Rails:在编辑表单中预填充Ajax select

时间:2022-11-23 10:13:24

I have a form of a model, the form has 2 selects, one is for State and the other is for City, of course the City select is filled using ajax when you select a state, Im having problems when showing the selected values in edit form, this is the form:


#Im just showing you the section where the selects are.
<div class="small-4 columns state-select">
        <%= f.label :state, 'Departamento' %>
        <%= f.select :state, options_for_select(states_with_default.collect { |key, value|
            [value.titleize, key] }, f.object.state) %>
    <div class="small-4 columns city-select">
        <%= f.label :city, 'Ciudad' %>
        <%= f.select :city, options_for_select([], 0) %>

I have this coffee script code that updates the cities select when a state is selected and also when the page loads it looks for all the state selects (they can be 1 or more it is a nested form) and updates the cities for each state select:


$ ->
  updateCitiesOferts = ($state_input) ->
    console.log $state_input
    $input_city = $state_input.parents().first().next().find('select')
    $.getJSON('/cities/' + $state_input.val(), (data) ->
      if not $.inArray('orders', window.location.pathname.split( '/' ))
        all_cities_option = '<option value="all">Todo el departamento</select>'
        $input_city.append all_cities_option
      for i in data
        opt = "<option value=\"#{i}\">#{i}</option>"
        $input_city.append opt
  $(document).on 'change', '.state-select select', ->
    updateCitiesOferts $(@)

  for state_input in $('.state-select select')
    updateCitiesOferts $(state_input)

Well this code works ok, however when I go to the edit page the cities select is updated with the last selected state but I do not know how to get the selected city from the model =/, I need to show the selected state and also the selected city. So far it loads the list of cities for the last selected state but does not detect the selected city from the model, how to do this?

那么这段代码工作正常,但是当我进入编辑页面时,城市选择更新了最后选择的状态,但我不知道如何从模型中获取所选城市= /,我需要显示所选状态以及选定的城市。到目前为止,它加载了最后选择状态的城市列表,但没有从模型中检测到所选城市,如何做到这一点?


Well as you requested here is a visualization of what I say above.


  • When you go to the edit page you will see the last selected state but not the last selected city:
  • 当您转到编辑页面时,您将看到最后选择的状态,但不会显示最后选择的城市:

Rails:在编辑表单中预填充Ajax select

  • I need to see the last selected city in the edit form:
  • 我需要在编辑表单中看到最后选择的城市:

Rails:在编辑表单中预填充Ajax select

Note: 'Seleccionar' is the default option, it is equivalent to "-Select-" in english.


1 个解决方案



In your form:


#Im just showing you the section where the selects are.
<div class="small-4 columns state-select">
        <%= f.label :state, 'Departamento' %>
        <%= f.select :state, options_for_select(states_with_default.collect { |key, value|
            [value.titleize, key] }, f.object.state) %>
<div class="small-4 columns city-select">
    <%= f.label :city, 'Ciudad' %>
    <%= f.select :city, options_for_select([], 0), {}, { "data-selected" => f.object.city } %>

Now the select of city will have attribute data-selected="YOUR_SELECTED_VALUE"

现在,城市的选择将具有属性data-selected =“YOUR_SELECTED_VALUE”

Update your coffeescript:


$ ->
  updateCitiesOferts = ($state_input) ->
    console.log $state_input
    $input_city = $state_input.parents().first().next().find('select')
    $.getJSON('/cities/' + $state_input.val(), (data) ->
      if not $.inArray('orders', window.location.pathname.split( '/' ))
        all_cities_option = '<option value="all">Todo el departamento</select>'
        $input_city.append all_cities_option
      for i in data
        opt = if i == $input_city.data("selected")
          "<option value=\"#{i}\" selected=\"selected\">#{i}</option>"
          "<option value=\"#{i}\">#{i}</option>"
        $input_city.append opt
  $(document).on 'change', '.state-select select', ->
    updateCitiesOferts $(@)

  for state_input in $('.state-select select')
    updateCitiesOferts $(state_input)


Fixed syntax error in the select_tag of city




In your form:


#Im just showing you the section where the selects are.
<div class="small-4 columns state-select">
        <%= f.label :state, 'Departamento' %>
        <%= f.select :state, options_for_select(states_with_default.collect { |key, value|
            [value.titleize, key] }, f.object.state) %>
<div class="small-4 columns city-select">
    <%= f.label :city, 'Ciudad' %>
    <%= f.select :city, options_for_select([], 0), {}, { "data-selected" => f.object.city } %>

Now the select of city will have attribute data-selected="YOUR_SELECTED_VALUE"

现在,城市的选择将具有属性data-selected =“YOUR_SELECTED_VALUE”

Update your coffeescript:


$ ->
  updateCitiesOferts = ($state_input) ->
    console.log $state_input
    $input_city = $state_input.parents().first().next().find('select')
    $.getJSON('/cities/' + $state_input.val(), (data) ->
      if not $.inArray('orders', window.location.pathname.split( '/' ))
        all_cities_option = '<option value="all">Todo el departamento</select>'
        $input_city.append all_cities_option
      for i in data
        opt = if i == $input_city.data("selected")
          "<option value=\"#{i}\" selected=\"selected\">#{i}</option>"
          "<option value=\"#{i}\">#{i}</option>"
        $input_city.append opt
  $(document).on 'change', '.state-select select', ->
    updateCitiesOferts $(@)

  for state_input in $('.state-select select')
    updateCitiesOferts $(state_input)


Fixed syntax error in the select_tag of city
