
时间:2022-12-02 10:04:17

In MVC I have a search action in my controller and I am trying to decide If I should pass the query to my repository as a string

在 MVC中,我在我的控制器中有一个搜索操作,我正在尝试决定是否应该将查询作为字符串传递给我的存储库

public ActionResult Search(string query)
    return View(_repository.ListPeople(query));

or as individual parameters:


public ActionResult Search(string FirstName, string LastName, System.Nullable<byte> Education)
    return View(_repository.ListPeople(FirstName, LastName, Education));

A lot of examples I have seen online use the query string method, but to me it doesn't feel as "safe", even though it's a little easier to deal with when you have a bunch of parameters to pass in. Is there a general consensus as to the better way to do this?


3 个解决方案


I would favour model binding. That way if you decide to add extra search options you have no changes to make apart from the model class.


Info here and here



Personally, I prefer to not have the repository take on the responsibility of parsing a query string. Looking at it from a separation of concerns point of view, I feel that the repository should remain implementation-agnostic. Having to create query strings for unit testing, for example, is more cumbersome than calling the method directly with parameters.


That being said, I also prefer to have controllers interface with well-defined services, as well, as it helps to keep the controllers lighter, in my experience. I try to let the service act as a gateway to the repository, although there is no requirement to do so. There are two things that I will pass into a repository (or more likely, service), depending upon what the purpose of the call is - either a set of parameters, like you give in your second example, or as a constructed domain object, if applicable.

话虽这么说,我也更喜欢控制器与定义良好的服务接口,因为根据我的经验,它有助于保持控制器更轻。我尝试让服务充当存储库的网关,尽管没有要求这样做。我将把两件事传递到存储库(或者更可能是服务),这取决于调用的目的是什么 - 一组参数,就像你在第二个例子中给出的那样,或者作为构造的域对象,如果适用的话


I would most definitely suggest going with the second route. There's no need to couple your controller with your repository. Let your repository be in charge of getting data, it shouldn't have to do any kind of parsing of a query string. That's not its job. Let the controller deal with that.



I would favour model binding. That way if you decide to add extra search options you have no changes to make apart from the model class.


Info here and here



Personally, I prefer to not have the repository take on the responsibility of parsing a query string. Looking at it from a separation of concerns point of view, I feel that the repository should remain implementation-agnostic. Having to create query strings for unit testing, for example, is more cumbersome than calling the method directly with parameters.


That being said, I also prefer to have controllers interface with well-defined services, as well, as it helps to keep the controllers lighter, in my experience. I try to let the service act as a gateway to the repository, although there is no requirement to do so. There are two things that I will pass into a repository (or more likely, service), depending upon what the purpose of the call is - either a set of parameters, like you give in your second example, or as a constructed domain object, if applicable.

话虽这么说,我也更喜欢控制器与定义良好的服务接口,因为根据我的经验,它有助于保持控制器更轻。我尝试让服务充当存储库的网关,尽管没有要求这样做。我将把两件事传递到存储库(或者更可能是服务),这取决于调用的目的是什么 - 一组参数,就像你在第二个例子中给出的那样,或者作为构造的域对象,如果适用的话


I would most definitely suggest going with the second route. There's no need to couple your controller with your repository. Let your repository be in charge of getting data, it shouldn't have to do any kind of parsing of a query string. That's not its job. Let the controller deal with that.
