禁用WPF RichTextBox文本自动换行

时间:2022-11-13 11:02:32

I am using RichTexbox to display RTF text in my application, depends on windows width RichTextbox text auto wraps to next line!!


I want to disable the text auto warp, instead i want to display scroll bar, Also i don't want to set PageWidth of the FlowDocument to avoid text wrapping (since am displaying RTF text i cant measure the PageWidth based on character/size/Font/Font style of the text because each and every character may contains different font style and size)


 <RichTextBox HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Auto" VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto">      
   <FlowDocument >
            <Run Text="RichTextBoxRichTextBoxRichTextBoxRichTextBoxRichTextBoxRichTextBoxRichTextBoxRichTextBoxRichTextBoxRichTextBoxRichTextBoxRichTextBoxRichTextBoxRichTextBoxRichTextBoxRichTextBoxRichTextBoxRichTextBoxRichTextBoxRichTextBoxRichTextBox"/>

Is there any other existing property is there to control auto wrapping or can we handle this without measure text size


I have already discussed about this in MSDN forum also reffered existing stackflow disussions WPF RichTextBox word wrapping and Wpf RichTextBox wrapping problems

我已经在MSDN论坛中讨论了这个问题,也反映了现有的stackflow disussions WPF RichTextBox自动换行和Wpf RichTextBox包装问题

Thank you

Santhosh Devi

1 个解决方案



Third partycontrol syncfusion control SfRichTextBoxAdv has a solution for this issue




Third partycontrol syncfusion control SfRichTextBoxAdv has a solution for this issue
