
时间:2022-12-04 20:00:29

is anybody aware of a list of exactly what triggers ASP.NET's HttpRequestValidationException? [This is behind the common error: "A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected," etc.]

有没有人知道是什么触发了ASP ?净的HttpRequestValidationException吗?这是常见错误背后的原因:“一个潜在危险的请求。”检测到表单值,“等。”

I've checked here, around the Web, and MSDN Library but can't find this documented. I'm aware of some ways to generate the error, but would like to have a complete list so I can guard against and selectively circumvent it (I know how to disable request validation for a page, but this isn't an option in this case).


Is it a case of "security through obscurity"?




[Note: Scripts won't load for me in IE8 (as described frequently in the Meta forum) so I won't be able to "Add comment."]


EDIT 1: Hi Oded, are you aware of a list that documents the conditions used to determine a "potentially malicious input string"? That's what I'm looking for.


EDIT 2: @Chris Pebble: Yeah, what you said. :)

编辑2:@Chris Pebble:对,你说的没错。:)

5 个解决方案



I couldn't find a document outlining a conclusive list, but looking through Reflector and doing some analysis on use of HttpRequestValidationException, it looks like validation errors on the following can cause the request validation to fail:


  • A filename in one of the files POSTed to an upload.
  • 上传文件中的文件名。
  • The incoming request raw URL.
  • 传入请求原始URL。
  • The value portion of the name/value pair from any of the incoming cookies.
  • 来自任何传入cookie的名称/值对的值部分。
  • The value portion of the name/value pair from any of the fields coming in through GET/POST.
  • 来自通过GET/POST的任何字段的名称/值对的值部分。

The question, then, is "what qualifies one of these things as a dangerous input?" That seems to happen during an internal method System.Web.CrossSiteScriptingValidation.IsDangerousString(string, out int) which looks like it decides this way:

那么,问题是“是什么使这些东西成为危险的输入?”这似乎发生在内部方法System.Web.CrossSiteScriptingValidation中。IsDangerousString(string, out int)看起来是这样决定的:

  1. Look for < or & in the value. If it's not there, or if it's the last character in the value, then the value is OK.
  2. 查找值中的< or &。如果它不在那里,或者如果它是值中的最后一个字符,那么这个值是OK的。
  3. If the & character is in a &# sequence (e.g., &#160; for a non-breaking space), it's a "dangerous string."
  4. 如果&字符在&#序列中(例如, 对于一个不间断的空间),它是一个“危险的弦”。
  5. If the < character is part of <x (where "x" is any alphabetic character a-z), <!, </, or <?, it's a "dangerous string."
  6. 如果 <字符是 的一部分(其中“x”是任何字母字符a-z),则
  7. Failing all of that, the value is OK.
  8. 如果所有这些都失败,这个值是OK的。

The System.Web.CrossSiteScriptingValidation type seems to have other methods in it for determining if things are dangerous URLs or valid JavaScript IDs, but those don't appear, at least through Reflector analysis, to result in throwing HttpRequestValidationExceptions.

包含。CrossSiteScriptingValidation类型似乎有其他的方法来确定哪些是危险的url或有效的JavaScript id,但是这些方法不会出现,至少是通过反射器分析,从而导致抛出httprequestvalidationexception。




Warning: Some parts of the code in the original answer (below) were removed and marked as OBSOLETE.


Latest source code in Microsoft site (has syntax highlighting):包含/ CrossSiteScriptingValidation.cs

After checking the newest code you will probably agree that what Travis Illig explained are the only validations used now in 2018 (and seems to have no changes since 2014 when the source was released in GitHub). But the old code below may still be relevant if you use an older version of the framework.

在检查了最新的代码之后,您可能会同意Travis Illig所解释的是目前在2018年使用的唯一验证(自从2014年在GitHub发布源代码以来,似乎没有任何变化)。但是如果您使用旧版本的框架,下面的旧代码可能仍然是相关的。

Original Answer:

Using Reflector, I did some browsing. Here's the raw code. When I have time I will translate this into some meaningful rules:


The HttpRequestValidationException is thrown by only a single method in the System.Web namespace, so it's rather isolated. Here is the method:


private void ValidateString(string s, string valueName, string collectionName)
    int matchIndex = 0;
    if (CrossSiteScriptingValidation.IsDangerousString(s, out matchIndex))
        string str = valueName + "=\"";
        int startIndex = matchIndex - 10;
        if (startIndex <= 0)
            startIndex = 0;
            str = str + "...";
        int length = matchIndex + 20;
        if (length >= s.Length)
            length = s.Length;
            str = str + s.Substring(startIndex, length - startIndex) + "\"";
            str = str + s.Substring(startIndex, length - startIndex) + "...\"";
        throw new HttpRequestValidationException(HttpRuntime.FormatResourceString("Dangerous_input_detected", collectionName, str));

