添加博客帖子视图数量的计数器 - BlogEngine.net

时间:2022-11-29 21:19:21

I am setting up a new blog and looked for a widget I could add that would give me the total number of views for a blog post (and it would be nice to find out the number of views in the last X days) and didn't find any.


Is there a quick way of setting this up?


3 个解决方案



Got something for you here. I created it a while back, just never made a post for it. It should be EXACTLY what your looking for.


Top Posts / Top Comments Widgets



If it is for you to see (i.e. not an on-screen counter, but something you can look at separately): Google analytics, perhaps with feedburner if you have an atom/rss feed.

如果您要查看(即不是屏幕上的计数器,而是您可以单独查看的内容):Google分析,如果您有原子/ RSS提要,可能还有feedburner。

Adding google analytics is simply a case of adding a few lines of script (that it generates for you); and it gives so much information (not just how many hits, but a proper usage history, referring sites / search terms that people used to find you, physical location by IP, etc). And it is free.



Check out Al Nyveldt's post Most Popular Posts Extension and Widget. It does what you want in terms of counting. If you're willing to extend BlogEngine.NET, you can fairly easily consume the file his extension produces to display all posts and the number of times they've been viewed. Remember to make it accessible to admins only, if that's what you want.

看看Al Nyveldt的帖子最受欢迎的帖子扩展和小工具。它在计数方面做你想做的事。如果您愿意扩展BlogEngine.NET,您可以相当轻松地使用其扩展程序生成的文件来显示所有帖子以及他们被查看的次数。请记住,只有管理员可以访问它,如果这是你想要的。



Got something for you here. I created it a while back, just never made a post for it. It should be EXACTLY what your looking for.


Top Posts / Top Comments Widgets



If it is for you to see (i.e. not an on-screen counter, but something you can look at separately): Google analytics, perhaps with feedburner if you have an atom/rss feed.

如果您要查看(即不是屏幕上的计数器,而是您可以单独查看的内容):Google分析,如果您有原子/ RSS提要,可能还有feedburner。

Adding google analytics is simply a case of adding a few lines of script (that it generates for you); and it gives so much information (not just how many hits, but a proper usage history, referring sites / search terms that people used to find you, physical location by IP, etc). And it is free.



Check out Al Nyveldt's post Most Popular Posts Extension and Widget. It does what you want in terms of counting. If you're willing to extend BlogEngine.NET, you can fairly easily consume the file his extension produces to display all posts and the number of times they've been viewed. Remember to make it accessible to admins only, if that's what you want.

看看Al Nyveldt的帖子最受欢迎的帖子扩展和小工具。它在计数方面做你想做的事。如果您愿意扩展BlogEngine.NET,您可以相当轻松地使用其扩展程序生成的文件来显示所有帖子以及他们被查看的次数。请记住,只有管理员可以访问它,如果这是你想要的。