
时间:2022-11-24 12:06:16

As title, basically I have a user control placed inside a page and then the page is placed inside the master page. I want to extract a block of javascript and put it back to the page head. When I try to wrap the code inside any block control (e.g. a div runat server) and access divID.InnerText then ASP.NET bust off with

作为标题,基本上我有一个用户控件放在页面内,然后页面放在母版页内。我想提取一个javascript块并将其放回页面头部。当我尝试将代码包装在任何块控件(例如div runat服务器)中并访问divID.InnerText时,ASP.NET就会破坏

Cannot get inner content of startup_script because the contents are not literal.

I dont want to extract JS inside cs file, thats awfully ugly approach (all sort of escapes and people wont even notice you have JS written unless they drill your CS file), what can I do?


3 个解决方案


You could store the javascript in a separate file, and then add it to the page using Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock()


Add the javascript you want to a .js file and add the .js file to your project. Alter the properties of the .js file so that it is an Embedded Resource.


Then use code like this somewhere in your UserControl (maybe the Page_Load) to pull the code from the file and drop it into the page:


string javaScript = "";
// the javascript is in a separate file which is an 'embedded resource' of the dll
using (StreamReader reader = 
    new StreamReader((typeof(ThisClass).Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(typeof(ThisClass), "NameOfJavaScriptFile.js"))))
    javaScript = String.Format("<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript' >\r\n{0}\r\n</script>", reader.ReadToEnd());
Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock("MyScriptBlock", javaScript);

Note that RegisterClientScriptBlock() will put the script near the top of the page, but apparently not in the page header.


(edited bit about header after comment)



<%@ Page Language="C#"%>
<script runat=server>
    protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
        string scriptText = someID.InnerHtml;
        //if you really want it in the header...
        //Page.Header.Controls.Add( new LiteralControl(String.Format( "<scr" + "ipt language=\"javascript\">{0}</scri" + "pt>\\n", scriptText )));

        //doesnt add to header and requires form runat=server
        Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "SomeScript", scriptText, true);

<head runat=server></head>
<form runat=server>
<div id="someID" runat=server>alert('hi');</div>


Okay, I've probably done this in a horrible, horrible way, but I wanted to add a script to the head element in a recent project from a user control. This script didn't require any data from my server, but I only wanted it on specific pages, so I put the script in a .js-file, and added it to the head like this:


HtmlGenericControl script = new HtmlGenericControl("script"); // Creates a new script-element
Page.Master.FindControl("head").Controls.Add(script); // Finds the element with ID "head" on the pages master page.

Not entirely sure if the code works as I think it does as the code I wrote for the project is on another machine, but you get the idea, right?


Edit: After googling your error message for a bit, I think this might be a solution to your problem:


using System.IO;

StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
HtmlTextWriter htw = new HtmlTextWriter(sw);
String str = sw.GetStringBuilder().ToString();

If you combine the two examples, you should be able to get the result you want. I haven't tested this, but it works in my head.



You could store the javascript in a separate file, and then add it to the page using Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock()


Add the javascript you want to a .js file and add the .js file to your project. Alter the properties of the .js file so that it is an Embedded Resource.


Then use code like this somewhere in your UserControl (maybe the Page_Load) to pull the code from the file and drop it into the page:


string javaScript = "";
// the javascript is in a separate file which is an 'embedded resource' of the dll
using (StreamReader reader = 
    new StreamReader((typeof(ThisClass).Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(typeof(ThisClass), "NameOfJavaScriptFile.js"))))
    javaScript = String.Format("<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript' >\r\n{0}\r\n</script>", reader.ReadToEnd());
Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock("MyScriptBlock", javaScript);

Note that RegisterClientScriptBlock() will put the script near the top of the page, but apparently not in the page header.


(edited bit about header after comment)



<%@ Page Language="C#"%>
<script runat=server>
    protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
        string scriptText = someID.InnerHtml;
        //if you really want it in the header...
        //Page.Header.Controls.Add( new LiteralControl(String.Format( "<scr" + "ipt language=\"javascript\">{0}</scri" + "pt>\\n", scriptText )));

        //doesnt add to header and requires form runat=server
        Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "SomeScript", scriptText, true);

<head runat=server></head>
<form runat=server>
<div id="someID" runat=server>alert('hi');</div>


Okay, I've probably done this in a horrible, horrible way, but I wanted to add a script to the head element in a recent project from a user control. This script didn't require any data from my server, but I only wanted it on specific pages, so I put the script in a .js-file, and added it to the head like this:


HtmlGenericControl script = new HtmlGenericControl("script"); // Creates a new script-element
Page.Master.FindControl("head").Controls.Add(script); // Finds the element with ID "head" on the pages master page.

Not entirely sure if the code works as I think it does as the code I wrote for the project is on another machine, but you get the idea, right?


Edit: After googling your error message for a bit, I think this might be a solution to your problem:


using System.IO;

StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
HtmlTextWriter htw = new HtmlTextWriter(sw);
String str = sw.GetStringBuilder().ToString();

If you combine the two examples, you should be able to get the result you want. I haven't tested this, but it works in my head.