That method above makes a call to the IsDangerousString method in the CrossSiteScriptingValidation class, which validates the string against a series of rules. It looks like the following:


internal static bool IsDangerousString(string s, out int matchIndex)
    matchIndex = 0;
    int startIndex = 0;
    while (true)
        int index = s.IndexOfAny(startingChars, startIndex);
        if (index < 0)
            return false;
        if (index == (s.Length - 1))
            return false;
        matchIndex = index;
        switch (s[index])
            case 'E':
            case 'e':
                if (IsDangerousExpressionString(s, index))
                    return true;

            case 'O':
            case 'o':
                if (!IsDangerousOnString(s, index))
                return true;

            case '&':
                if (s[index + 1] != '#')
                return true;

            case '<':
                if (!IsAtoZ(s[index + 1]) && (s[index + 1] != '!'))
                return true;

            case 'S':
            case 's':
                if (!IsDangerousScriptString(s, index))
                return true;
        startIndex = index + 1;

That IsDangerousString method appears to be referencing a series of validation rules, which are outlined below:


private static bool IsDangerousExpressionString(string s, int index)
    if ((index + 10) >= s.Length)
        return false;
    if ((s[index + 1] != 'x') && (s[index + 1] != 'X'))
        return false;
    return (string.Compare(s, index + 2, "pression(", 0, 9, true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0);


- - - - - -

private static bool IsDangerousOnString(string s, int index)
    if ((s[index + 1] != 'n') && (s[index + 1] != 'N'))
        return false;
    if ((index > 0) && IsAtoZ(s[index - 1]))
        return false;
    int length = s.Length;
    index += 2;
    while ((index < length) && IsAtoZ(s[index]))
    while ((index < length) && char.IsWhiteSpace(s[index]))
    return ((index < length) && (s[index] == '='));


- - - - - -

private static bool IsAtoZ(char c)
    return (((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'z')) || ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'Z')));


- - - - - -

private static bool IsDangerousScriptString(string s, int index)
    int length = s.Length;
    if ((index + 6) >= length)
        return false;
    if ((((s[index + 1] != 'c') && (s[index + 1] != 'C')) || ((s[index + 2] != 'r') && (s[index + 2] != 'R'))) || ((((s[index + 3] != 'i') && (s[index + 3] != 'I')) || ((s[index + 4] != 'p') && (s[index + 4] != 'P'))) || ((s[index + 5] != 't') && (s[index + 5] != 'T'))))
        return false;
    index += 6;
    while ((index < length) && char.IsWhiteSpace(s[index]))
    return ((index < length) && (s[index] == ':'));

So there you have it. It's not pretty to decipher, but it's all there.




How about this script? Your code can not detect this script, right?





Try this regular expresson pattern.


You may need to ecape the \ for javascript ex \\

您可能需要ecape \ ex \\ \程序

var regExpPattern = '[eE][xX][pP][rR][eE][sS][sS][iI][oO][nN]\\(|\\b[oO][nN][a-zA-Z]*\\b\\s*=|&#|<[!/a-zA-Z]|[sS][cC][rR][iI][pP][tT]\\s*:';
var re = new RegExp("","gi");
var outString = null;
outString = re.exec(text);



From MSDN:


'The exception that is thrown when a potentially malicious input string is received from the client as part of the request data. '


Many times this happens when JavaScript changes the values of a server side control in a way that causes the ViewState to not agree with the posted data.




I couldn't find a document outlining a conclusive list, but looking through Reflector and doing some analysis on use of HttpRequestValidationException, it looks like validation errors on the following can cause the request validation to fail:


  • A filename in one of the files POSTed to an upload.
  • 上传文件中的文件名。
  • The incoming request raw URL.
  • 传入请求原始URL。
  • The value portion of the name/value pair from any of the incoming cookies.
  • 来自任何传入cookie的名称/值对的值部分。
  • The value portion of the name/value pair from any of the fields coming in through GET/POST.
  • 来自通过GET/POST的任何字段的名称/值对的值部分。

The question, then, is "what qualifies one of these things as a dangerous input?" That seems to happen during an internal method System.Web.CrossSiteScriptingValidation.IsDangerousString(string, out int) which looks like it decides this way:

那么,问题是“是什么使这些东西成为危险的输入?”这似乎发生在内部方法System.Web.CrossSiteScriptingValidation中。IsDangerousString(string, out int)看起来是这样决定的:

  1. Look for < or & in the value. If it's not there, or if it's the last character in the value, then the value is OK.
  2. 查找值中的< or &。如果它不在那里,或者如果它是值中的最后一个字符,那么这个值是OK的。
  3. If the & character is in a &# sequence (e.g., &#160; for a non-breaking space), it's a "dangerous string."
  4. 如果&字符在&#序列中(例如, 对于一个不间断的空间),它是一个“危险的弦”。
  5. If the < character is part of <x (where "x" is any alphabetic character a-z), <!, </, or <?, it's a "dangerous string."
  6. 如果 <字符是 的一部分(其中“x”是任何字母字符a-z),则
  7. Failing all of that, the value is OK.
  8. 如果所有这些都失败,这个值是OK的。

The System.Web.CrossSiteScriptingValidation type seems to have other methods in it for determining if things are dangerous URLs or valid JavaScript IDs, but those don't appear, at least through Reflector analysis, to result in throwing HttpRequestValidationExceptions.

