
时间:2022-11-30 08:59:33

If I go to www.paypal.com, Firefox displays a huge icon in the location bar. Is it possible to get my web site to do this without paying $2700 to Verisign? Where is the best place to buy SSL certificates and not break the bank?


5 个解决方案



You're talking about EV (extended validation) SSL. Digicert are very competitive for this ($488 per year) and also standard SSL certificates. Whoever you go for though, make sure you check what browser compatibility they have as some of the cheaper ones do not have as wide support as the more expensive ones meaning you're kinda getting what you pay for.

你在谈论EV(扩展验证)SSL。 Digicert非常具有竞争力(每年488美元)以及标准SSL证书。无论你去谁,请确保你检查他们有什么浏览器兼容性,因为一些更便宜的,没有那些更昂贵的支持,这意味着你有点得到你付出的代价。

Edit: also, EV is only supported on the more recent browsers (not IE6 for example).




I have had great luck with GeoTrust. No options that I know of are what I would call "cheap", but you can do better than Verisign pricing and GeoTrust is one place where that is true.




The icon you see is from an Extended Validation Certificate (EV Certificate). They are notoriously higher-priced, though Verisign is not the only certificate authority that sells them. You can find them for around the $500 mark as well. Microsoft maintains a list of CAs that work with IE7. I selected two or three at random and found one that would sell me an EV Cert for just under $500.

您看到的图标来自扩展验证证书(EV证书)。众所周知,它们价格较高,但Verisign并不是销售它们的唯一认证机构。您也可以在500美元左右找到它们。 Microsoft维护一个与IE7一起使用的CA列表。我随机选了两三个,发现一个会以低于500美元的价格卖给我EV卡。



What you are talking about is a EV Cert. The EV stands for Extended Validation. Basically the larger price pays for someone to really look into you business and verify that you are who you say you are. I have used Verisign for my sites.

你在说什么是EV证书。 EV代表扩展验证。基本上,较大的价格会让某人真正关注您的业务,并确认您是您所说的人。我已将Verisign用于我的网站。

Here is a list of Certificates that are included in Firefox.


These are typically very pricey and for good reason.




To get the green bar, your CA needs to pass an audit. Be sure that you're buying an Extended Validation cert, and using https.




You're talking about EV (extended validation) SSL. Digicert are very competitive for this ($488 per year) and also standard SSL certificates. Whoever you go for though, make sure you check what browser compatibility they have as some of the cheaper ones do not have as wide support as the more expensive ones meaning you're kinda getting what you pay for.

你在谈论EV(扩展验证)SSL。 Digicert非常具有竞争力(每年488美元)以及标准SSL证书。无论你去谁,请确保你检查他们有什么浏览器兼容性,因为一些更便宜的,没有那些更昂贵的支持,这意味着你有点得到你付出的代价。

Edit: also, EV is only supported on the more recent browsers (not IE6 for example).




I have had great luck with GeoTrust. No options that I know of are what I would call "cheap", but you can do better than Verisign pricing and GeoTrust is one place where that is true.




The icon you see is from an Extended Validation Certificate (EV Certificate). They are notoriously higher-priced, though Verisign is not the only certificate authority that sells them. You can find them for around the $500 mark as well. Microsoft maintains a list of CAs that work with IE7. I selected two or three at random and found one that would sell me an EV Cert for just under $500.

您看到的图标来自扩展验证证书(EV证书)。众所周知,它们价格较高,但Verisign并不是销售它们的唯一认证机构。您也可以在500美元左右找到它们。 Microsoft维护一个与IE7一起使用的CA列表。我随机选了两三个,发现一个会以低于500美元的价格卖给我EV卡。



What you are talking about is a EV Cert. The EV stands for Extended Validation. Basically the larger price pays for someone to really look into you business and verify that you are who you say you are. I have used Verisign for my sites.

你在说什么是EV证书。 EV代表扩展验证。基本上,较大的价格会让某人真正关注您的业务,并确认您是您所说的人。我已将Verisign用于我的网站。

Here is a list of Certificates that are included in Firefox.


These are typically very pricey and for good reason.




To get the green bar, your CA needs to pass an audit. Be sure that you're buying an Extended Validation cert, and using https.
