
时间:2022-11-19 12:10:59

My angular application is constantly changing these days because our team runs rapid updates right now.


Because of cache our clients does not always have the newest version of our code.


So is there a way in angular to force the browser to clear cache?


3 个解决方案



You can use a very simple solution that consist in append a hash to your scripts files. Each time your App is deployed you serve your files with a different hash automatically via a gulp/grunt task. As an example you can use gulp-rev. I use this technique in all my projects and works just fine, this automatized in your build/deploy process can be a solution for all your projects.


Yeoman generator for AngularJS generator-gulp-angular (this was my generator of choice) use this solution to ensure that the browser load the new optimazed file and not the old one in cache. Please create a demo project and play with it and you will see it in action.

约曼生成器的AngularJS生成器-gulp- angle(这是我的选择生成器)使用这个解决方案来确保浏览器加载新的优化文件,而不是缓存中的旧文件。请创建一个演示项目并使用它,您将看到它的实际操作。



As mentioned above the common solution to solve browser cache issues is adding some kind of version token (version number, timestamp, hash and so on) to loaded resource files. This covers cases when user load page or reload it. As already told gulp task, WebPack, some backend frameworks as MVC and so on support this feature together with bundling, minimization, obfuscation and so on. It's better to use them resolving another related issues too.

如上所述,解决浏览器缓存问题的常见解决方案是向加载的资源文件添加某种版本令牌(版本号、时间戳、散列等)。这涵盖了用户加载页面或重载页面的情况。正如已经介绍的gulp任务、WebPack、一些后端框架(如 MVC等)通过打包、最小化、混淆等方式支持这个特性。最好使用它们来解决另一个相关的问题。

But one think they can't resolve it's updating the main page itself and loaded already files when they were changed (deployed) on backend side. For instance you deploy app while another users work with your single page without reloading it. Or a user left app open in browser tab and in an hour comes back to this page. In this case some loaded already files including main page are old and some on backend side are new ones. Also all loaded already files have old references to files which are may not exist in backend but cached in browser. So, in general you have broken application here and it's actually more general problem which Angular can't solve itself.


To solve this you need to notify your user that a new app version exists and they need to reload page or to reload it by force. The second approach is not good from user experience perspective. Let's imagine you are working and at some moment page starts reload itself. Weird, right?


In order to notify user about new version you can use websokets message to app about new version, pass version in every response (not a good solution) or pull backend from time to time about a new version (not a good too). But they all are not trivial. If your app login session is short you can check version while relogin, refreshing auth cookies and so on.

为了将新版本通知用户,你可以使用websokets消息来应用新版本,在每个响应中传递版本(不是一个好的解决方案),或者在一个新版本(也不是很好)的时候拉后端。但它们都不是微不足道的。如果您的应用程序登录会话很短,您可以在重新登录时检查版本,刷新auth cookie等等。

So, to solve this problem fully you need to implement files bundling + new version user notification mechanism.




If you are looking for a really simple solution and your IDE is visual studio under C# you can get app build Id and concatenate on your js file url.

如果您正在寻找一个非常简单的解决方案,并且您的IDE是c#下的visual studio,您可以获得应用程序构建Id并将其连接到您的js文件url上。

First you should activate incrementation for minor versions like that: enter image description here


Go to your project properties, under Application on the new window, click Assembly Information and add a "*" to Assembly version (last digit as described on image above).


After that, add a new property to your codebehind aspx, or web service or webapi, etc... for this piece of code I'm using aspx:


    public string GetVersionApp => System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString();

Then, call the property through your html and concatenate the value as param on your url file, like this:


<script type="text/javascript" src="App/RequestsList/directives/comment-directive.js?<%=GetVersionApp%>"></script>

With this solution, your files only be reloaded if a new build occurs. Hope it helps!




You can use a very simple solution that consist in append a hash to your scripts files. Each time your App is deployed you serve your files with a different hash automatically via a gulp/grunt task. As an example you can use gulp-rev. I use this technique in all my projects and works just fine, this automatized in your build/deploy process can be a solution for all your projects.


Yeoman generator for AngularJS generator-gulp-angular (this was my generator of choice) use this solution to ensure that the browser load the new optimazed file and not the old one in cache. Please create a demo project and play with it and you will see it in action.

约曼生成器的AngularJS生成器-gulp- angle(这是我的选择生成器)使用这个解决方案来确保浏览器加载新的优化文件,而不是缓存中的旧文件。请创建一个演示项目并使用它,您将看到它的实际操作。



As mentioned above the common solution to solve browser cache issues is adding some kind of version token (version number, timestamp, hash and so on) to loaded resource files. This covers cases when user load page or reload it. As already told gulp task, WebPack, some backend frameworks as MVC and so on support this feature together with bundling, minimization, obfuscation and so on. It's better to use them resolving another related issues too.

如上所述,解决浏览器缓存问题的常见解决方案是向加载的资源文件添加某种版本令牌(版本号、时间戳、散列等)。这涵盖了用户加载页面或重载页面的情况。正如已经介绍的gulp任务、WebPack、一些后端框架(如 MVC等)通过打包、最小化、混淆等方式支持这个特性。最好使用它们来解决另一个相关的问题。

But one think they can't resolve it's updating the main page itself and loaded already files when they were changed (deployed) on backend side. For instance you deploy app while another users work with your single page without reloading it. Or a user left app open in browser tab and in an hour comes back to this page. In this case some loaded already files including main page are old and some on backend side are new ones. Also all loaded already files have old references to files which are may not exist in backend but cached in browser. So, in general you have broken application here and it's actually more general problem which Angular can't solve itself.


To solve this you need to notify your user that a new app version exists and they need to reload page or to reload it by force. The second approach is not good from user experience perspective. Let's imagine you are working and at some moment page starts reload itself. Weird, right?


In order to notify user about new version you can use websokets message to app about new version, pass version in every response (not a good solution) or pull backend from time to time about a new version (not a good too). But they all are not trivial. If your app login session is short you can check version while relogin, refreshing auth cookies and so on.

为了将新版本通知用户,你可以使用websokets消息来应用新版本,在每个响应中传递版本(不是一个好的解决方案),或者在一个新版本(也不是很好)的时候拉后端。但它们都不是微不足道的。如果您的应用程序登录会话很短,您可以在重新登录时检查版本,刷新auth cookie等等。

So, to solve this problem fully you need to implement files bundling + new version user notification mechanism.




If you are looking for a really simple solution and your IDE is visual studio under C# you can get app build Id and concatenate on your js file url.

如果您正在寻找一个非常简单的解决方案,并且您的IDE是c#下的visual studio,您可以获得应用程序构建Id并将其连接到您的js文件url上。

First you should activate incrementation for minor versions like that: enter image description here


Go to your project properties, under Application on the new window, click Assembly Information and add a "*" to Assembly version (last digit as described on image above).


After that, add a new property to your codebehind aspx, or web service or webapi, etc... for this piece of code I'm using aspx:


    public string GetVersionApp => System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString();

Then, call the property through your html and concatenate the value as param on your url file, like this:


<script type="text/javascript" src="App/RequestsList/directives/comment-directive.js?<%=GetVersionApp%>"></script>

With this solution, your files only be reloaded if a new build occurs. Hope it helps!
