
时间:2022-11-13 18:03:51


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(function ($) {
$.fn.XSwitch = function (options) {
return this.each(function () {
var _this = $(this),
instance = _this.data('XSwitch'); if (!instance) {
instance = new XSwitch(_this, options);
_this.data('XSwitch', instance);
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selectors: {
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section: '.section',
page: '.pages',
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index: 0,
easing: 'ease',
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props = aPrefix[i] + 'Transition';
if (temp.style[props] !== undefined) {
return '-' + aPrefix[i].toLowerCase() + '-';
return false;
})(document.createElement('div')); var XSwitch = (function () {
function XSwitch(element, options) { this.settings = $.extend(true, $.fn.XSwitch.defaults, options);
this.element = element;
XSwitch.prototype = { init: function () {
var _this = this;
this.selectors = this.settings.selectors; this.sections = this.element.find(this.selectors.sections);
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return this.section.size();
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return this.duration ? this.element.height() : this.element.width();
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var _this = this; if (this.index > 0) {
this.index --;
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this.index = this.pagesCount - 1;
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var _this = this;
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this.index ++;
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this.index = 0;
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_this.index = $(this).index();
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$(window).on('keydown', function (e) {
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} $(window).resize(function () {
var currentLength = _this.switchLength(),
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_this.index = index + 1;
}); _this.sections.on('transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd otransitionend', function () {
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if (_this.settings.callback && type(_this.settings.callback) === 'function') {
}); } function _scrollPage(_this) {
var dest = _this.section.eq(_this.index).position();
if (!dest) {
_this.canScroll = false;
if (_prefix) {
_this.sections.css(_prefix + 'transition', 'all ' + _this.settings.duration + 'ms ' + _this.settings.easing);
var translate = _this.direction ? 'translateY(-' + dest.top + 'px)' : 'translateX(-' + dest.left + 'px)';
_this.sections.css(_prefix + 'transform', translate);
} else {
var animateCss = _this.direction ? {top: -dest.top} : {left: -dest.left};
_this.sections.animate(animateCss, _this.settings.duration, function () {
_this.canScroll = true;
if (_this.settings.callback && type(_this.settings.callback) === 'function') {
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if(screenIndex ==0){
$('.header_tab_content li:eq('+ (screenIndex)+')').addClass("textColor_blue bottom_line");
$('.header_tab_content li:eq('+ (screenIndex)+')').siblings().removeClass("textColor_blue bottom_line");
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$('.header_tab_content li:eq('+ (screenIndex - 1)+')').addClass("textColor_blue bottom_line");
$('.header_tab_content li:eq('+ (screenIndex-1)+')').siblings().removeClass("textColor_blue bottom_line");
} if (_this.settings.pagination) {
} return XSwitch;
})(); })(jQuery); $(function () {



$(document).ready(function() {
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// 添加监控页面窗口变化的方法
$(window).resize(function() {
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