action and controller names. You can use a library like Humanizer to convert "SomeActionName" into "Some action name":

我喜欢使用动作和控制器名称动态设置页面标题。您可以使用像Humanizer这样的库将“SomeActionName”转换为“Some action name”:

public static class HtmlHelperExtensions
    public static MvcHtmlString GetPageTitle(this HtmlHelper helper)
        var actionName = helper.GetRouteDataValue("action");
        var controllerName = helper.GetRouteDataValue("controller");

        return new MvcHtmlString(controllerName.Humanize() + " - " + actionName.Humanize());

    private static string GetRouteDataValue(this HtmlHelper helper, string value)
        return helper.ViewContext.RouteData.Values[value].ToString();

and then in your _Layout:





You need to set Viewbag.Title These articles look relevant and will give you some pointers:




Typically, in your layout, you'll have something like this:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
     <!-- the rest omitted for brevity -->

The important part is @ViewBag.Title. This bit of razor syntax encodes and writes the value of ViewBag.Title. ViewBag is a property on all razor views to a dynamic type that uses the ViewData dictionary as its backing store. ViewData is just a dictionary where you can store random stuff that you want to use in your view.

重要的部分是@ ViewBag.Title。这一部分剃刀语法编码并写入ViewBag.Title的值。 ViewBag是动态类型的所有剃刀视图上的属性,它使用ViewData字典作为其后备存储。 ViewData只是一个字典,您可以在其中存储要在视图中使用的随机内容。

In your controller, layout, or view, you can get or set ViewBag.Title. Here's an example of how to set it in a view that uses your layout (called _Layout.cshtml in this example):


   ViewBag.Title = "My View's Title";
   Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";

You can access the model metadata from ViewData.ModelMetadata. In this example, I enumerate the properties of the model and display the names:


@foreach (var property in ViewData.ModelMetadata.Properties)



In your method of controller.


ViewData["Title"] = "this is page one title";

ViewData [“Title”] =“这是第一页标题”;

in you view, have this. @ViewData["Title"])

在你看来,有这个。 @ViewData [ “标题”])

if title is html, it should be @html.raw(ViewData["TopMessage"])

如果title是html,那应该是@html.raw(ViewData [“TopMessage”])

Razor engine is better for mvc, so I recommend you try razor when you create a new project. hope it help you.




I like to set page titles dynamically using the action and controller names. You can use a library like Humanizer to convert "SomeActionName" into "Some action name":

我喜欢使用动作和控制器名称动态设置页面标题。您可以使用像Humanizer这样的库将“SomeActionName”转换为“Some action name”:

public static class HtmlHelperExtensions
    public static MvcHtmlString GetPageTitle(this HtmlHelper helper)
        var actionName = helper.GetRouteDataValue("action");
        var controllerName = helper.GetRouteDataValue("controller");

        return new MvcHtmlString(controllerName.Humanize() + " - " + actionName.Humanize());

    private static string GetRouteDataValue(this HtmlHelper helper, string value)
        return helper.ViewContext.RouteData.Values[value].ToString();

and then in your _Layout:





You need to set Viewbag.Title These articles look relevant and will give you some pointers:
