
时间:2022-12-03 07:53:39

Ok I've been trying to unravel this mess for a few hours now and have gotten nowhere, analogous to a dog chasing its tail. Here's the situation.


I'm using Knockout.js for my UI, which works great by itself. However, I'm trying to use some third party code that makes dropdowns and checkboxes look all pretty. Actually I'm not even sure if this is a third party library or just something our designers wrote. This code hides the real checkbox and replaces it with a fake <span /> that mimics a checkbox through CSS. The click event of the span triggers the change event of the real checkbox:

我正在使用Knockout.js作为我的UI,它本身很好用。但是,我正在尝试使用一些第三方代码,使下拉列表和复选框看起来很漂亮。实际上我甚至不确定这是第三方库还是我们设计师写的东西。此代码隐藏了真实的复选框,并将其替换为假的,它通过CSS模仿复选框。 span的click事件触发真实复选框的change事件:

// this code updates the fake UI
this._changeEvent = function() {
    self.isChecked = self.$':checked');
    self._updateHTML(false, true);

// when the user clicks the fake checkbox, we trigger change on the real checkbox
this.$fake.on('click', function(e) {

// Bind _changeEvent to the real checkbox

This actually works with Knockout.js, since Knockout will listen to that event handler. In other words, when the user clicks the fake checkbox, the bound Knockout model gets updated. However, what does not work is updating the model. If I call:


model.SomeValue(!curValue); // SomeValue is bound to a checkbox, flip its value

The model gets updated, but the fake UI is not updated. I've traced this problem down to the code in ko.bindingHandlers.checked.update which does the following:


// When bound to anything other value (not an array), the checkbox being checked represents the value being trueish
element.checked = value;

Basically, the element.checked property is set, but no events are fired. Thus, the _changeEvent function is never called. So, I've implemented my own ko.bindingHandlers.checked.update function, which is a copy of the built-in one. In theory, this is all I should need to do:


   ko.bindingHandlers.checked.update = function (element, valueAccessor)
      var value = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor());

      if (element.type == "checkbox")
         if (value instanceof Array)
            // When bound to an array, the checkbox being checked represents its value being present in that array
            element.checked = ko.utils.arrayIndexOf(value, element.value) >= 0;
            // When bound to anything other value (not an array), the checkbox being checked represents the value being trueish
            //element.checked = value;
            $(element).prop('checked', value).trigger('change'); // <--- this should work!
      else if (element.type == "radio")
         element.checked = (element.value == value);

Rather than setting element.checked, I instead call .prop('checked', value) and trigger the change event. However, this is not working. Here's what I know so far:


  1. If I remove Knockout.js from the equation, $(element).prop('checked', value).trigger('change'); works perfectly fine. So, knockout.js is screwing with the event some how. Is it unbinding that event handler?
  2. 如果我从等式中删除Knockout.js,$(element).prop('checked',value).trigger('change');工作得非常好。所以,knockout.js正在搞这个事件。它解除了那个事件处理程序吗?
  3. I've confirmed $(element) is the same thing as this.$input in the fake checkbox binding code. I can set other expando properties on this element, and they show up.
  4. 我已经确认$(元素)与此相同。在假复选框绑定代码中输入$。我可以在这个元素上设置其他expando属性,然后它们就会显示出来。
  5. I've tried a few approaches to try to debug into Knockout.js and jQuery to see if the event is still bound, however I haven't really gotten anywhere with this approach. My hunch is that Knockout.js somehow replaced the change event handler with its own internal one, and existing bindings were removed. I haven't found a way to confirm this yet.
  6. 我尝试了一些方法来尝试调试Knockout.js和jQuery以查看事件是否仍然受限,但是我还没有真正得到这种方法。我的预感是,Knockout.js以某种方式用自己的内部处理程序替换了更改事件处理程序,并删除了现有的绑定。我还没有办法确认这一点。

My Question: Mainly, I'm looking for a solution to this problem. Does Knockout.js remove existing change events that were there before the model was applied? What are the next steps in debugging this code and figuring out exactly what's going on?

我的问题:主要是,我正在寻找解决这个问题的方法。 Knockout.js是否删除了在应用模型之前存在的现有更改事件?调试此代码并确切了解发生了什么的下一步是什么?

6 个解决方案



Rather than overriding the base checked handler, just create your own custom binding to update the UI.


Here's an example of a model and a custom binding to handle updating the UI:


var Model = function () {
    this.checked = ko.observable(false);

ko.bindingHandlers.customCheckbox = {
    init: function (element) {
        // Create the custom checkbox here
    update: function (element) {
        // Update the checkbox UI after the value in the model changes

I'll bind the model to the following HTML:


<input type="checkbox" name="genre" id="check-1" value="action" data-bind="checked: checked, customCheckbox: checked" />

And really that's all I'll need to do.


Here's an example:


[edit] - i think i rushed through reading your question and didn't get the crux of what you were asking. I'll leave my answer here in any case.

[编辑] - 我想我匆匆阅读你的问题并没有得到你所要求的症结。无论如何,我会在这里留下我的答案。



Try triggering and listening also for a custom event:


element.checked = value;
element.dispatchEvent(new Event("forcedChange"));



Try creating the checkbox object as a jQuery plugin and create knockout custom bindings to bind it to your viewmodel. I have set up a jsfiddle that does just that:


$(function () {
    var viewModel = {
        truthyValue1: ko.observable(false),
        truthyValue2: ko.observable(true)


(I had to add this snippet, or my answer wasn't accepted, see the jsfiddle for the full code example). Sorry, it looks like a lot of code, but the plugin part was originally a standalone jquery plugin, with the knockout bindings added later, some code in it has been obsoleted by the knockout bindings. It can be put into it's own file to reduce clutter. Creating custom bindings is documented on the knockout website.




