
时间:2022-11-13 10:53:20

I have an image that, depending on the screen resolution, drops down out of sight in my CSS flow layout because I have set its width and height to static values.


Is there a way in a CSS flow layout to have the image automatically resize while someone is making the browser window smaller. I have seen this done in a html-table layout and I assume the tables make it possible there - is there a way to also do this in a CSS flow layout?

在CSS流布局中是否有一种方法可以在有人使浏览器窗口变小时自动调整图像大小。我已经看到这在html表格布局中完成,我假设表格使它成为可能 - 有没有办法在CSS流程布局中也这样做?

3 个解决方案


A quick test shows that this:


<img class="test" src="testimage.jpg" />

combined with:

img.test { width: 50%; }

Resizes the way you probably want. The image dutifully resized to 50% the width of the box containing it, as well as resizing vertically, maintaining the aspect ratio.


As for resizing based on vertical changes, it doesn't work the way you would like, at least not consistently. I tried:


img.test { height: 50%; }

In current Google Chrome (2.0.172), it resizes somewhat inconsitently; the sizing is correct but does not update after every window drag. In current Firefox (3.5), the height seems to be ignored completely. I don't have any remotely recent IE, Safari, etc to test. Feel free to edit in those results. Even if those do well its still probably something you want to avoid, and stick with width.


EDIT: For this to work, all the elements containing img.test need to be sized with percentages, not statically.


Think of it this way:


  • body is 100% of window size.
  • 身体是窗口大小的100%。

  • img is 50% of body.
  • img是身体的50%。

  • img is 50% of window size.
  • img是窗口大小的50%。

Now suppose I add a div. like this...


<div class="imgbox" style="width: 100px;">
  <img class="test" src="testimage.jpg" />


  • body is 100% of window size.
  • 身体是窗口大小的100%。

  • div is 100px, ignoring body width.
  • div是100px,忽略体宽。

  • img is 50% of div.
  • img是div的50%。

  • img is 50px, regardless of window size.
  • 无论窗口大小如何,img都是50px。

If the div has "width: 100%" though, then the logic works out the same as before. As long as its some percentage, and not fixed, you can play with the percentage on the img and make it work out the size you want.



bit of a guess since my css is rubbish, but since nobody is answering, what about setting a % width or height or both in the image so that it is a percent of its parent. dunno?



Try setting max-width to something like 95%. Thank way the image will shrink when the container width is less then the width of the image. All of the parent containers would need to adju




A quick test shows that this:


<img class="test" src="testimage.jpg" />

combined with:

img.test { width: 50%; }

Resizes the way you probably want. The image dutifully resized to 50% the width of the box containing it, as well as resizing vertically, maintaining the aspect ratio.


As for resizing based on vertical changes, it doesn't work the way you would like, at least not consistently. I tried:


img.test { height: 50%; }

In current Google Chrome (2.0.172), it resizes somewhat inconsitently; the sizing is correct but does not update after every window drag. In current Firefox (3.5), the height seems to be ignored completely. I don't have any remotely recent IE, Safari, etc to test. Feel free to edit in those results. Even if those do well its still probably something you want to avoid, and stick with width.


EDIT: For this to work, all the elements containing img.test need to be sized with percentages, not statically.


Think of it this way:


  • body is 100% of window size.
  • 身体是窗口大小的100%。

  • img is 50% of body.
  • img是身体的50%。

  • img is 50% of window size.
  • img是窗口大小的50%。

Now suppose I add a div. like this...


<div class="imgbox" style="width: 100px;">
  <img class="test" src="testimage.jpg" />


  • body is 100% of window size.
  • 身体是窗口大小的100%。

  • div is 100px, ignoring body width.
  • div是100px,忽略体宽。

  • img is 50% of div.
  • img是div的50%。

  • img is 50px, regardless of window size.
  • 无论窗口大小如何,img都是50px。

If the div has "width: 100%" though, then the logic works out the same as before. As long as its some percentage, and not fixed, you can play with the percentage on the img and make it work out the size you want.



bit of a guess since my css is rubbish, but since nobody is answering, what about setting a % width or height or both in the image so that it is a percent of its parent. dunno?



Try setting max-width to something like 95%. Thank way the image will shrink when the container width is less then the width of the image. All of the parent containers would need to adju

