带有ajaxStop的jQuery AJAX中的递归调用函数

时间:2022-11-29 13:49:13

I have a function:


function primaj(){
        //do some code

What I expect is for the load request to run, and when it finishes the function to be called again. But I see that after every call to the function, the next number of calls doubles, from 1 to 2 to 4 to 8 and so on...


My intention is to make a continues load call to the server, but if I use a setInterval command (which works), sometimes the server takes longer to respond, thus the function is called over it's self.


Is there a way to know when the ajax load command has stopped, and then call it again?

有没有办法知道ajax load命令何时停止,然后再次调用它?

1 个解决方案



It is simple at this:


function primaj() {
    $('#tmp').load('msg1.php', primaj);

What you did, is attaching a new callback to run after every future ajax completion.
While what my code does is setting a callback to run after the current ajax completed.




It is simple at this:


function primaj() {
    $('#tmp').load('msg1.php', primaj);

What you did, is attaching a new callback to run after every future ajax completion.
While what my code does is setting a callback to run after the current ajax completed.
