
时间:2022-11-12 10:49:27

I currently have two functions to extract the HTML <body> text from Python and return it as a bag of words. They give equivalent output. I also clean up various tags that would otherwise give me garbage text (e.g. <script> code).

我目前有两个函数从Python中提取HTML 文本并将其作为一个单词返回。它们提供相同的输出。我还清理了各种标签,否则会给我垃圾文本(例如

def html_to_bow_bs(text):
    if text is None or len(text)==0:
        return []

    soup = BeautifulSoup(text, "lxml",parse_only=SoupStrainer('body'))

    # Remove all irrelevant tags
    for elem in soup.findAll(['script','style','a']):
    body_text = soup.findAll("body")
    if len(body_text) == 0:
        return []

    # Encoding.  Remove extra whitespace and unprintable characters
    the_text = body_text[0].get_text().encode('utf-8')
    the_text = str(the_text)
    the_text = the_text.strip()
    the_text = re.sub(r'[^\x00-\x7F]+',' ',the_text)
    return [w.lower() for w in the_text.split()]

def html_to_bow_bs_lxml(text):
    if text is None or len(text)==0:
        return []
    body_re = re.findall('<body(.*?)</body>', text, flags=re.DOTALL)
    if len(body_re) == 0:
        return []
    fragment = body_re[0]

    # Remove irrelevant tags
    fragment = re.sub(r'<script.*?</script>', ' ', fragment, flags=re.DOTALL)
    fragment = re.sub(r'<style.*?</style>', ' ', fragment, flags=re.DOTALL)
    text = "<body" + fragment + "</body>"
    soup = BeautifulSoup(text, "lxml")

    if soup is None:
        return []

    # Remote more irrelevant tags
    for elem in soup.findAll(['a']):

    # Encoding.  Remove extra whitespace and unprintable characters
    the_text = body_text[0].get_text().encode('utf-8')
    the_text = str(the_text)
    the_text = the_text.strip()
    the_text = re.sub(r'[^\x00-\x7F]+',' ',the_text)
    return [w.lower() for w in the_text.split()]

My main requirement is matching output: that the set of words from html_to_bow_bs_lxml(text) matches html_to_bow_bs(text). Currently, both are on a par on running time; for 330 pages, they run about 20 seconds (slow!). If I remove and replace my last soup.findAll(['a'])...extract() in my second function with regexes, I can shave 6 seconds off my time. Replacing BeautifulSoup altogether with lxml.etree can shave an additional 10 seconds, making the total run time about 3-4 seconds. However, when replacing the with regexes,

我的主要要求是匹配输出:来自html_to_bow_bs_lxml(文本)的单词集与html_to_bow_bs(文本)匹配。目前,两者的运行时间都相同;对于330页,它们运行大约20秒(慢!)。如果我删除并替换我的最后一个汤.findAll(['a'])... extract()在我的第二个函数与正则表达式,我可以减少6秒的时间。用lxml.etree替换BeautifulSoup可以再刮10秒,总运行时间约为3-4秒。但是,当用正则表达式替换时,

  1. the output doesn't always match. When replacing BeautifulSoup either the output doesn't match or
  2. 输出并不总是匹配。替换BeautifulSoup时输出不匹配或

  3. my program crashes during processing because of poorly-formed HTML. How to increase speed while maintaining correctness?
  4. 由于HTML格式不正确,我的程序在处理期间崩溃。如何在保持正确性的同时提高速度?

I've seen various recommendations for extracting HTML with Python generally on *, but these date back a few years (e.g. 2012). There have understandably been many updates to the libraries since then.


(I've also tried pyquery, but it doesn't always extract the body correctly.)


2 个解决方案



You've done a lot to make it fast - the soup strainer and the lxml parser are usually the first things to try when optimizing the parsing with BeautifulSoup.

你已经做了很多事情来使它快速 - 汤过滤器和lxml解析器通常是使用BeautifulSoup优化解析时首先尝试的事情。

Here are some improvements to this particular code.


Remove the body existence check:


body_text = soup.findAll("body")
if len(body_text) == 0:
    return []

and use find() instead.


Replace the if text is None or len(text)==0: with just if not text:.

将if文本替换为None或len(text)== 0:如果不是text:。

Strip via get_text(strip=True).

通过get_text剥离(strip = True)。

The improved code:


def html_to_bow_bs(text):
    if not text:
        return []

    soup = BeautifulSoup(text, "lxml", parse_only=SoupStrainer('body'))

    # Remove all irrelevant tags
    for elem in soup.find_all(['script','style','a']):

    body = soup.find("body")
    if not body:
        return []

    the_text = body.get_text(strip=True).encode('utf-8')
    the_text = re.sub(r'[^\x00-\x7F]+', ' ', the_text)
    return [w.lower() for w in the_text.split()]

These are just micro-improvements and I don't think they are gonna change the overall performance picture. What I would also look into:


  • running the script via pypy (beautifulsoup4 is compatible, but you would not be able to use lxml parser - try it with html.parser or html5lib). You might win a lot without even modifying the code at all.
  • 通过pypy运行脚本(beautifulsoup4兼容,但你不能使用lxml解析器 - 尝试使用html.parser或html5lib)。如果没有修改代码,你可能会赢得很多。



Using requests module and bs4


This is a simplest way to print the main text.


import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
url = "yourUrl"
r = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, 'lxml')
items = soup.find_all('body')
for item in items:
    print item.text

Note: If you print all body, it also would print jquery and javascript functions in case there are in there.




You've done a lot to make it fast - the soup strainer and the lxml parser are usually the first things to try when optimizing the parsing with BeautifulSoup.

你已经做了很多事情来使它快速 - 汤过滤器和lxml解析器通常是使用BeautifulSoup优化解析时首先尝试的事情。

Here are some improvements to this particular code.


Remove the body existence check:


body_text = soup.findAll("body")
if len(body_text) == 0:
    return []

and use find() instead.


Replace the if text is None or len(text)==0: with just if not text:.

将if文本替换为None或len(text)== 0:如果不是text:。

Strip via get_text(strip=True).

通过get_text剥离(strip = True)。

The improved code:


def html_to_bow_bs(text):
    if not text:
        return []

    soup = BeautifulSoup(text, "lxml", parse_only=SoupStrainer('body'))

    # Remove all irrelevant tags
    for elem in soup.find_all(['script','style','a']):

    body = soup.find("body")
    if not body:
        return []

    the_text = body.get_text(strip=True).encode('utf-8')
    the_text = re.sub(r'[^\x00-\x7F]+', ' ', the_text)
    return [w.lower() for w in the_text.split()]

These are just micro-improvements and I don't think they are gonna change the overall performance picture. What I would also look into:


  • running the script via pypy (beautifulsoup4 is compatible, but you would not be able to use lxml parser - try it with html.parser or html5lib). You might win a lot without even modifying the code at all.
  • 通过pypy运行脚本(beautifulsoup4兼容,但你不能使用lxml解析器 - 尝试使用html.parser或html5lib)。如果没有修改代码,你可能会赢得很多。



Using requests module and bs4


This is a simplest way to print the main text.


import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
url = "yourUrl"
r = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, 'lxml')
items = soup.find_all('body')
for item in items:
    print item.text

Note: If you print all body, it also would print jquery and javascript functions in case there are in there.
