
时间:2022-11-21 15:09:40

My question is if I have a Lion image just I want to change the color of the lion alone not the background color. For that I referred this SO question but it turns the color of whole image. Moreover the image is not looking great. I need the color change like photoshop. whether it is possible to do this in coregraphics or I have to use any other library.


EDIT : I need the color change to be like iQuikColor app



5 个解决方案



See answers below instead. Mine doesn't provide a complete solution.


Here is the sketch of a possible solution using OpenCV:


  • Convert the image from RGB to HSV using cvCvtColor (we only want to change the hue).
  • 使用cvcvcvtcolor将图像从RGB转换为HSV(我们只想更改色调)。
  • Isolate a color with cvThreshold specifying a certain tolerance (you want a range of colors, not one flat color).
  • 用cvThreshold指定一定的容错(您需要一个颜色范围,而不是一个平面颜色)隔离一个颜色。
  • Discard areas of color below a minimum size using a blob detection library like cvBlobsLib. This will get rid of dots of the similar color in the scene.
  • 使用cvBlobsLib之类的blob检测库丢弃最小大小以下的颜色区域。这样可以去掉场景中相似颜色的点。
  • Mask the color with cvInRangeS and use the resulting mask to apply the new hue.
  • 用cvInRangeS掩码颜色,并使用生成的掩码应用新的色调。
  • cvMerge the new image with the new hue with an image composed by the saturation and brightness channels that you saved in step one.
  • cvMerge新图像与新色调与由您在第一步中保存的饱和度和亮度通道组成的图像。

There are several OpenCV iOS ports in the net, eg: http://www.eosgarden.com/en/opensource/opencv-ios/overview/ I haven't tried this myself, but seems a good research direction.

网上有几个OpenCV iOS端口,例如:http://www.eosgardenen.com/opensource/opencv -ios/overview/我自己还没有尝试过,但似乎是一个很好的研究方向。



This took quite a while to figure out, mainly because I wanted to get it up and running in Swift using Core Image and CIColorCube.

这花了很长时间才弄明白,主要是因为我想用Core Image和CIColorCube快速创建并运行它。

@Miguel's explanation is spot on about the way you need to replace a "Hue angle range" with another "Hue angle range". You can read his post above for details on what a Hue Angle Range is.


I made a quick app that replaces a default blue truck below, with whatever you choose on Hue slider.



You can slide the slider to tell the app what color Hue you want to replace the blue with.


I'm hardcoding the Hue range to be 60 degrees, which typically seems to encompass most of a particular color but you can edit that if you need to.




Notice that it does not color the tires or the tail lights because that's outside of the 60 degree range of the truck's default blue hue, but it does handle shading appropriately.


First you need code to convert RGB to HSV (Hue value):


func RGBtoHSV(r : Float, g : Float, b : Float) -> (h : Float, s : Float, v : Float) {
    var h : CGFloat = 0
    var s : CGFloat = 0
    var v : CGFloat = 0
    let col = UIColor(red: CGFloat(r), green: CGFloat(g), blue: CGFloat(b), alpha: 1.0)
    col.getHue(&h, saturation: &s, brightness: &v, alpha: nil)
    return (Float(h), Float(s), Float(v))

Then you need to convert HSV to RGB. You want to use this when you discover a hue that in your desired hue range (aka, a color that's the same blue hue of the default truck) to save off any adjustments you make.


func HSVtoRGB(h : Float, s : Float, v : Float) -> (r : Float, g : Float, b : Float) {
    var r : Float = 0
    var g : Float = 0
    var b : Float = 0
    let C = s * v
    let HS = h * 6.0
    let X = C * (1.0 - fabsf(fmodf(HS, 2.0) - 1.0))
    if (HS >= 0 && HS < 1) {
        r = C
        g = X
        b = 0
    } else if (HS >= 1 && HS < 2) {
        r = X
        g = C
        b = 0
    } else if (HS >= 2 && HS < 3) {
        r = 0
        g = C
        b = X
    } else if (HS >= 3 && HS < 4) {
        r = 0
        g = X
        b = C
    } else if (HS >= 4 && HS < 5) {
        r = X
        g = 0
        b = C
    } else if (HS >= 5 && HS < 6) {
        r = C
        g = 0
        b = X
    let m = v - C
    r += m
    g += m
    b += m
    return (r, g, b)

Now you simply loop through a full RGBA color cube and "adjust" any colors in the "default blue" hue range with those from your newly desired hue. Then use Core Image and the CIColorCube filter to apply your adjusted color cube to the image.

