编译Solr4.72 源码没有成功

时间:2023-12-21 17:13:08





  1、安装好ant 后进入到solr所在目录

  2、执行 ant eclipse

我在执行 ant eclipse 的时候提示eclispe 不存在

[hadoop@bogon solrcode]$ ant eclipse
Buildfile: build.xml BUILD FAILED
Target "eclipse" does not exist in the project "solr". Total time: 0 seconds
[hadoop@bogon solrcode]$ ant -version
Apache Ant version 1.7.1 compiled on August 24 2010
[hadoop@bogon solrcode]$

执行 ant -p的时候没有找到eclispe

ant -p
Buildfile: build.xml Main targets: build-contrib Builds all contrib modules and their tests
build-site Prototype Helper for Committers. Assumes SVN is in the path
clean Cleans compiled files and other temporary artifacts.
clean-contrib Cleans all contrib modules and their tests
clean-dest Cleans out ${dest} but leaves ${dist} alone. This allows us to run nightly and clover together in Hudson
clover Instrument the Unit tests using Clover. Requires a Clover license and clover.jar in the ANT classpath.
To use, specify -Drun.clover=true on the command line.
compile Compile the source code.
compile-common Compile the source code.
compile-solrj Compile the java client.
compile-solrj-core Compile the java client.
compileTests Compile unit tests.
create-package Packages the Solr Distribution files and Documentation.
dist Creates the Solr distribution files.
dist-contrib Make the contribs ready for distribution
dist-jar Creates the Solr JAR Distribution file.
dist-javadoc Creates the Solr javadoc distribution files
dist-solrj Creates the Solr JAR Distribution file.
dist-src Creates the Solr source distribution files
dist-war Creates the Solr WAR Distribution file.
example Creates a runnable example configuration.
javadoc-all Generate javadoc for core, client and contrib
javadoc-common Generates javadoc documentation for core.
javadoc-contrib Generate javadoc for contrib classes
javadoc-core Generates javadoc documentation for core.
javadoc-solrj Generates solrj javadoc documentation.
prepare-release Prototype helper for Committers. Assumes gpg is in the path
rat-sources runs the tasks over src/java excluding the license directory
stub-factories Generates stub factories as needed
test Runs the core unit tests.
test-core Runs the core unit tests.
test-reports Generates HTML test reports.
usage Prints out instructions
Default target: usage

第二中方法:用ant ivy-bootstrap 需要自己下载 ivy-xxxx.jar   我的网盘地址: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1kTl3nRx

将apache-ivy-2.3.0-bin目录下的ivy-2.3.0.jar 放在ant lib目录下 然后在执行 ant ivy-bootstrap

[hadoop@bogon solrcode]$ ant ivy-bootstrap
Buildfile: build.xml BUILD FAILED
Target "ivy-bootstrap" does not exist in the project "solr". Total time: 0 seconds
[hadoop@bogon solrcode]$

