如何清除 InfoPath Form 中的.Net 代码?

时间:2022-11-23 13:24:32

在开发 InfoPath Form 时,有时会不小时点到Programming ,而产生对应的 Visual Basic / C# 的.Net Project, 如何删除这些不需要的Code 或Project 呢?








To resolve this behavior, remove the code from the form template before you publish the form template. To do this, follow these steps:

1.     Open the Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 form template by using Visual Studio 2005.

2.     On the Tools menu, click Form Options.

3.     In the Form Options dialog box, click Programming.

4.     Click Remove Code, and then click Yes in the following message:

This will delete all script files and Visual Basic and C# assemblies associated with this form template.

Do you want to continue?

5.     Click OK, and then publish the form template to the Microsoft Office Forms Server 2007 Web site.