使用PhantomJS启动的RemoteWebdriver无法打开https url

时间:2022-11-19 20:56:19

I am using selenium with PhantomJs to scrape the URL. I initialized the driver as below


final DesiredCapabilities caps = DesiredCapabilities.chrome();caps.setCapability(        PhantomJSDriverService.PHANTOMJS_EXECUTABLE_PATH_PROPERTY,        "PhantomJsPath");caps.setCapability("page.settings.loadImages", false);caps.setCapability("trustAllSSLCertificates", true);RemoteWebDriver driver = new PhantomJSDriver(caps);driver.setLogLevel(Level.OFF);driver.get("https://.......")

The pagesource obtained from the driver is empty


Am I missing anything?


1 个解决方案


Recently the POODLE vulnerability forced websites to remove SSLv3 support. Since PhantomJS < v1.9.8 uses SSLv3 by default, the page cannot be loaded. To fix this, you would need to run PhantomJS with --ssl-protocol=tlsv1 or --ssl-protocol=any. See this answer for plain PhantomJS.

最近,POODLE漏洞迫使网站删除SSLv3支持。由于PhantomJS 默认使用sslv3,因此无法加载页面。要解决此问题,您需要使用--ssl-protocol>

caps = DesiredCapabilities.phantomjs(); // or new DesiredCapabilities();caps.setCapability(PhantomJSDriverService.PHANTOMJS_CLI_ARGS,         new String[] {"--ssl-protocol=tlsv1"});// other capabilitiesdriver = new PhantomJSDriver(caps);

If this doesn't solve the issue, you can also add


"--web-security=false", "--ignore-ssl-errors=true"

to the String array of cli args as seen in SiKing's answer here.

在SiKing的答案中可以看到cli args的String数组。


Recently the POODLE vulnerability forced websites to remove SSLv3 support. Since PhantomJS < v1.9.8 uses SSLv3 by default, the page cannot be loaded. To fix this, you would need to run PhantomJS with --ssl-protocol=tlsv1 or --ssl-protocol=any. See this answer for plain PhantomJS.

最近,POODLE漏洞迫使网站删除SSLv3支持。由于PhantomJS 默认使用sslv3,因此无法加载页面。要解决此问题,您需要使用--ssl-protocol>

caps = DesiredCapabilities.phantomjs(); // or new DesiredCapabilities();caps.setCapability(PhantomJSDriverService.PHANTOMJS_CLI_ARGS,         new String[] {"--ssl-protocol=tlsv1"});// other capabilitiesdriver = new PhantomJSDriver(caps);

If this doesn't solve the issue, you can also add


"--web-security=false", "--ignore-ssl-errors=true"

to the String array of cli args as seen in SiKing's answer here.

在SiKing的答案中可以看到cli args的String数组。