如何使用Swift在这个Alamofire函数中返回true / false?

时间:2022-12-04 20:14:48
func checkIfFriend()->Bool{

    request(.POST, "", parameters:["":""]).responseJSON{_,_,jsonData in

       if something{ 
return true}
return false

It appears that "return true/false" has to be in the same level than function is and not inside another function (in this case the Alamofire one).

似乎“返回true / false”必须与函数处于同一级别,而不是在另一个函数内(在本例中为Alamofire)。

In that case, how can I return bool in checkIfFriend function depending on what the request return?


1 个解决方案



Your checkIfFriend() function does not run on the same thread as your Alamofire request (Which runs asynchronously). You should use a callback function/ completion handler as shown below:


func checkIfFriend(completion : (Bool, Any?, Error?) -> Void) {

request(.POST, "", parameters:["":""]).responseJSON{_,_,jsonData in

   if something{ 

    completion(true, contentFromResponse, nil)
    //return true


    completion(false, contentFromResponse, nil)
   // return false


//Then you can call your checkIfFriend Function like shown below and make use 
// of the "returned" bool values from the completion Handler

override func viewDidLoad() {

    var areWeFriends: Bool = Bool()

    var responseContent: Any = Any()
        checkIfFriend(completion: { (success, content, error) in
            areWeFriends = success // are We Friends will equal true or false depending on your response from alamofire. 
                                   //You can also use the content of the response any errors if you wish.





Your checkIfFriend() function does not run on the same thread as your Alamofire request (Which runs asynchronously). You should use a callback function/ completion handler as shown below:


func checkIfFriend(completion : (Bool, Any?, Error?) -> Void) {

request(.POST, "", parameters:["":""]).responseJSON{_,_,jsonData in

   if something{ 

    completion(true, contentFromResponse, nil)
    //return true


    completion(false, contentFromResponse, nil)
   // return false


//Then you can call your checkIfFriend Function like shown below and make use 
// of the "returned" bool values from the completion Handler

override func viewDidLoad() {

    var areWeFriends: Bool = Bool()

    var responseContent: Any = Any()
        checkIfFriend(completion: { (success, content, error) in
            areWeFriends = success // are We Friends will equal true or false depending on your response from alamofire. 
                                   //You can also use the content of the response any errors if you wish.

