通过AJAX jQuery表单提交发送表单数据(字符串)和数组

时间:2022-11-24 12:39:36

I've researched several similar answers however I can't find any that show how to send both an array, and a string.


I have discovered that .serialize and .serializeArray should allow me to construct the string I need to send the form data and the array to my PHP script, but I cannot understand the syntax to use both of these functions together.


My form is simple:


<form id="email-input">
   <input type="email" name="user-mail" />

I wish to submit with AJAX, and send both the value in the form and a javascript array called basketData to my PHP script.


            type: "POST",
            url: "scripts/send-mail.php",
            data: {$("#email-input").serialize(),basketData.serializeArray()}
            success: function(data)

I'm aware the above is completely syntactically incorrect but I just can't work out how to pass multiple data values through this function.


2 个解决方案




    type: "POST",
    url: "scripts/send-mail.php",
    data: {
        email: $('input[name="user-mail"]').val(),
        basketData: basketData
    success: function(data) {


$email = $_POST['email'];
$basketData = $_POST['basketData'];



serializeArray is for converting a jQuery object containing a form into structured data as a precursor for converting it in to a serialized string. It is rarely useful to call it directly, and it can't be called on an array (otherData:basketData.serializeArray()} will throw an array because serializeArray is undefined since basketData isn't a jQuery object).


serialize is for converting a jQuery object containing a form into a string of form encoded data. It is great for dealing with complex forms. It becomes a little fiddly when you want to modify the data.


Forget about using either of them for this.


The data argument for .ajax accepts a JavaScript object as its value, and then jQuery will encode it as form data using PHP's conventions for complex data structures (which works out nicely for you since you say your array isn't flat and you are using PHP).


Just put the array and the value of the form control into your data object.


data: {
    email: $("input[name='user-mail']").val(),
    array: basketData




    type: "POST",
    url: "scripts/send-mail.php",
    data: {
        email: $('input[name="user-mail"]').val(),
        basketData: basketData
    success: function(data) {


$email = $_POST['email'];
$basketData = $_POST['basketData'];



serializeArray is for converting a jQuery object containing a form into structured data as a precursor for converting it in to a serialized string. It is rarely useful to call it directly, and it can't be called on an array (otherData:basketData.serializeArray()} will throw an array because serializeArray is undefined since basketData isn't a jQuery object).


serialize is for converting a jQuery object containing a form into a string of form encoded data. It is great for dealing with complex forms. It becomes a little fiddly when you want to modify the data.


Forget about using either of them for this.


The data argument for .ajax accepts a JavaScript object as its value, and then jQuery will encode it as form data using PHP's conventions for complex data structures (which works out nicely for you since you say your array isn't flat and you are using PHP).


Just put the array and the value of the form control into your data object.


data: {
    email: $("input[name='user-mail']").val(),
    array: basketData