现在,您只需循环使用一个完整的RGBA颜色立方体,并“调整”任何颜色在“默认蓝”色调范围与那些从您的新期望的色调。然后使用Core Image和CIColorCube filter将调整后的颜色cube应用到图像上。

func render() {
    let centerHueAngle: Float = 214.0/360.0 //default color of truck body blue
    let destCenterHueAngle: Float = slider.value
    let minHueAngle: Float = (214.0 - 60.0/2.0) / 360 //60 degree range = +30 -30
    let maxHueAngle: Float = (214.0 + 60.0/2.0) / 360
    var hueAdjustment = centerHueAngle - destCenterHueAngle
    let size = 64
    var cubeData = [Float](count: size * size * size * 4, repeatedValue: 0)
    var rgb: [Float] = [0, 0, 0]
    var hsv: (h : Float, s : Float, v : Float)
    var newRGB: (r : Float, g : Float, b : Float)
    var offset = 0
    for var z = 0; z < size; z++ {
        rgb[2] = Float(z) / Float(size) // blue value
        for var y = 0; y < size; y++ {
            rgb[1] = Float(y) / Float(size) // green value
            for var x = 0; x < size; x++ {
                rgb[0] = Float(x) / Float(size) // red value
                hsv = RGBtoHSV(rgb[0], g: rgb[1], b: rgb[2])
                if hsv.h < minHueAngle || hsv.h > maxHueAngle {
                    newRGB.r = rgb[0]
                    newRGB.g = rgb[1]
                    newRGB.b = rgb[2]
                } else {
                    hsv.h = destCenterHueAngle == 1 ? 0 : hsv.h - hueAdjustment //force red if slider angle is 360
                    newRGB = HSVtoRGB(hsv.h, s:hsv.s, v:hsv.v)
                cubeData[offset]   = newRGB.r
                cubeData[offset+1] = newRGB.g
                cubeData[offset+2] = newRGB.b
                cubeData[offset+3] = 1.0
                offset += 4
    let data = NSData(bytes: cubeData, length: cubeData.count * sizeof(Float))
    let colorCube = CIFilter(name: "CIColorCube")!
    colorCube.setValue(size, forKey: "inputCubeDimension")
    colorCube.setValue(data, forKey: "inputCubeData")
    colorCube.setValue(ciImage, forKey: kCIInputImageKey)
    if let outImage = colorCube.outputImage {
        let context = CIContext(options: nil)
        let outputImageRef = context.createCGImage(outImage, fromRect: outImage.extent)
        imageView.image = UIImage(CGImage: outputImageRef)

You can download the sample project here. It's using Xcode 7 and Swift 2.0.

您可以在这里下载示例项目。它使用Xcode 7和Swift 2.0。



I'm going to make the assumption that you know how to perform these basic operations, so these won't be included in my solution:


  • load an image
  • 加载一个图像
  • get the RGB value of a given pixel of the loaded image
  • 获取所加载图像的给定像素的RGB值
  • set the RGB value of a given pixel
  • 设置给定像素的RGB值
  • display a loaded image, and/or save it back to disk.
  • 显示已加载的映像,并/或将其保存回磁盘。

First of all, let's consider how you can describe the source and destination colors. Clearly you can't specify these as exact RGB values, since a photo will have slight variations in color. For example, the green pixels in the truck picture you posted are not all exactly the same shade of green. The RGB color model isn't very good at expressing basic color characteristics, so you will get much better results if you convert the pixels to HSL. Here are C functions to convert RGB to HSL and back.