Just brainstorming, but was this third-party control developed using event namespaces? It could be like you suggest, that knockout and this control are fighting over the default 'change' event in some way. When I develop widgets and applications I always use event namespaces when binding events using jQuery.


Example using a 'myWidget' namespace:


$('#element').on('change.myWidget', function(e) {
  // handle the event

I could be completely off base though.




Just a quick thought. Your designers seems to trigger the click and change event in this line:



Couldn't that be something to try? Maybe it's bound to the click event rather than the change event? Try this in you else-statement:


$(element).prop('checked', value).click().trigger('change'); // <--- this should work!

What i have understood that .click() does: It mimics a mouseclick and at the same time triggers the click event (Duh?).


I know that sometimes (like when in a radio or checkbox) some coders are binding the event to the click rather than change since this is more likely to fire at the correct time (in IE7 the change event fires in a really weird way).


Just a thought, might be something to try out. Hope it helps!


EDIT: I saw an answer about namespaces in your events and custom events. This could also help you, hope it's not a too large change.



/ J。



It sounds like the issue you're having is not due to a conflict in events from knockout and another set of code (for example, changing the CSS of the checkboxes) but due to a conflict in how the Javascript thread, and the events in the thread, are handled.


Javascript is handled in the browser as a single thread: all processes run sequentially and any event that interrupts the sequence might cause your event to fail. If you can call each of the functions independently but there is interference when you include both in your script, the onclick or onmousedown event that triggers the CSS change for the checkboxes might interfere with the knockout script. In this "single thread" all events can influence the execution of another, even mouse movement.


This ( example demonstrates this idea using timers but I think your current situation could be suffering from the same problem.


To solve it, you might write a short function such as:


function doBoth(checkboxid){

function doBoth(checkboxid){


$( “#checkboxid”)addclass( “prettychecked”)。

$("#checkboxid").prop('checked', true);




The important point is that each action takes place in sequence without the possibility of a mouse event interrupting.


Hope this helps!




Rather than overriding the base checked handler, just create your own custom binding to update the UI.


Here's an example of a model and a custom binding to handle updating the UI:


var Model = function () {
    this.checked = ko.observable(false);

ko.bindingHandlers.customCheckbox = {
    init: function (element) {
        // Create the custom checkbox here
    update: function (element) {
        // Update the checkbox UI after the value in the model changes

I'll bind the model to the following HTML:


<input type="checkbox" name="genre" id="check-1" value="action" data-bind="checked: checked, customCheckbox: checked" />

And really that's all I'll need to do.


Here's an example:


[edit] - i think i rushed through reading your question and didn't get the crux of what you were asking. I'll leave my answer here in any case.

[编辑] - 我想我匆匆阅读你的问题并没有得到你所要求的症结。无论如何,我会在这里留下我的答案。



Try triggering and listening also for a custom event:


element.checked = value;
element.dispatchEvent(new Event("forcedChange"));



Try creating the checkbox object as a jQuery plugin and create knockout custom bindings to bind it to your viewmodel. I have set up a jsfiddle that does just that:


$(function () {
    var viewModel = {
        truthyValue1: ko.observable(false),
        truthyValue2: ko.observable(true)


(I had to add this snippet, or my answer wasn't accepted, see the jsfiddle for the full code example). Sorry, it looks like a lot of code, but the plugin part was originally a standalone jquery plugin, with the knockout bindings added later, some code in it has been obsoleted by the knockout bindings. It can be put into it's own file to reduce clutter. Creating custom bindings is documented on the knockout website.




Just brainstorming, but was this third-party control developed using event namespaces? It could be like you suggest, that knockout and this control are fighting over the default 'change' event in some way. When I develop widgets and applications I always use event namespaces when binding events using jQuery.


Example using a 'myWidget' namespace:


$('#element').on('change.myWidget', function(e) {
  // handle the event

I could be completely off base though.




Just a quick thought. Your designers seems to trigger the click and change event in this line:



Couldn't that be something to try? Maybe it's bound to the click event rather than the change event? Try this in you else-statement:


$(element).prop('checked', value).click().trigger('change'); // <--- this should work!

What i have understood that .click() does: It mimics a mouseclick and at the same time triggers the click event (Duh?).


I know that sometimes (like when in a radio or checkbox) some coders are binding the event to the click rather than change since this is more likely to fire at the correct time (in IE7 the change event fires in a really weird way).


Just a thought, might be something to try out. Hope it helps!


EDIT: I saw an answer about namespaces in your events and custom events. This could also help you, hope it's not a too large change.



/ J。



It sounds like the issue you're having is not due to a conflict in events from knockout and another set of code (for example, changing the CSS of the checkboxes) but due to a conflict in how the Javascript thread, and the events in the thread, are handled.


Javascript is handled in the browser as a single thread: all processes run sequentially and any event that interrupts the sequence might cause your event to fail. If you can call each of the functions independently but there is interference when you include both in your script, the onclick or onmousedown event that triggers the CSS change for the checkboxes might interfere with the knockout script. In this "single thread" all events can influence the execution of another, even mouse movement.


This ( example demonstrates this idea using timers but I think your current situation could be suffering from the same problem.


To solve it, you might write a short function such as:


function doBoth(checkboxid){

function doBoth(checkboxid){


$( “#checkboxid”)addclass( “prettychecked”)。

$("#checkboxid").prop('checked', true);




The important point is that each action takes place in sequence without the possibility of a mouse event interrupting.


Hope this helps!
