
时间:2022-03-27 03:53:47

I need to add write a php script to run from a cron job that will add two Magento Attribute values and store the result as a third attribute in the MySQL database.


Any help would be appreciated. I've attached a screen shot that hopefully clarifies things.


2 个解决方案



Working directly in SQL when dealing with EAV models is hard. Save yourself the effort and use Magento's classes instead. A minimal cron script might look something like this:



require 'app/Mage.php';

$products = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection();
foreach ($products as $product) {
        $product->getFirstValue() + $product->getSecondValue()

Magento provides magic methods so you can use syntax like getFirstValue(), getSecondValue() and setSumValue() to refer to attributes named first_value, second_value and sum_value respectively. Use the names of your actual attributes instead of the numbers 141, etc.




I think this should do it, but I haven't tested it.


The basic procedure is to create a temporary table which contains the summed values for those entities you care about, then update the proper attribute rows with those values.


Note that php is not necessary here, only SQL. You may of course want to use php to issue the query.


(SELECT entity_id, SUM(value) AS summedvalue FROM catalog_product_entity_decimal as cped 
    WHERE attribute_id IN (145, 146)
    AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM catalog_product_entity_decimal WHERE entity_id=cped.entity_id and attribute_id=141)
    GROUP BY entity_id 
) AS sums

SET catalog_product_entity_decimal.value = sums.summedvalue
WHERE catalog_product_entity_decimal.entity_id=sums.entity_id
    AND catalog_product_entity_decimal.attribute_id=141;

This builds an intermediate table sums that looks like this (based on data in table screenshot):


entity_id | summedvalue
1         | 12
2         | 0

If there's an entity_id without a row with an attribute_id=141, that entity_id won't have a row in this sums table--this is ensured by the EXISTS() condition.

如果没有带有attribute_id = 141的行的entity_id,则该entity_id在此sums表中将没有行 - 这由EXISTS()条件确保。

Then we update the catalog_product_entity_decimal table (I'll abbreviate it CPED) by joining it with sums on the entity_id.


CPED.entity_id | CPED.attribute_id | sums.entity_id | sums.summedvalue
1              | 145               | 1              | 12
2              | 145               | 2              | 0

SET CPED.value = sums.summedvalue does the actual setting.

SET CPED.value = sums.summedvalue执行实际设置。



Working directly in SQL when dealing with EAV models is hard. Save yourself the effort and use Magento's classes instead. A minimal cron script might look something like this:



require 'app/Mage.php';

$products = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection();
foreach ($products as $product) {
        $product->getFirstValue() + $product->getSecondValue()

Magento provides magic methods so you can use syntax like getFirstValue(), getSecondValue() and setSumValue() to refer to attributes named first_value, second_value and sum_value respectively. Use the names of your actual attributes instead of the numbers 141, etc.




I think this should do it, but I haven't tested it.


The basic procedure is to create a temporary table which contains the summed values for those entities you care about, then update the proper attribute rows with those values.


Note that php is not necessary here, only SQL. You may of course want to use php to issue the query.


(SELECT entity_id, SUM(value) AS summedvalue FROM catalog_product_entity_decimal as cped 
    WHERE attribute_id IN (145, 146)
    AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM catalog_product_entity_decimal WHERE entity_id=cped.entity_id and attribute_id=141)
    GROUP BY entity_id 
) AS sums

SET catalog_product_entity_decimal.value = sums.summedvalue
WHERE catalog_product_entity_decimal.entity_id=sums.entity_id
    AND catalog_product_entity_decimal.attribute_id=141;

This builds an intermediate table sums that looks like this (based on data in table screenshot):


entity_id | summedvalue
1         | 12
2         | 0

If there's an entity_id without a row with an attribute_id=141, that entity_id won't have a row in this sums table--this is ensured by the EXISTS() condition.

如果没有带有attribute_id = 141的行的entity_id,则该entity_id在此sums表中将没有行 - 这由EXISTS()条件确保。

Then we update the catalog_product_entity_decimal table (I'll abbreviate it CPED) by joining it with sums on the entity_id.


CPED.entity_id | CPED.attribute_id | sums.entity_id | sums.summedvalue
1              | 145               | 1              | 12
2              | 145               | 2              | 0

SET CPED.value = sums.summedvalue does the actual setting.

SET CPED.value = sums.summedvalue执行实际设置。