Rails 3.2 / Git:当我切换回master时,为什么我的模型仍然有来自功能分支的attr?

时间:2022-11-24 09:27:23

In my discount_codes branch I created a migration that adds a discount_code_id attribute to the Job model. When I switch back to the master branch, open a console, and type Job, I'm still seeing discount_code_id as an attribute.


Because I'm back on the master branch, the migrations that added this attribute aren't there and schema.rb doesn't list it as a column in the Job table.


Can someone explain why I'm still seeing the new attribute in the console?? This happens despite opening a new console.


1 个解决方案



Your actual database isn't controlled by Git, and changing branches doesn't affect the database in any way. The column will be there unless you manually run the down migration before changing branches, or remove it manually.


Neither schema.rb or the migrations are responsible for giving fields to your models; the model's fields are defined by the actual state of the database, and as I said, that isn't changed by switching branches.


All that migrations and schema.rb are for are restoring/moving the state of your database. They don't directly influence your models at all.




Your actual database isn't controlled by Git, and changing branches doesn't affect the database in any way. The column will be there unless you manually run the down migration before changing branches, or remove it manually.


Neither schema.rb or the migrations are responsible for giving fields to your models; the model's fields are defined by the actual state of the database, and as I said, that isn't changed by switching branches.


All that migrations and schema.rb are for are restoring/moving the state of your database. They don't directly influence your models at all.
