
时间:2022-11-22 23:45:15

I have to label something in a "strong monotone increasing" fashion. Be it Invoice Numbers, shipping label numbers or the like.


  1. A number MUST NOT BE used twice
  2. 数字不能重复使用
  3. Every number SHOULD BE used when exactly all smaller numbers have been used (no holes).
  4. 当所有的小数字都被使用(没有空穴)时,每个数字都应该被使用。

Fancy way of saying: I need to count 1,2,3,4 ... The number Space I have available are typically 100.000 numbers and I need perhaps 1000 a day.

奇特的说法是:我需要数1 2 3 4……我现有的数字空间通常是100万,我每天可能需要1000个。

I know this is a hard Problem in distributed systems and often we are much better of with GUIDs. But in this case for legal reasons I need "traditional numbering".


Can this be implemented on Google AppEngine (preferably in Python)?


9 个解决方案



If you absolutely have to have sequentially increasing numbers with no gaps, you'll need to use a single entity, which you update in a transaction to 'consume' each new number. You'll be limited, in practice, to about 1-5 numbers generated per second - which sounds like it'll be fine for your requirements.




If you drop the requirement that IDs must be strictly sequential, you can use a hierarchical allocation scheme. The basic idea/limitation is that transactions must not affect multiple storage groups.


For example, assuming you have the notion of "users", you can allocate a storage group for each user (creating some global object per user). Each user has a list of reserved IDs. When allocating an ID for a user, pick a reserved one (in a transaction). If no IDs are left, make a new transaction allocating 100 IDs (say) from the global pool, then make a new transaction to add them to the user and simultaneously withdraw one. Assuming each user interacts with the application only sequentially, there will be no concurrency on the user objects.




The gaetk - Google AppEngine Toolkit now comes with a simple library function to get a number in a sequence. It is based on Nick Johnson's transactional approach and can be used quite easily as a foundation for Martin von Löwis' sharding approach:

gaetk -谷歌AppEngine工具包现在附带了一个简单的库函数来获取序列中的数字。它基于Nick Johnson的事务处理方法,可以很容易地用作Martin von Lowis的分片方法的基础:

>>> from gaeth.sequences import * 
>>> init_sequence('invoce_number', start=1, end=0xffffffff)
>>> get_numbers('invoce_number', 2)
[1, 2]

The functionality is basically implemented like this:


def _get_numbers_helper(keys, needed):
  results = []

  for key in keys:
    seq = db.get(key)
    start = seq.current or seq.start
    end = seq.end
    avail = end - start
    consumed = needed
    if avail <= needed:
      seq.active = False
      consumed = avail
    seq.current = start + consumed
    results += range(start, start + consumed)
    needed -= consumed
    if needed == 0:
      return results
  raise RuntimeError('Not enough sequence space to allocate %d numbers.' % needed)

def get_numbers(needed):
  query = gaetkSequence.all(keys_only=True).filter('active = ', True)
  return db.run_in_transaction(_get_numbers_helper, query.fetch(5), needed)



If you aren't too strict on the sequential, you can "shard" your incrementer. This could be thought of as an "eventually sequential" counter.


Basically, you have one entity that is the "master" count. Then you have a number of entities (based on the load you need to handle) that have their own counters. These shards reserve chunks of ids from the master and serve out from their range until they run out of values.


Quick algorithm:


  1. You need to get an ID.
  2. 你需要一个ID。
  3. Pick a shard at random.
  4. 随便挑一块碎片。
  5. If the shard's start is less than its end, take it's start and increment it.
  6. 如果shard的开始小于它的结束,就开始并增加它。
  7. If the shard's start is equal to (or more oh-oh) its end, go to the master, take the value and add an amount n to it. Set the shards start to the retrieved value plus one and end to the retrieved plus n.
  8. 如果碎片的起始值等于(或更多的oh)它的结束,到master,取值,并向其添加n。将碎片设置为检索到的值+ 1,并结束检索到的+ n。

This can scale quite well, however, the amount you can be out by is the number of shards multiplied by your n value. If you want your records to appear to go up this will probably work, but if you want to have them represent order it won't be accurate. It is also important to note that the latest values may have holes, so if you are using that to scan for some reason you will have to mind the gaps.