The HSL color model describes three aspects of a color:


  1. Hue - the main perceived color - i.e. red, green, orange, etc.
  2. 色调——主要感知的颜色——即红、绿、橙等。
  3. Saturation - how "full" the color is - i.e. from full color to no color at all
  4. 饱和度——颜色的“满”程度——即从全色到全无色
  5. Lightness - how bright the color is
  6. 明度——颜色有多亮

So for example, if you wanted to find all the green pixels in a picture, you will convert each pixel from RGB to HSL, then look for H values that correspond to green, with some tolerance for "near green" colors. Below is a Hue chart, from Wikipedia:



So in your case you will be looking at pixels that have a Hue of 120 degrees +/- some amount. The bigger the range the more colors will get selected. If you make your range too wide you will start seeing yellow and cyan pixels getting selected, so you'll have to find the right range, and you may even want to offer the user of your app controls to select this range.


In addition to selecting by Hue, you may want to allow ranges for Saturation and Lightness, so that you can optionally put more limits to the pixels that you want to select for colorization.


Finally, you may want to offer the user the ability to draw a "lasso selection" so that specific parts of the picture can be left out of the colorization. This is how you could tell the app that you want the body of the green truck, but not the green wheel.


Once you know which pixels you want to modify it's time to alter their color.


The easiest way to colorize the pixels is to just change the Hue, leaving the Saturation and Lightness from the original pixel. So for example, if you want to make green pixels magenta you will be adding 180 degrees to all the Hue values of the selected pixels (making sure you use modulo 360 math).

对像素进行着色最简单的方法就是改变色相,将饱和度和亮度从原来的像素中去掉。举个例子,如果你想让绿色像素为洋红色,你将会给所选像素的所有色调值增加180度(确保你使用的是modulo 360)。

If you wanted to get more sophisticated, you can also apply changes to Saturation and that will give you a wider range of tones you can go to. I think the Lightness is better left alone, you may be able to make small adjustments and the image will still look good, but if you go too far away from the original you may start seeing hard edges where the process pixels border with background pixels.


Once you have the colorized HSL pixel you just convert it back to RGB and write it back to the image.


I hope this helps. A final comment I should make is that Hue values in code are typically recorded in the 0-255 range, but many applications show them as a color wheel with a range of 0 to 360 degrees. Keep that in mind!




Can I suggest you look into using OpenCV? It's an open source image manipulation library, and it's got an iOS port too. There are plenty of blog posts about how to use it and set it up.


It has a whole heap of functions that will help you do a good job of what you're attempting. You could do it just using CoreGraphics, but the end result isn't going to look nearly as good as OpenCV would.


It was developed by some folks at MIT, so as you might expect it does a pretty good job at things like edge detection and object tracking. I remember reading a blog about how to separate a certain color from a picture with OpenCV - the examples showed a pretty good result. See here for an example. From there I can't imagine it would be a massive job to actually change the separated color to something else.




I don't know of a CoreGraphics operation for this, and I don't see a suitable CoreImage filter for this. If that's correct, then here's a push in the right direction:


Assuming you have a CGImage (or a uiImage.CGImage):


  • Begin by creating a new CGBitmapContext
  • 首先创建一个新的CGBitmapContext
  • Draw the source image to the bitmap context
  • 将源图像绘制到位图上下文
  • Get a handle to the bitmap's pixel data
  • 获取位图的像素数据的句柄

Learn how the buffer is structured so you could properly populate a 2D array of pixel values which have the form:


typedef struct t_pixel {
  uint8_t r, g, b, a;
} t_pixel;

Then create the color to locate:


const t_pixel ColorToLocate = { 0,0,0,255 }; // << black, opaque

And its substitution value:


const t_pixel SubstitutionColor = { 255,255,255,255 }; // << white, opaque
  • Iterate over the bitmap context's pixel buffer, creating t_pixels.
  • 迭代位图上下文的像素缓冲区,创建t_pixels。
  • When you find a pixel which matches ColorToLocate, replace the source values with the values in SubstitutionColor.


  • Create a new CGImage from the CGBitmapContext.


That's the easy part! All that does is takes a CGImage, replace exact color matches, and produces a new CGImage.


What you want is more sophisticated. For this task, you will want a good edge detection algorithm.


I've not used this app you have linked. If it's limited to a few colors, then they may simply be swapping channel values, paired with edge detection (keep in mind that buffers may also be represented in multiple color models - not just RGBA).


