
时间:2022-12-02 08:21:17

I need to read the class of a selected list item in an 'onClick' Listener. This element is relative to the button as I have multiple instances (quiz items on a test). I try to do so in http://jsfiddle.net/nimsson/5fW2Z/12/. The error occurs in


$("ul.quiz div.quizitem div.nav span.next").click(function(e) {
    alert($(this).parent().parent().children("ul.answers li.selected")[0].hasClass("correct") ? "Correct":"Wrong");

The html hiearchy is

html hiearchy是

<ul class="quiz">
            <div class="quizitem">
                <div class="question">What is 2+2?</div>
                <br />
                <ul class="answers">
                   <li class="wrong answer">a. 5</li>
                   <li class="wrong answer">b. 2</li>
                   <li class="correct answer">c. 4</li>
                <br />
                <br />
                <div class="nav"><span class="prev">Previous</span><span class="next">Next</span></div>
            <div class="quizitem">
                <div class="question">What is 2+2?</div>
                <br />
                <ul class="answers">
                   <li class="wrong answer">a. 5</li>
                   <li class="wrong answer">b. 2           </li>
                   <li class="correct answer">c. 4</li>
                <br />
                <br />
                <div class="nav"><span class="prev">Previous</span><span class="next">Next</span></div>

What have I done wrong? I do believe that I have the hiearchy correct.


2 个解决方案



You have incorrect selector for targeting selected li in next button click event. You do not need to convert the object to javascript object as you need to use .hasClass() method. also you can narrow down your selector to use .closest() insteads of using .parent() multiple times.Use:


$(this).closest('.quizitem').find("ul.answers li.selected").hasClass("correct") ? "Correct":"Wrong")

Working Demo




$(this).parent().parent().children("ul.answers li.selected")[0] returns a dom element not a jQuery object which does not have hasClass() method..

$(this).parent()。parent()。children(“ul.answers li.selected”)[0]返回一个dom元素,而不是一个没有hasClass()方法的jQuery对象。



$(this).parent().parent().children("ul.answers li.selected").eq(0).hasClass('correct')

If you have more than 1 element with li.selected selector only then you have to use the eq() else you can just say .children("ul.answers li.selected").hasClass('correct')

如果你有超过1个元素与li.selected选择器只有你必须使用eq()否则你可以说.children(“ul.answers li.selected”)。hasClass('correct')



You have incorrect selector for targeting selected li in next button click event. You do not need to convert the object to javascript object as you need to use .hasClass() method. also you can narrow down your selector to use .closest() insteads of using .parent() multiple times.Use:


$(this).closest('.quizitem').find("ul.answers li.selected").hasClass("correct") ? "Correct":"Wrong")

Working Demo




$(this).parent().parent().children("ul.answers li.selected")[0] returns a dom element not a jQuery object which does not have hasClass() method..

$(this).parent()。parent()。children(“ul.answers li.selected”)[0]返回一个dom元素,而不是一个没有hasClass()方法的jQuery对象。



$(this).parent().parent().children("ul.answers li.selected").eq(0).hasClass('correct')

If you have more than 1 element with li.selected selector only then you have to use the eq() else you can just say .children("ul.answers li.selected").hasClass('correct')

如果你有超过1个元素与li.selected选择器只有你必须使用eq()否则你可以说.children(“ul.answers li.selected”)。hasClass('correct')