
时间:2022-08-01 20:32:49
        // Hide all large images except the first one
        $('#imageContainer img').hide().filter(':first').show();
        // Select all thumb links
        $('#thumbContainer a').hover(function(event) {
                // Hide all large images except for the one with the same hash as our thumb link
                $('#imageContainer img').hide().filter(this.hash).show();
            function () {} // Because the hover method has a mouseout state we need to define too

This .js script works for a mouse over on an anchor tag. However, I would like this function to work on an entire div.


How do I change this part : .filter(this.hash).show();


to this : .filter(this.(id or unique name).show();


Thank you.

Take care.

1 个解决方案


If you still want to use the hash you could get it using this code (assuming that this is your div):


var hash = $(this).find('a').get(0).hash;

If you want to use something unique about the div I've used the id of the div equal to the className of the img before.


If you had this html:


<div id="container1" class="thumbContainer"></div>
<div id="imageContainer">
  <img src="" alt="" class="container1" />

You could use something like this, (I changed your hover to a mouseover, since you were only using that):


    // Hide all large images except the first one
    $('#imageContainer img').hide().filter(':first').show();
    // Select all thumb links
    $('.thumbContainer').mouseover(function(event) {
            // Hide all large images except for the one with the same hash as our thumb link
            $('#imageContainer img').hide().filter("." + this.id).show();


If you still want to use the hash you could get it using this code (assuming that this is your div):


var hash = $(this).find('a').get(0).hash;

If you want to use something unique about the div I've used the id of the div equal to the className of the img before.


If you had this html:


<div id="container1" class="thumbContainer"></div>
<div id="imageContainer">
  <img src="" alt="" class="container1" />

You could use something like this, (I changed your hover to a mouseover, since you were only using that):


    // Hide all large images except the first one
    $('#imageContainer img').hide().filter(':first').show();
    // Select all thumb links
    $('.thumbContainer').mouseover(function(event) {
            // Hide all large images except for the one with the same hash as our thumb link
            $('#imageContainer img').hide().filter("." + this.id).show();