在VBA Excel中对ComboBox进行排序

时间:2022-11-19 22:53:36

I am trying to sort a ComboBox without success so far. I am using the classic code below found on internet:


 Sub SortComboBox(ByRef oCB As ComboBox)
    Dim vItems As Variant
    Dim i As Long
    Dim j As Long
    Dim vTemp As Variant
    ' Put the items in a array
    vItems = oCB.List
    ' Sort the array
    For i = LBound(vItems, 1) To UBound(vItems, 1) - 1
        For j = i + 1 To UBound(vItems, 1)
            If vItems(i, 0) > vItems(j, 0) Then
                vTemp = vItems(i, 0)
                vItems(i, 0) = vItems(j, 0)
                vItems(j, 0) = vTemp
            End If
        Next j
    Next i
    ' Clear the ComboBox
    ' Add the sorted array back to the ComboBox
    For i = LBound(vItems, 1) To UBound(vItems, 1)
        oCB.AddItem vItems(i, 0)
    Next i
End Sub 

I am calling this Sub with this line:


SortComboBox (Sheet1.cboSolvent)

The ComboBox 'cboSolvent' is on the Worksheet1 and is already filled from the worksheet2. I am calling the Sub 'SortComboBox' when the ComboBox 'cboSolvent' is already full but not sorted.


I get the following error: 'object required', but I don't understand, because for me, cboSolvent is an object (a ComboBox object). Moreover, Sheet1.cboSolvent is highlighted with the message: Sheet1.cboSolvent = "Data". Another thing unclear for me as it should be Sheet1.cboSolvent.Text = "Data".

我得到以下错误:'对象需要',但我不明白,因为对我来说,cboSolvent是一个对象(一个ComboBox对象)。此外,Sheet1.cboSolvent突出显示消息:Sheet1.cboSolvent =“Data”。另一件事我不清楚,因为它应该是Sheet1.cboSolvent.Text =“数据”。

Any help will be appreciated to sort this issue of course, but also to understand the things I don't understand.



1 个解决方案



Try to call it as (without brackets)


SortComboBox Sheet1.cboSolvent

If you need to call the sub with brakets then use CALL keyword.


Call SortComboBox(Sheet1.cbsolvent)



Try to call it as (without brackets)


SortComboBox Sheet1.cboSolvent

If you need to call the sub with brakets then use CALL keyword.


Call SortComboBox(Sheet1.cbsolvent)