
时间:2022-11-21 21:07:04

I created a radio button css following tips on the *, but there is a little detail missing.


It prints out a red square instead of default radio button icon, but when I click it, nothing happens.


There is the code: In the for loop I have:


$radioprint[$j] .= '<div class="radio"><div><input type="radio" name="radio'.$j.'" value="'.$radioarr[$j][$r].'">
<label for="radio'.$j.'"></label>'.$radioarr[$j][$r].'</div></div>';

And I adjusted the css:


label {
width: 14px;height: 14px;display: inline-block;background-color: red;cursor: pointer;
input[type=radio]:checked + label {
width: 14px;height: 14px;display: inline-block;background-color: green;cursor: pointer;

1 个解决方案



Have tried some workaround with CSS only to make it work (used 3 radios for testing, you can make it from the loop).




<input class="rb" value="1" id="a1" type="radio" name="myradio" checked="checked">
<label for="a1" class="radio_label"><div class="new_button"></div><span class="whitespan"> Radio 1</span></label><br />

<input class="rb" value="2" id="a2" type="radio" name="myradio">
<label for="a2" class="radio_label"><div class="new_button"></div><span class="whitespan"> Radio 2</span></label><br />

<input class="rb" value="3" id="a3" type="radio" name="myradio">
<label for="a3" class="radio_label"><div class="new_button"></div><span class="whitespan"> Radio 3</span></label>


.rb { display:none }
.new_button {width:15px; display:inline-block}
.whitespan { background-color: white }
.radio_label { background-color:red; cursor: pointer }
input[type=radio]:checked+label { background-color: green }

Ok, let me explain how this works. There are 3 hidden radio-buttons hidden with display:none style. Label for each of radio-buttons contains div element (to simulate custom-draw of circles) and course text. I have placed text inside span pair and changed its background to white (or any background color you want).


After click on label you change background color of entire label, but white background of your text make it visually unaffected. That means that you can change colored-area of label just simply changing dimensions of inline div in front of text. Because div was placed inside label pair, you can get same click effect by clicking on colored squares too.


Actually, with label's width style-property you can define width of colored block. To change height you probably have to deal with margins, padding, font-size, or even by making more complex nested structure of div elements.


Honestly, this was my first attempt to make something like this. Never used anything similar in my life. So it's certainly not perfect solution, but at least consider it and try to make something usable to fit your needs.


Hope you can use it.




Have tried some workaround with CSS only to make it work (used 3 radios for testing, you can make it from the loop).




<input class="rb" value="1" id="a1" type="radio" name="myradio" checked="checked">
<label for="a1" class="radio_label"><div class="new_button"></div><span class="whitespan"> Radio 1</span></label><br />

<input class="rb" value="2" id="a2" type="radio" name="myradio">
<label for="a2" class="radio_label"><div class="new_button"></div><span class="whitespan"> Radio 2</span></label><br />

<input class="rb" value="3" id="a3" type="radio" name="myradio">
<label for="a3" class="radio_label"><div class="new_button"></div><span class="whitespan"> Radio 3</span></label>


.rb { display:none }
.new_button {width:15px; display:inline-block}
.whitespan { background-color: white }
.radio_label { background-color:red; cursor: pointer }
input[type=radio]:checked+label { background-color: green }

Ok, let me explain how this works. There are 3 hidden radio-buttons hidden with display:none style. Label for each of radio-buttons contains div element (to simulate custom-draw of circles) and course text. I have placed text inside span pair and changed its background to white (or any background color you want).


After click on label you change background color of entire label, but white background of your text make it visually unaffected. That means that you can change colored-area of label just simply changing dimensions of inline div in front of text. Because div was placed inside label pair, you can get same click effect by clicking on colored squares too.


Actually, with label's width style-property you can define width of colored block. To change height you probably have to deal with margins, padding, font-size, or even by making more complex nested structure of div elements.


Honestly, this was my first attempt to make something like this. Never used anything similar in my life. So it's certainly not perfect solution, but at least consider it and try to make something usable to fit your needs.


Hope you can use it.