I needed this for my app (that was why I was searching the question :P ) so I have implemented my solution. It can grab single IDs as well as efficiently grab batches. I have tested it in a controlled environment (on appengine) and it performed very well. You can find the code on github.




Take a look at how the sharded counters are made. It may help you. Also do you really need them to be numeric. If unique is satisfying just use the entity keys.




Remember: Sharding increases the probability that you will get a unique, auto-increment value, but does not guarantee it. Please take Nick's advice if you MUST have a unique auto-incrment.




I implemented something very simplistic for my blog, which increments an IntegerProperty, iden rather than the Key ID.

我为我的博客实现了一些非常简单的东西,它增加了一个IntegerProperty, iden而不是Key ID。

I define max_iden() to find the maximum iden integer currently being used. This function scans through all existing blog posts.


def max_iden():
    max_entity = Post.gql("order by iden desc").get()
    if max_entity:
        return max_entity.iden
    return 1000    # If this is the very first entry, start at number 1000

Then, when creating a new blog post, I assign it an iden property of max_iden() + 1

然后,在创建一个新的blog post时,我将其赋值为max_iden() + 1的iden属性。

new_iden = max_iden() + 1
p = Post(parent=blog_key(), header=header, body=body, iden=new_iden)

I wonder if you might also want to add some sort of verification function after this, i.e. to ensure the max_iden() has now incremented, before moving onto the next invoice.


Altogether: fragile, inefficient code.




Alternatively, you could use allocate_ids(), as people have suggested, then creating these entities up front (i.e. with placeholder property values).


first, last = MyModel.allocate_ids(1000000)
keys = [Key(MyModel, id) for id in range(first, last+1)]

Then, when creating a new invoice, your code could run through these entries to find the one with the lowest ID such that the placeholder properties have not yet been overwritten with real data.


I haven't put that into practice, but seems like it should work in theory, most likely with the same limitations people have already mentioned.




I'm thinking in using the following solution: use CloudSQL (MySQL) to insert the records and assign the sequential ID (maybe with a Task Queue), later (using a Cron Task) move the records from CloudSQL back to the Datastore.

我正在考虑使用以下解决方案:使用CloudSQL (MySQL)插入记录并分配顺序ID(可能是任务队列),稍后(使用Cron任务)将记录从CloudSQL移回数据存储。

The entities also can have a UUID, so we can map the entities from the Datastore in CloudSQL, and also have the sequential ID (for legal reasons).




If you absolutely have to have sequentially increasing numbers with no gaps, you'll need to use a single entity, which you update in a transaction to 'consume' each new number. You'll be limited, in practice, to about 1-5 numbers generated per second - which sounds like it'll be fine for your requirements.




If you drop the requirement that IDs must be strictly sequential, you can use a hierarchical allocation scheme. The basic idea/limitation is that transactions must not affect multiple storage groups.


For example, assuming you have the notion of "users", you can allocate a storage group for each user (creating some global object per user). Each user has a list of reserved IDs. When allocating an ID for a user, pick a reserved one (in a transaction). If no IDs are left, make a new transaction allocating 100 IDs (say) from the global pool, then make a new transaction to add them to the user and simultaneously withdraw one. Assuming each user interacts with the application only sequentially, there will be no concurrency on the user objects.




The gaetk - Google AppEngine Toolkit now comes with a simple library function to get a number in a sequence. It is based on Nick Johnson's transactional approach and can be used quite easily as a foundation for Martin von Löwis' sharding approach:

gaetk -谷歌AppEngine工具包现在附带了一个简单的库函数来获取序列中的数字。它基于Nick Johnson的事务处理方法,可以很容易地用作Martin von Lowis的分片方法的基础:

>>> from gaeth.sequences import * 
>>> init_sequence('invoce_number', start=1, end=0xffffffff)
>>> get_numbers('invoce_number', 2)
[1, 2]

The functionality is basically implemented like this:


def _get_numbers_helper(keys, needed):
  results = []

  for key in keys:
    seq = db.get(key)
    start = seq.current or seq.start
    end = seq.end
    avail = end - start
    consumed = needed
    if avail <= needed:
      seq.active = False
      consumed = avail
    seq.current = start + consumed
    results += range(start, start + consumed)
    needed -= consumed
    if needed == 0:
      return results
  raise RuntimeError('Not enough sequence space to allocate %d numbers.' % needed)

def get_numbers(needed):
  query = gaetkSequence.all(keys_only=True).filter('active = ', True)
  return db.run_in_transaction(_get_numbers_helper, query.fetch(5), needed)



If you aren't too strict on the sequential, you can "shard" your incrementer. This could be thought of as an "eventually sequential" counter.