If (in the app you linked) the user can choose an arbitrary colors, values, and edge thresholds, then you will have to use real blending and edge detection. If you need to see how this is accomplished, you may want to check out a package such as Gimp (it's an open image editor) - they have the algos to detect edges and choose by color.




See answers below instead. Mine doesn't provide a complete solution.


Here is the sketch of a possible solution using OpenCV:


  • Convert the image from RGB to HSV using cvCvtColor (we only want to change the hue).
  • 使用cvcvcvtcolor将图像从RGB转换为HSV(我们只想更改色调)。
  • Isolate a color with cvThreshold specifying a certain tolerance (you want a range of colors, not one flat color).
  • 用cvThreshold指定一定的容错(您需要一个颜色范围,而不是一个平面颜色)隔离一个颜色。
  • Discard areas of color below a minimum size using a blob detection library like cvBlobsLib. This will get rid of dots of the similar color in the scene.
  • 使用cvBlobsLib之类的blob检测库丢弃最小大小以下的颜色区域。这样可以去掉场景中相似颜色的点。
  • Mask the color with cvInRangeS and use the resulting mask to apply the new hue.
  • 用cvInRangeS掩码颜色,并使用生成的掩码应用新的色调。
  • cvMerge the new image with the new hue with an image composed by the saturation and brightness channels that you saved in step one.
  • cvMerge新图像与新色调与由您在第一步中保存的饱和度和亮度通道组成的图像。

There are several OpenCV iOS ports in the net, eg: http://www.eosgarden.com/en/opensource/opencv-ios/overview/ I haven't tried this myself, but seems a good research direction.

网上有几个OpenCV iOS端口,例如:http://www.eosgardenen.com/opensource/opencv -ios/overview/我自己还没有尝试过,但似乎是一个很好的研究方向。



This took quite a while to figure out, mainly because I wanted to get it up and running in Swift using Core Image and CIColorCube.

这花了很长时间才弄明白,主要是因为我想用Core Image和CIColorCube快速创建并运行它。

@Miguel's explanation is spot on about the way you need to replace a "Hue angle range" with another "Hue angle range". You can read his post above for details on what a Hue Angle Range is.


I made a quick app that replaces a default blue truck below, with whatever you choose on Hue slider.



You can slide the slider to tell the app what color Hue you want to replace the blue with.


I'm hardcoding the Hue range to be 60 degrees, which typically seems to encompass most of a particular color but you can edit that if you need to.




Notice that it does not color the tires or the tail lights because that's outside of the 60 degree range of the truck's default blue hue, but it does handle shading appropriately.


First you need code to convert RGB to HSV (Hue value):


func RGBtoHSV(r : Float, g : Float, b : Float) -> (h : Float, s : Float, v : Float) {
    var h : CGFloat = 0
    var s : CGFloat = 0
    var v : CGFloat = 0
    let col = UIColor(red: CGFloat(r), green: CGFloat(g), blue: CGFloat(b), alpha: 1.0)
    col.getHue(&h, saturation: &s, brightness: &v, alpha: nil)
    return (Float(h), Float(s), Float(v))

Then you need to convert HSV to RGB. You want to use this when you discover a hue that in your desired hue range (aka, a color that's the same blue hue of the default truck) to save off any adjustments you make.


func HSVtoRGB(h : Float, s : Float, v : Float) -> (r : Float, g : Float, b : Float) {
    var r : Float = 0
    var g : Float = 0
    var b : Float = 0
    let C = s * v
    let HS = h * 6.0
    let X = C * (1.0 - fabsf(fmodf(HS, 2.0) - 1.0))
    if (HS >= 0 && HS < 1) {
        r = C
        g = X
        b = 0
    } else if (HS >= 1 && HS < 2) {
        r = X
        g = C
        b = 0
    } else if (HS >= 2 && HS < 3) {
        r = 0
        g = C
        b = X
    } else if (HS >= 3 && HS < 4) {
        r = 0
        g = X
        b = C
    } else if (HS >= 4 && HS < 5) {
        r = X
        g = 0
        b = C
    } else if (HS >= 5 && HS < 6) {
        r = C
        g = 0
        b = X
    let m = v - C
    r += m
    g += m
    b += m
    return (r, g, b)

Now you simply loop through a full RGBA color cube and "adjust" any colors in the "default blue" hue range with those from your newly desired hue. Then use Core Image and the CIColorCube filter to apply your adjusted color cube to the image.