包含。CrossSiteScriptingValidation类型似乎有其他的方法来确定哪些是危险的url或有效的JavaScript id,但是这些方法不会出现,至少是通过反射器分析,从而导致抛出httprequestvalidationexception。




Warning: Some parts of the code in the original answer (below) were removed and marked as OBSOLETE.


Latest source code in Microsoft site (has syntax highlighting):包含/ CrossSiteScriptingValidation.cs

After checking the newest code you will probably agree that what Travis Illig explained are the only validations used now in 2018 (and seems to have no changes since 2014 when the source was released in GitHub). But the old code below may still be relevant if you use an older version of the framework.

在检查了最新的代码之后,您可能会同意Travis Illig所解释的是目前在2018年使用的唯一验证(自从2014年在GitHub发布源代码以来,似乎没有任何变化)。但是如果您使用旧版本的框架,下面的旧代码可能仍然是相关的。

Original Answer:

Using Reflector, I did some browsing. Here's the raw code. When I have time I will translate this into some meaningful rules:


The HttpRequestValidationException is thrown by only a single method in the System.Web namespace, so it's rather isolated. Here is the method:


private void ValidateString(string s, string valueName, string collectionName)
    int matchIndex = 0;
    if (CrossSiteScriptingValidation.IsDangerousString(s, out matchIndex))
        string str = valueName + "=\"";
        int startIndex = matchIndex - 10;
        if (startIndex <= 0)
            startIndex = 0;
            str = str + "...";
        int length = matchIndex + 20;
        if (length >= s.Length)
            length = s.Length;
            str = str + s.Substring(startIndex, length - startIndex) + "\"";
            str = str + s.Substring(startIndex, length - startIndex) + "...\"";
        throw new HttpRequestValidationException(HttpRuntime.FormatResourceString("Dangerous_input_detected", collectionName, str));

That method above makes a call to the IsDangerousString method in the CrossSiteScriptingValidation class, which validates the string against a series of rules. It looks like the following:


internal static bool IsDangerousString(string s, out int matchIndex)
    matchIndex = 0;
    int startIndex = 0;
    while (true)
        int index = s.IndexOfAny(startingChars, startIndex);
        if (index < 0)
            return false;
        if (index == (s.Length - 1))
            return false;
        matchIndex = index;
        switch (s[index])
            case 'E':
            case 'e':
                if (IsDangerousExpressionString(s, index))
                    return true;

            case 'O':
            case 'o':
                if (!IsDangerousOnString(s, index))
                return true;

            case '&':
                if (s[index + 1] != '#')
                return true;

            case '<':
                if (!IsAtoZ(s[index + 1]) && (s[index + 1] != '!'))
                return true;

            case 'S':
            case 's':
                if (!IsDangerousScriptString(s, index))
                return true;
        startIndex = index + 1;

That IsDangerousString method appears to be referencing a series of validation rules, which are outlined below:


private static bool IsDangerousExpressionString(string s, int index)
    if ((index + 10) >= s.Length)
        return false;
    if ((s[index + 1] != 'x') && (s[index + 1] != 'X'))
        return false;
    return (string.Compare(s, index + 2, "pression(", 0, 9, true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0);


- - - - - -

private static bool IsDangerousOnString(string s, int index)
    if ((s[index + 1] != 'n') && (s[index + 1] != 'N'))
        return false;
    if ((index > 0) && IsAtoZ(s[index - 1]))
        return false;
    int length = s.Length;
    index += 2;
    while ((index < length) && IsAtoZ(s[index]))
    while ((index < length) && char.IsWhiteSpace(s[index]))
    return ((index < length) && (s[index] == '='));


- - - - - -

private static bool IsAtoZ(char c)
    return (((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'z')) || ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'Z')));


- - - - - -

private static bool IsDangerousScriptString(string s, int index)
    int length = s.Length;
    if ((index + 6) >= length)
        return false;
    if ((((s[index + 1] != 'c') && (s[index + 1] != 'C')) || ((s[index + 2] != 'r') && (s[index + 2] != 'R'))) || ((((s[index + 3] != 'i') && (s[index + 3] != 'I')) || ((s[index + 4] != 'p') && (s[index + 4] != 'P'))) || ((s[index + 5] != 't') && (s[index + 5] != 'T'))))
        return false;
    index += 6;
    while ((index < length) && char.IsWhiteSpace(s[index]))
    return ((index < length) && (s[index] == ':'));

So there you have it. It's not pretty to decipher, but it's all there.




How about this script? Your code can not detect this script, right?





Try this regular expresson pattern.


You may need to ecape the \ for javascript ex \\

您可能需要ecape \ ex \\ \程序

var regExpPattern = '[eE][xX][pP][rR][eE][sS][sS][iI][oO][nN]\\(|\\b[oO][nN][a-zA-Z]*\\b\\s*=|&#|<[!/a-zA-Z]|[sS][cC][rR][iI][pP][tT]\\s*:';
var re = new RegExp("","gi");
var outString = null;
outString = re.exec(text);



From MSDN:


'The exception that is thrown when a potentially malicious input string is received from the client as part of the request data. '


Many times this happens when JavaScript changes the values of a server side control in a way that causes the ViewState to not agree with the posted data.