Basically, you have one entity that is the "master" count. Then you have a number of entities (based on the load you need to handle) that have their own counters. These shards reserve chunks of ids from the master and serve out from their range until they run out of values.


Quick algorithm:


  1. You need to get an ID.
  2. 你需要一个ID。
  3. Pick a shard at random.
  4. 随便挑一块碎片。
  5. If the shard's start is less than its end, take it's start and increment it.
  6. 如果shard的开始小于它的结束,就开始并增加它。
  7. If the shard's start is equal to (or more oh-oh) its end, go to the master, take the value and add an amount n to it. Set the shards start to the retrieved value plus one and end to the retrieved plus n.
  8. 如果碎片的起始值等于(或更多的oh)它的结束,到master,取值,并向其添加n。将碎片设置为检索到的值+ 1,并结束检索到的+ n。

This can scale quite well, however, the amount you can be out by is the number of shards multiplied by your n value. If you want your records to appear to go up this will probably work, but if you want to have them represent order it won't be accurate. It is also important to note that the latest values may have holes, so if you are using that to scan for some reason you will have to mind the gaps.



I needed this for my app (that was why I was searching the question :P ) so I have implemented my solution. It can grab single IDs as well as efficiently grab batches. I have tested it in a controlled environment (on appengine) and it performed very well. You can find the code on github.




Take a look at how the sharded counters are made. It may help you. Also do you really need them to be numeric. If unique is satisfying just use the entity keys.




Remember: Sharding increases the probability that you will get a unique, auto-increment value, but does not guarantee it. Please take Nick's advice if you MUST have a unique auto-incrment.




I implemented something very simplistic for my blog, which increments an IntegerProperty, iden rather than the Key ID.

我为我的博客实现了一些非常简单的东西,它增加了一个IntegerProperty, iden而不是Key ID。

I define max_iden() to find the maximum iden integer currently being used. This function scans through all existing blog posts.


def max_iden():
    max_entity = Post.gql("order by iden desc").get()
    if max_entity:
        return max_entity.iden
    return 1000    # If this is the very first entry, start at number 1000

Then, when creating a new blog post, I assign it an iden property of max_iden() + 1

然后,在创建一个新的blog post时,我将其赋值为max_iden() + 1的iden属性。

new_iden = max_iden() + 1
p = Post(parent=blog_key(), header=header, body=body, iden=new_iden)

I wonder if you might also want to add some sort of verification function after this, i.e. to ensure the max_iden() has now incremented, before moving onto the next invoice.


Altogether: fragile, inefficient code.




Alternatively, you could use allocate_ids(), as people have suggested, then creating these entities up front (i.e. with placeholder property values).


first, last = MyModel.allocate_ids(1000000)
keys = [Key(MyModel, id) for id in range(first, last+1)]

Then, when creating a new invoice, your code could run through these entries to find the one with the lowest ID such that the placeholder properties have not yet been overwritten with real data.


I haven't put that into practice, but seems like it should work in theory, most likely with the same limitations people have already mentioned.




I'm thinking in using the following solution: use CloudSQL (MySQL) to insert the records and assign the sequential ID (maybe with a Task Queue), later (using a Cron Task) move the records from CloudSQL back to the Datastore.

我正在考虑使用以下解决方案:使用CloudSQL (MySQL)插入记录并分配顺序ID(可能是任务队列),稍后(使用Cron任务)将记录从CloudSQL移回数据存储。

The entities also can have a UUID, so we can map the entities from the Datastore in CloudSQL, and also have the sequential ID (for legal reasons).