现在,您只需循环使用一个完整的RGBA颜色立方体,并“调整”任何颜色在“默认蓝”色调范围与那些从您的新期望的色调。然后使用Core Image和CIColorCube filter将调整后的颜色cube应用到图像上。

func render() {
    let centerHueAngle: Float = 214.0/360.0 //default color of truck body blue
    let destCenterHueAngle: Float = slider.value
    let minHueAngle: Float = (214.0 - 60.0/2.0) / 360 //60 degree range = +30 -30
    let maxHueAngle: Float = (214.0 + 60.0/2.0) / 360
    var hueAdjustment = centerHueAngle - destCenterHueAngle
    let size = 64
    var cubeData = [Float](count: size * size * size * 4, repeatedValue: 0)
    var rgb: [Float] = [0, 0, 0]
    var hsv: (h : Float, s : Float, v : Float)
    var newRGB: (r : Float, g : Float, b : Float)
    var offset = 0
    for var z = 0; z < size; z++ {
        rgb[2] = Float(z) / Float(size) // blue value
        for var y = 0; y < size; y++ {
            rgb[1] = Float(y) / Float(size) // green value
            for var x = 0; x < size; x++ {
                rgb[0] = Float(x) / Float(size) // red value
                hsv = RGBtoHSV(rgb[0], g: rgb[1], b: rgb[2])
                if hsv.h < minHueAngle || hsv.h > maxHueAngle {
                    newRGB.r = rgb[0]
                    newRGB.g = rgb[1]
                    newRGB.b = rgb[2]
                } else {
                    hsv.h = destCenterHueAngle == 1 ? 0 : hsv.h - hueAdjustment //force red if slider angle is 360
                    newRGB = HSVtoRGB(hsv.h, s:hsv.s, v:hsv.v)
                cubeData[offset]   = newRGB.r
                cubeData[offset+1] = newRGB.g
                cubeData[offset+2] = newRGB.b
                cubeData[offset+3] = 1.0
                offset += 4
    let data = NSData(bytes: cubeData, length: cubeData.count * sizeof(Float))
    let colorCube = CIFilter(name: "CIColorCube")!
    colorCube.setValue(size, forKey: "inputCubeDimension")
    colorCube.setValue(data, forKey: "inputCubeData")
    colorCube.setValue(ciImage, forKey: kCIInputImageKey)
    if let outImage = colorCube.outputImage {
        let context = CIContext(options: nil)
        let outputImageRef = context.createCGImage(outImage, fromRect: outImage.extent)
        imageView.image = UIImage(CGImage: outputImageRef)

You can download the sample project here. It's using Xcode 7 and Swift 2.0.

您可以在这里下载示例项目。它使用Xcode 7和Swift 2.0。



I'm going to make the assumption that you know how to perform these basic operations, so these won't be included in my solution:


  • load an image
  • 加载一个图像
  • get the RGB value of a given pixel of the loaded image
  • 获取所加载图像的给定像素的RGB值
  • set the RGB value of a given pixel
  • 设置给定像素的RGB值
  • display a loaded image, and/or save it back to disk.
  • 显示已加载的映像,并/或将其保存回磁盘。

First of all, let's consider how you can describe the source and destination colors. Clearly you can't specify these as exact RGB values, since a photo will have slight variations in color. For example, the green pixels in the truck picture you posted are not all exactly the same shade of green. The RGB color model isn't very good at expressing basic color characteristics, so you will get much better results if you convert the pixels to HSL. Here are C functions to convert RGB to HSL and back.


The HSL color model describes three aspects of a color:


  1. Hue - the main perceived color - i.e. red, green, orange, etc.
  2. 色调——主要感知的颜色——即红、绿、橙等。
  3. Saturation - how "full" the color is - i.e. from full color to no color at all
  4. 饱和度——颜色的“满”程度——即从全色到全无色
  5. Lightness - how bright the color is
  6. 明度——颜色有多亮

So for example, if you wanted to find all the green pixels in a picture, you will convert each pixel from RGB to HSL, then look for H values that correspond to green, with some tolerance for "near green" colors. Below is a Hue chart, from Wikipedia:



So in your case you will be looking at pixels that have a Hue of 120 degrees +/- some amount. The bigger the range the more colors will get selected. If you make your range too wide you will start seeing yellow and cyan pixels getting selected, so you'll have to find the right range, and you may even want to offer the user of your app controls to select this range.


