
时间:2022-11-12 10:23:23

I have a ‘page a’ using ‘css a’. This page has margins set in css. I also have a ‘page b’ using ‘css b’. This page also has margins set in css, of the same size as in ‘css a’ (10px).

我有一个'页面''使用'css a'。此页面的边距设置为css。我还有一个'页面b'使用'css b'。此页面的边距也设置为css,大小与'css a'(10px)相同。

Is there any way I can make it so that when I am viewing ‘page a’ on its own it has margins, but when viewed in an iframe on ‘page b’ the margins don’t apply to ‘page a’. I know that’s kind of a long way of asking but the basic problem is that I am getting ‘double margins’ for the content in the iframe: the margin from ‘page a’ and then the margin from ‘page b’!

我有什么方法可以做到这一点,以便当我自己查看'page a'时它有边距,但是当在'page b'上的iframe中查看时,边距不适用于'page a'。我知道这是一个很长的问题,但基本的问题是,我在iframe的内容中得到了“双倍余量”:来自“页面a”的边距,然后来自“页面b”的边距!

I guess one way of doing it would be to set the iframe not to be affected by ‘page a’s’ margins. Is there some way I can set ‘css a’ to exclude the iframe from the margins, that way only the margins from css b would apply and the page would still be in alignment. is that possible?

我想一种方法是设置iframe不受'page a''边距的影响。有没有什么方法可以设置'css a'来从边距中排除iframe,这样只会应用来自css b的边距,页面仍然会对齐。那可能吗?

Thanks for any help



4 个解决方案



You can use Javascript to change the margins if the page is inside an iframe.




I don't know a way of specifying it from within a.css, but if you add the following to b.css:


iframe { margin:-10px; }

...it may work.


EDIT: Is the iframe with a.html the only item contained within b.html?
Do you have test files?


EDIT(2): In css, you would specify it as


iframe#head { ...; }

Also, I think you can comment on responses to your own questions. I could with mine.




Im really sorry i know everyone gets very upset with posting answers rather than comments im new to stack overflow and just learning. Have mercy! I have figured out what i was doing wrong and now i have this 'open id' thing i will try to post in the right place. I'm afraid this time though i have to post as an answer as i started this question without my open id and so still cant comment on that stuff....


OK now thats out of the way here is a 'test case' : http://cart3.jaspers-sensations.com/test/pagea.html


Page b is : http://cart3.jaspers-sensations.com/test/pageb.html css a is : http://cart3.jaspers-sensations.com/test/stylea.css css b is : http://cart3.jaspers-sensations.com/test/styleb.css

页面b是:http://cart3.jaspers-sensations.com/test/pageb.html css a是:http://cart3.jaspers-sensations.com/test/stylea.css css b是:http:// cart3.jaspers-sensations.com/test/styleb.css



Having read your clarification, I don't think you can do that purely with CSS. I'm pretty sure CSS can't go across frames.


You should be able to do this using JavaScript, though, provided both documents are on the same domain.


For example, this should work on your example page. Add the following attribute to the <iframe>:


 onload="window.frames[0].document.body.style.margin = 0"

That works in Firefox 3 and Opera 9, at least. But it's decidedly old-school JavaScript, and considering my browsers were being a bit fickle in which variants worked, I'm not sure how easy that would be to apply to the real site.

这至少在Firefox 3和Opera 9中有效。但它确实是老式的JavaScript,并且考虑到我的浏览器在变体工作方面有点变幻无常,我不确定应用于真实网站会有多容易。

People more well-versed in JavaScript than me should be able to help out there.


This might help some more:




You can use Javascript to change the margins if the page is inside an iframe.




I don't know a way of specifying it from within a.css, but if you add the following to b.css:


iframe { margin:-10px; }

...it may work.


EDIT: Is the iframe with a.html the only item contained within b.html?
Do you have test files?


EDIT(2): In css, you would specify it as


iframe#head { ...; }

Also, I think you can comment on responses to your own questions. I could with mine.




Im really sorry i know everyone gets very upset with posting answers rather than comments im new to stack overflow and just learning. Have mercy! I have figured out what i was doing wrong and now i have this 'open id' thing i will try to post in the right place. I'm afraid this time though i have to post as an answer as i started this question without my open id and so still cant comment on that stuff....


OK now thats out of the way here is a 'test case' : http://cart3.jaspers-sensations.com/test/pagea.html


Page b is : http://cart3.jaspers-sensations.com/test/pageb.html css a is : http://cart3.jaspers-sensations.com/test/stylea.css css b is : http://cart3.jaspers-sensations.com/test/styleb.css

页面b是:http://cart3.jaspers-sensations.com/test/pageb.html css a是:http://cart3.jaspers-sensations.com/test/stylea.css css b是:http:// cart3.jaspers-sensations.com/test/styleb.css



Having read your clarification, I don't think you can do that purely with CSS. I'm pretty sure CSS can't go across frames.


You should be able to do this using JavaScript, though, provided both documents are on the same domain.


For example, this should work on your example page. Add the following attribute to the <iframe>:


 onload="window.frames[0].document.body.style.margin = 0"

That works in Firefox 3 and Opera 9, at least. But it's decidedly old-school JavaScript, and considering my browsers were being a bit fickle in which variants worked, I'm not sure how easy that would be to apply to the real site.

这至少在Firefox 3和Opera 9中有效。但它确实是老式的JavaScript,并且考虑到我的浏览器在变体工作方面有点变幻无常,我不确定应用于真实网站会有多容易。

People more well-versed in JavaScript than me should be able to help out there.


This might help some more:
