如何使用Linq to XML检索数据?

时间:2021-11-27 20:38:32

I need to find ShippingMethod and the attribute Code and Destination from the following piece of XML:

我需要从以下XML片段中找到ShippingMethod和属性Code and Destination:

    <ShippingMethod Code="UPS1DA">
        <Destination Country="US" Area="IL" Value="0" />

How do I retrieve that data with Linq to XML?

如何使用Linq to XML检索该数据?

2 个解决方案



Here is the link to XML query expression to select it.


I didn't know how you were loading your initial data, so I just parsed it in to a document, but you should create your XDocument according to how you are getting your data.


var data = XDocument.Parse("<ScoreRule><ShippingMethod Code=\"UPS1DA\"><Destination Country=\"US\" Area=\"IL\" Value=\"0\" /></ShippingMethod></ScoreRule>");

            var results = from item in data.Descendants("ShippingMethod")
                          select new
                                  ShippingMethodCode = item.Attribute("Code").Value,
                                  Country = item.Element("Destination").Attribute("Country").Value,
                                  Area = item.Element("Destination").Attribute("Area").Value



Is this what you want?


XElement scoreRuleElement = XElement.Parse("<ScoreRule><ShippingMethod Code=\"UPS1DA\"><Destination Country=\"US\" Area=\"IL\" Value=\"0\" /></ShippingMethod></ScoreRule>");

XElement shippingMethodElement = scoreRuleElement.Element("ShippingMethod");
string code = shippingMethodElement.Attribute("Code").Value;
XElement destinationElement = shippingMethodElement.Element("Destination");



Here is the link to XML query expression to select it.


I didn't know how you were loading your initial data, so I just parsed it in to a document, but you should create your XDocument according to how you are getting your data.


var data = XDocument.Parse("<ScoreRule><ShippingMethod Code=\"UPS1DA\"><Destination Country=\"US\" Area=\"IL\" Value=\"0\" /></ShippingMethod></ScoreRule>");

            var results = from item in data.Descendants("ShippingMethod")
                          select new
                                  ShippingMethodCode = item.Attribute("Code").Value,
                                  Country = item.Element("Destination").Attribute("Country").Value,
                                  Area = item.Element("Destination").Attribute("Area").Value



Is this what you want?


XElement scoreRuleElement = XElement.Parse("<ScoreRule><ShippingMethod Code=\"UPS1DA\"><Destination Country=\"US\" Area=\"IL\" Value=\"0\" /></ShippingMethod></ScoreRule>");

XElement shippingMethodElement = scoreRuleElement.Element("ShippingMethod");
string code = shippingMethodElement.Attribute("Code").Value;
XElement destinationElement = shippingMethodElement.Element("Destination");