jquery自动完成和jQuery UI对话框

时间:2022-12-15 20:30:38

I have a question about how to collaborate auto complete with UI dialog:


  1. There is an input text which enables autocomplete (the data is not a simple string array, so it needs to be parsed). This job is well done:


    <input type="text" id="styleno" name="styleno" >
    $("#styleno").autocomplete("${suggest}", {
                 var parsed = [];
                 for (var i=0; i < raw.model.length; i++) {    
                    var row = raw.model[i];
                        data: row,
                       value: row,
                      result: row.styleNo
                 return parsed;
            formatMatch: function(row, i, max) {
                     return row.styleNo;
                    formatItem: function(data, i, n, value) {
                            return  data.id+data.styleNo;
  2. When a result is selected from the suggested list, I want to open a dialog, populate somethings from the parsed the result. So I use the "result" function:



    The dialog is opened, but the focus is kept on the auto suggested input field (<input type="text" id="styleno" name="styleno" >). So I use this code:



    Now the dialog is fine, but the input field lost its autosuggestion capability.


What shall I do? According to the selected item from suggestion list, then pop up a dialog with some input field. After user fills the field in the dialog, close it, get back to auto suggested field still use the auto suggestion function.


1 个解决方案


Not 100% sure it works like this, but you might try the following:



Sounds like the event you are looking for.



Not 100% sure it works like this, but you might try the following:



Sounds like the event you are looking for.
