
时间:2022-12-01 23:20:50

I have 2 directives, one for searching and one for pagination. The pagination directive needs to access the search directive to find out what property we're currently searching by. When I load the page though, it throws an error saying Error: [$compile:ctreq] Controller 'search', required by directive 'pagination', can't be found!. However I have a controller setup in my search directive.

我有2个指令,一个用于搜索,一个用于分页。分页指令需要访问搜索指令以找出我们当前正在搜索的属性。当我加载页面时,它会抛出错误说错误:[$ compile:ctreq]无法找到指令'pagination'所需的控制器'搜索'!但是我的搜索指令中有一个控制器设置。

Here is my search directive:


  .directive('search', function ($route) {
    return {
      templateUrl: 'views/search.html',
      restrict: 'E',
      scope: {
        searchOptions: '=',
        action: '=',
        currentProperty: '=',
        currentValue: '='
      controller: function($scope) {
        $scope.searchBy = $scope.searchOptions[0].text;
        $scope.searchByProperty = $scope.searchOptions[0].property;

        $scope.setSearchBy = function(event, property, text) {
          $scope.searchBy = text;
          $scope.searchByProperty = property;

        $ = function() {
          $scope.searching = true;
          $scope.currentProperty = $scope.searchByProperty;
          $scope.currentValue = angular.element('#searchCriteria').val();
          $scope.action($scope.searchByProperty, $scope.currentValue, function() {
            $scope.searching = false;

        $scope.reload = function() {

Here is my pagination directive:


  .directive('pagination', function () {
    return {
      templateUrl: 'views/pagination.html',
      restrict: 'E',
      require: '^search',
      scope: {
        basePath: '@',
        page: '=',
        sort: '='
      link: function(scope, element, attrs, searchCtrl) {
        scope.searchByProperty = searchCtrl.searchByProperty;

2 个解决方案



In order for one directive to use another's controller by use of require, it needs to either share the same element as the controller containing directive, or it has to be a child of it.


You can't use require in the way you have, where the elements are siblings.


Angular docs about directives, including require


If it doesn't make sense to rearrange the DOM in the way I've described, you should inject a service into both directives which contains the data/methods you wish to share between the two.


Note: you could also experiment with the $$nextSibling / $$prevSibling properties of the directives' scopes, but this would present only a very fragile solution

注意:您还可以尝试使用指令范围的$$ nextSibling / $$ prevSibling属性,但这只会提供一个非常脆弱的解决方案



You cannot use require in directive like that, however , since the only thing you need to pass between directives is a string , just bind them to the same property in parent controller (it can be parent directive controller):


<div ng-app='app' ng-controller='MyCtrl as ctrl'> 
   <my-dir-one s1='ctrl.message'></my-dir-one>
   <my-dir-two s2='ctrl.message'></my-dir-two>

and first directives:


app.directive('myDirOne', function ($route) {
  return {
    templateUrl: 'views/my-dir-one.html',
    restrict: 'E',
    scope: {
      s1: '=',

second directive

app.directive('myDirTwo', function ($route) {
  return {
    templateUrl: 'views/my-dir-one.html',
    restrict: 'E',
    scope: {
      s2: '=',



In order for one directive to use another's controller by use of require, it needs to either share the same element as the controller containing directive, or it has to be a child of it.


You can't use require in the way you have, where the elements are siblings.


Angular docs about directives, including require


If it doesn't make sense to rearrange the DOM in the way I've described, you should inject a service into both directives which contains the data/methods you wish to share between the two.


Note: you could also experiment with the $$nextSibling / $$prevSibling properties of the directives' scopes, but this would present only a very fragile solution

注意:您还可以尝试使用指令范围的$$ nextSibling / $$ prevSibling属性,但这只会提供一个非常脆弱的解决方案



You cannot use require in directive like that, however , since the only thing you need to pass between directives is a string , just bind them to the same property in parent controller (it can be parent directive controller):


<div ng-app='app' ng-controller='MyCtrl as ctrl'> 
   <my-dir-one s1='ctrl.message'></my-dir-one>
   <my-dir-two s2='ctrl.message'></my-dir-two>

and first directives:


app.directive('myDirOne', function ($route) {
  return {
    templateUrl: 'views/my-dir-one.html',
    restrict: 'E',
    scope: {
      s1: '=',

second directive

app.directive('myDirTwo', function ($route) {
  return {
    templateUrl: 'views/my-dir-one.html',
    restrict: 'E',
    scope: {
      s2: '=',