Razor MVC4 Url.Action无效

时间:2022-11-30 22:47:24

I have a code as below in razor view


<a href="@Url.Action("Details", "Mycontr", new {id =16}, Request.Url.Scheme)">

while I double click on this item it is redirected to below Url



But whereas the expected was



Below is RouteConfig


   name: "Capsule",
   url: "Mycontr/Details/{id}",
   defaults: new { controller = "Mycontr", action = "Details", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
   name: "Section",
   url: "Mycontr/Section/{id}",
   defaults: new { controller = "Mycontr", action = "Section", id = UrlParameter.Optional }

Kindly suggest.


I narrowed down the issue. Html.Raw is causing issue. I have the code like

我缩小了这个问题。 Html.Raw导致问题。我有类似的代码


the variable contains generated html that has Ur.Action. If I just place directly the html generated code in razor view without Html.Raw it is working fine. But if I take out Html.Raw the runtime generated html script that is displayed like


&lt;style type=&#39;text/css&#39;&gt;&lt;/style&gt;&lt;center&gt;&lt;div style=&quot;width:460px;&quot;&gt;&lt;div style=&quot;width: 460px; float: left;&quot;&gt;&lt;div s...

Is there a way that I can display html script in variable without using Html.Raw encoding? Half the issue got resolved by using HtmlString instead string variable for holding generated Html script, but the HtmlString couldn't decode @Url.Action syntax in the string.

有没有办法可以在不使用Html.Raw编码的情况下在变量中显示html脚本?通过使用HtmlString代替字符串变量来保存生成的Html脚本,解决了一半问题,但HtmlString无法解码字符串中的@ Url.Action语法。

Below is the latest code that I have been struggling to get it work. Please help.


                string templFile = string.Format("{0}\\DivTemplate.htm", path);
            HtmlDocument divDoc = new HtmlDocument();
            StreamReader sRdr = new StreamReader(templFile, Encoding.UTF8);
            XmlNodeList divs = regions.ChildNodes;
            IEnumerator enmrDivs  = divs.GetEnumerator();
            while (enmrDivs.MoveNext())
                XmlNode node = (XmlNode)enmrDivs.Current;
                string divId = node["DivId"].InnerText;
                string capId = node["CapsuleId"].InnerText;
                HtmlString sUrlAct = new HtmlString("@Url.Action(\"Capsule\", \"Publication\", new { id=\""+capId+"\" }))");
                //string sUrlAct = "@Url.Action(\"Capsule\", \"Publication\", new { id=\""+capId+"\"})";
                string divFile = string.Format("{0}\\{1}.htm", path, divId);

                HtmlDocument divRgnDoc = new HtmlDocument();
                StreamReader sR = new StreamReader(divFile, Encoding.UTF8);
                foreach (HtmlNode link in divRgnDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//a[@href]"))
                    link.Attributes.Add("href", sUrlAct.ToString());
                HtmlNode divNode = divDoc.GetElementbyId(divId);

            sContent = new HtmlString (divDoc.DocumentNode.InnerHtml);

2 个解决方案



I know its bit late but I came across this post when I am searching for something.


Here in your code problem is with your anchor tag and the double quotes.


<a href="@Url.Action("Details", "Mycontr", new {id =16}, Request.Url.Scheme)">

You are technically telling the parser that you are referencing the hyperlink between "URL" (double quotes) that means href is @Url.Action(. You can do this way (use single quote to assign your href) and hope that works

您在技术上告诉解析器您引用了“URL”(双引号)之间的超链接,这意味着href是@ Url.Action(。您可以这样做(使用单引号分配您的href)并希望它有效

<a href='@Url.Action("Details", "Mycontr", new {id =16}, Request.Url.Scheme)'>

now you href will be @Url.Action("Details", "Mycontr", new {id =16}, Request.Url.Scheme)

现在你href将是@ Url.Action(“详细信息”,“Mycontr”,新{id = 16},Request.Url.Scheme)



I have solved the issue. I really dont need @Url.Action to the href. I have just replaced the code to logical path as below

我已经解决了这个问题。我真的不需要@ url.Action来href。我刚刚将代码替换为逻辑路径,如下所示

/Publication/Capsule/ + capId

this link helped me solve the issue. Thanks to Jorge saving days of work :)




I know its bit late but I came across this post when I am searching for something.


Here in your code problem is with your anchor tag and the double quotes.


<a href="@Url.Action("Details", "Mycontr", new {id =16}, Request.Url.Scheme)">

You are technically telling the parser that you are referencing the hyperlink between "URL" (double quotes) that means href is @Url.Action(. You can do this way (use single quote to assign your href) and hope that works

您在技术上告诉解析器您引用了“URL”(双引号)之间的超链接,这意味着href是@ Url.Action(。您可以这样做(使用单引号分配您的href)并希望它有效

<a href='@Url.Action("Details", "Mycontr", new {id =16}, Request.Url.Scheme)'>

now you href will be @Url.Action("Details", "Mycontr", new {id =16}, Request.Url.Scheme)

现在你href将是@ Url.Action(“详细信息”,“Mycontr”,新{id = 16},Request.Url.Scheme)



I have solved the issue. I really dont need @Url.Action to the href. I have just replaced the code to logical path as below

我已经解决了这个问题。我真的不需要@ url.Action来href。我刚刚将代码替换为逻辑路径,如下所示

/Publication/Capsule/ + capId

this link helped me solve the issue. Thanks to Jorge saving days of work :)