In addition to selecting by Hue, you may want to allow ranges for Saturation and Lightness, so that you can optionally put more limits to the pixels that you want to select for colorization.


Finally, you may want to offer the user the ability to draw a "lasso selection" so that specific parts of the picture can be left out of the colorization. This is how you could tell the app that you want the body of the green truck, but not the green wheel.


Once you know which pixels you want to modify it's time to alter their color.


The easiest way to colorize the pixels is to just change the Hue, leaving the Saturation and Lightness from the original pixel. So for example, if you want to make green pixels magenta you will be adding 180 degrees to all the Hue values of the selected pixels (making sure you use modulo 360 math).

对像素进行着色最简单的方法就是改变色相,将饱和度和亮度从原来的像素中去掉。举个例子,如果你想让绿色像素为洋红色,你将会给所选像素的所有色调值增加180度(确保你使用的是modulo 360)。

If you wanted to get more sophisticated, you can also apply changes to Saturation and that will give you a wider range of tones you can go to. I think the Lightness is better left alone, you may be able to make small adjustments and the image will still look good, but if you go too far away from the original you may start seeing hard edges where the process pixels border with background pixels.


Once you have the colorized HSL pixel you just convert it back to RGB and write it back to the image.


I hope this helps. A final comment I should make is that Hue values in code are typically recorded in the 0-255 range, but many applications show them as a color wheel with a range of 0 to 360 degrees. Keep that in mind!




Can I suggest you look into using OpenCV? It's an open source image manipulation library, and it's got an iOS port too. There are plenty of blog posts about how to use it and set it up.


It has a whole heap of functions that will help you do a good job of what you're attempting. You could do it just using CoreGraphics, but the end result isn't going to look nearly as good as OpenCV would.


It was developed by some folks at MIT, so as you might expect it does a pretty good job at things like edge detection and object tracking. I remember reading a blog about how to separate a certain color from a picture with OpenCV - the examples showed a pretty good result. See here for an example. From there I can't imagine it would be a massive job to actually change the separated color to something else.




I don't know of a CoreGraphics operation for this, and I don't see a suitable CoreImage filter for this. If that's correct, then here's a push in the right direction:


Assuming you have a CGImage (or a uiImage.CGImage):


  • Begin by creating a new CGBitmapContext
  • 首先创建一个新的CGBitmapContext
  • Draw the source image to the bitmap context
  • 将源图像绘制到位图上下文
  • Get a handle to the bitmap's pixel data
  • 获取位图的像素数据的句柄

Learn how the buffer is structured so you could properly populate a 2D array of pixel values which have the form:


typedef struct t_pixel {
  uint8_t r, g, b, a;
} t_pixel;

Then create the color to locate:


const t_pixel ColorToLocate = { 0,0,0,255 }; // << black, opaque

And its substitution value:


const t_pixel SubstitutionColor = { 255,255,255,255 }; // << white, opaque
  • Iterate over the bitmap context's pixel buffer, creating t_pixels.
  • 迭代位图上下文的像素缓冲区,创建t_pixels。
  • When you find a pixel which matches ColorToLocate, replace the source values with the values in SubstitutionColor.


  • Create a new CGImage from the CGBitmapContext.


That's the easy part! All that does is takes a CGImage, replace exact color matches, and produces a new CGImage.


What you want is more sophisticated. For this task, you will want a good edge detection algorithm.


I've not used this app you have linked. If it's limited to a few colors, then they may simply be swapping channel values, paired with edge detection (keep in mind that buffers may also be represented in multiple color models - not just RGBA).


If (in the app you linked) the user can choose an arbitrary colors, values, and edge thresholds, then you will have to use real blending and edge detection. If you need to see how this is accomplished, you may want to check out a package such as Gimp (it's an open image editor) - they have the algos to detect edges and choose by color.
