从Screen Swift MapKit中心获取位置

时间:2022-11-15 19:57:20

I'm new on Swift Programming, and I'm trying to build an app that I can get the coordinates of the center of the view with MapKit and Swift 2.

我是Swift Programming的新手,我正在尝试构建一个应用程序,我可以使用MapKit和Swift 2获取视图中心的坐标。

I already can get the current location, but I need if I move on the map, the location set to the new point which will be the center of the screen.


Can you help me with this please?.



1 个解决方案



You can use the regionDidChangeAnimated delegate method and call mapView.centerCoordinate. It will look like the following:


 func mapView(mapView: MKMapView, regionDidChangeAnimated animated: Bool) {
        var center = mapView.centerCoordinate

Also make sure that your Class is extending MKMapViewDelegate and you are calling self.mapView.delegate = self in your viewDidLoad() function.

还要确保您的类正在扩展MKMapViewDelegate,并且您在viewDidLoad()函数中调用self.mapView.delegate = self。



You can use the regionDidChangeAnimated delegate method and call mapView.centerCoordinate. It will look like the following:


 func mapView(mapView: MKMapView, regionDidChangeAnimated animated: Bool) {
        var center = mapView.centerCoordinate

Also make sure that your Class is extending MKMapViewDelegate and you are calling self.mapView.delegate = self in your viewDidLoad() function.

还要确保您的类正在扩展MKMapViewDelegate,并且您在viewDidLoad()函数中调用self.mapView.delegate = self。