
时间:2022-11-23 19:39:15

I'm trying to do something like Netflix's 5 star rating system for my website, and I've noticed that Netflix, even with JavaScript disabled, will still submit ratings without a page refresh. This is apparent because when you manually reload the page, you can see the new rating. However, the change is not visible until you reload the page.

我正在尝试为我的网站做Netflix的5星评级系统,我注意到,即使禁用了JavaScript, Netflix仍然会在不刷新页面的情况下提交评级。这很明显,因为当您手动重载页面时,您可以看到新的评级。但是,在重新加载页面之前,更改是不可见的。

Here's an example of a link on Netflix:


<a href="" class="rv5" tabindex="0" title='Click to rate the movie "Loved It"'>Rate 5 stars</a>

Anybody know how Netflix does this?


Hint: if you look at the source and do a search, you will not find 'iframe' anywhere. Also, it exhibits this behavior with JavaScript OFF. Otherwise it would update the data and not require a manual refresh. So no AJAX, either. Check it out for yourself, I'm sure many of you have Netflix accounts.


1 个解决方案



After a little more research, I found the answer I was looking for. You can do this by sending an HTTP response 204 status code from the page you are sending your request to. For instance, assuming you're sending it to a php script, start the page with this:

经过更多的研究,我找到了我想要的答案。可以通过从发送请求的页面发送HTTP response 204状态码来实现这一点。例如,假设您将它发送到一个php脚本,请以以下方式开始页面:

header("HTTP/1.0 204 No Response");

As stated here:

这里是这样陈述的: # 32569

If you haven't used, HTTP Response 204 can be very convenient. 204 tells the server to immediately terminate this request. This is helpful if you want a javascript (or similar) client-side function to execute a server-side function without refreshing or changing the current webpage. Great for updating database, setting global variables, etc.

如果您还没有使用,HTTP Response 204可以非常方便。204告诉服务器立即终止此请求。如果您希望javascript(或类似的)客户端函数执行服务器端函数,而不刷新或更改当前的页面,这将非常有用。非常适合更新数据库、设置全局变量等。

This is what I'm now using in my scripts.




After a little more research, I found the answer I was looking for. You can do this by sending an HTTP response 204 status code from the page you are sending your request to. For instance, assuming you're sending it to a php script, start the page with this:

经过更多的研究,我找到了我想要的答案。可以通过从发送请求的页面发送HTTP response 204状态码来实现这一点。例如,假设您将它发送到一个php脚本,请以以下方式开始页面:

header("HTTP/1.0 204 No Response");

As stated here:

这里是这样陈述的: # 32569

If you haven't used, HTTP Response 204 can be very convenient. 204 tells the server to immediately terminate this request. This is helpful if you want a javascript (or similar) client-side function to execute a server-side function without refreshing or changing the current webpage. Great for updating database, setting global variables, etc.

如果您还没有使用,HTTP Response 204可以非常方便。204告诉服务器立即终止此请求。如果您希望javascript(或类似的)客户端函数执行服务器端函数,而不刷新或更改当前的页面,这将非常有用。非常适合更新数据库、设置全局变量等。

This is what I'm now using in my scripts.
