
时间:2022-11-23 16:50:32

What I'm trying to accomplish I've done several times before, but something seems to be different. This is my first project using laravel, and what I'm building is very basic. Still, the issue I would think is solely an HTML/JS issue, however I thought I should put that out there as I'm miffed.

我想要完成的事情我以前做了好几次,但似乎有些不同。这是我使用laravel的第一个项目,我正在构建的是非常基础的。尽管如此,我认为这个问题完全是一个HTML / JS问题,但我认为我应该把它放在那里,因为我很生气。

The behavior I'm trying to get


User enters into input field, presses the enter key, and instead of submitting the form, the form is prevented from running (so that I can use ajax, however ajax is not yet part of this equation).


What I've tried


Here's the HTML.


<form action="test" method="POST">
  <input type="text" id="text_input" class="form-control" autocomplete="off" />
  <input type="submit" id="submit_input" class="btn btn-success" />

Here's some javascript I've tried.


This worked in past projects. However in this project, The alert happens, but the form is submitted. When I put the return false at the start, it prevents the form from submitting, however, then I can't run any code of course.


$(document).ready( function() {
    $('#submit_input').click(function() {
        $('#text_input').val() = '';
        return false;

I've tried using preventDefault, that allows the alert to run, but does run any of the code after it.


$(document).ready( function() {
    $('form').submit(function (e) {
        $('#text_input').val() = '';

Solution I don't want


I'm aware that I can get the inputs on button submit or enter key while focused on the field, and get this behavior without using the html form, and maybe I will, however, I want to know what's causing this not to work.



I'm doing something wrong with my jsfiddle, so I'm not able to demonstrate with this. I haven't used a form on jsfiddle before, and I'm getting the error {"error": "Please use POST request"} but I don't know why, because I am specifying the post in the form.



Additional Information

Doing this with Laravel 5, using WAMP, with jQuery 2.1 loaded, on Chrome, with no errors in my console. Please help.

使用WAMP,在Chrome上加载了jQuery 2.1,在Laravel 5中执行此操作,在我的控制台中没有错误。请帮忙。

1 个解决方案


You're using val() in a wrong way. You should call it this way $('#text_input').val('some text');

你以错误的方式使用val()。你应该这样称呼$('#text_input')。val('some text');

Update: You should use a second variant of your code (with e.preventDefault())



You're using val() in a wrong way. You should call it this way $('#text_input').val('some text');

你以错误的方式使用val()。你应该这样称呼$('#text_input')。val('some text');

Update: You should use a second variant of your code (with e.preventDefault())
