
时间:2022-11-24 23:38:07

say I have something like


<body><div id="a"><div id="b">some content</div></div>more content<body>

and I don't know how much height "some content" is going to be. But I have #b styled to position: absolute and #a styled to position: relative so #b's position is relative the the top left corner of #a. Is there some way I can make #a expand to contain #b some that "more content" gets pushed after?



4 个解决方案



Replacing absolute with relative might get you what you want, like in this jsFiddle.




Your example is flawed as there is no actual need to have pos:abs on div#b as by default that element would be set at the top/left of div#a.

你的例子是有缺陷的,因为没有实际需要在div #b上使用pos:abs,因为默认情况下该元素将设置在div #a的顶部/左侧。

Using css position will take its applied element outside of the normal markup flow, even if you was to use pos:rel on div#b it would only increase the height of div#a it would not take into consideration any positioning you may have also applied to it.

使用css位置将其应用元素置于正常标记流之外,即使你要使用pos:rel on div #b它只会增加div的高度#a它不会考虑你可能还有的任何定位适用于它。

There is a way you could achieve what you are after, but that would rely on using JavaScript.




It sounds like position relative for #b might be a better solution.


As #b is the first element in #a it woudl naturally appear in the top left corner of #a, so position relative will position relative to the same point as position absolute.


Also, say you want to push #b down by 30px, then you set



Content will clear the bottom of #b because position:relative leaves a block in the content flow equal to the height of #b + 30px;

内容将清除#b的底部,因为position:relative在内容流中留下一个块,等于#b + 30px的高度;



No. Absolute positioning removes elements from document flow. Their parent and sibling tags have no way of knowing that they are overlapping an absolutely positioned element or not.




Replacing absolute with relative might get you what you want, like in this jsFiddle.




Your example is flawed as there is no actual need to have pos:abs on div#b as by default that element would be set at the top/left of div#a.

你的例子是有缺陷的,因为没有实际需要在div #b上使用pos:abs,因为默认情况下该元素将设置在div #a的顶部/左侧。

Using css position will take its applied element outside of the normal markup flow, even if you was to use pos:rel on div#b it would only increase the height of div#a it would not take into consideration any positioning you may have also applied to it.

使用css位置将其应用元素置于正常标记流之外,即使你要使用pos:rel on div #b它只会增加div的高度#a它不会考虑你可能还有的任何定位适用于它。

There is a way you could achieve what you are after, but that would rely on using JavaScript.




It sounds like position relative for #b might be a better solution.


As #b is the first element in #a it woudl naturally appear in the top left corner of #a, so position relative will position relative to the same point as position absolute.


Also, say you want to push #b down by 30px, then you set



Content will clear the bottom of #b because position:relative leaves a block in the content flow equal to the height of #b + 30px;

内容将清除#b的底部,因为position:relative在内容流中留下一个块,等于#b + 30px的高度;



No. Absolute positioning removes elements from document flow. Their parent and sibling tags have no way of knowing that they are overlapping an absolutely positioned element or not.
