
时间:2022-11-19 13:57:43

I have a php page that has a lot of images. And depending on the client window size the image size changes. For my specific scenario, I need the image width to be exactly the size of the div it's in (like pixel-to-pixel).


So basically, how do I load the different sizes of the image? I cant create all the possible width's of the image beforehand.


Is there a way to do this resizing dynamically?


1 个解决方案



For a server running php, you can use one of these libraries to resize the images on the fly:


  1. meenie/munee
  2. mos/cimage

You can install the library using composer by running composer require meenie/munee or composer require mos/cimage

您可以通过运行composer require meenie / munee或composer require mos / cimage来使用composer安装库

Then you can link your photos by using one of these:


  1. Meenie: <img src="/path/to/image.jpg?resize=width[100]">
  2. Meenie:如何在PHP中动态调整图像大小

  3. cImage: <img src="/host/img.php?src=test.png&width=100">
  4. cImage:如何在PHP中动态调整图像大小



For a server running php, you can use one of these libraries to resize the images on the fly:


  1. meenie/munee
  2. mos/cimage

You can install the library using composer by running composer require meenie/munee or composer require mos/cimage

您可以通过运行composer require meenie / munee或composer require mos / cimage来使用composer安装库

Then you can link your photos by using one of these:


  1. Meenie: <img src="/path/to/image.jpg?resize=width[100]">
  2. Meenie:如何在PHP中动态调整图像大小

  3. cImage: <img src="/host/img.php?src=test.png&width=100">
  4. cImage:如何在PHP中动态调整图像大小