jquery - colorbox插件,我需要通过ajax提交表单

时间:2022-11-23 20:26:53

If I'm using the colorbox plugin, how do I submit a form via ajax and then make a new modal out of the response? For example, the user clicks a link and a modal pops up. They fill out the form and click submit and then the modal should change to the next form. Then they fill out the next one etc...


1 个解决方案



You should be able to load the <div id="cboxLoadedContent"> from the first colorbox invocation with the result of your ajax call:



$('#cboxLoadedContent').load('form-process.php', formData);

If the new form you're loading is a different size you should also call the colorbox resize() method to adjust the size of the modal:

如果您要加载的新表单大小不同,则还应调用colorbox resize()方法来调整模式的大小:




You should be able to load the <div id="cboxLoadedContent"> from the first colorbox invocation with the result of your ajax call:



$('#cboxLoadedContent').load('form-process.php', formData);

If the new form you're loading is a different size you should also call the colorbox resize() method to adjust the size of the modal:

如果您要加载的新表单大小不同,则还应调用colorbox resize()方法来调整模式的大小:
