将jQuery datetimepicker日期和时间格式转换为Rails DateTime格式

时间:2022-11-13 19:13:57

I would need to implement jQuery datetimepicker into my Ruby on Rails 5 application. There is good documentation for jqueryui Date picker, included two railscasts by Ryan Bates.
As datetimepicker is concerned, I suppose the only concern about rails is to produce a date and time format that rails can easily understand. Once this issue is solved, I think it is easy to add the plugin to the asset pipeline.

我需要在我的Ruby on Rails 5应用程序中实现jQuery datetimepicker。 jqueryui日期选择器有很好的文档,包括Ryan Bates的两个railscast。就像datetimepicker而言,我认为对rails的唯一关注是生成rails可以轻松理解的日期和时间格式。一旦这个问题得到解决,我认为将插件添加到资产管道很容易。

Rails DateTime format is "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss". For instance "2017-07-28 11:24:53".
So I wonder: is there any way to change the default datetimepicker format into a DateTime rails format ?

Rails DateTime格式为“yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss”。例如“2017-07-28 11:24:53”。所以我想知道:有没有办法将默认的datetimepicker格式更改为DateTime rails格式?

In the datetimepicker official webpage, the section dedicated to using another date parser/formatter uses as example the MomentJS library. However I could not find examples useful for Rails applications.


jQuery UI Datepicker has a dateFormat option which can be easily used to set the date format to the desired format: how can this be done with datetimepicker?

jQuery UI Datepicker有一个dateFormat选项,可以很容易地将日期格式设置为所需的格式:如何使用datetimepicker完成?

1 个解决方案



In your view :


= form_for @event do |f|
  = f.text_field :event_start, class: "datepicker"

In your controller


def create
  # before the save
  @event.event_start = params[:event][:event_start].to_datetime



In your view :


= form_for @event do |f|
  = f.text_field :event_start, class: "datepicker"

In your controller


def create
  # before the save
  @event.event_start = params[:event][:event_start].to_datetime