
时间:2021-12-24 03:58:24

I have a custom user control that serves as a reusable ASP DropDownList that asynchronously retrieves data from an RESTful endpoint

我有一个自定义用户控件,用作可重用的ASP DropDownList,它从RESTful端点异步检索数据

<myControls:AjaxDropDown ID="ddlDropdown" runat="server" ServicePath="/MyWebService2.asmx/GetLetterTypes"/>

Inside the user control, I'm updating the drop down content via success in $.ajax

在用户控件内部,我通过$ .ajax成功更新下拉内容

  type: "GET",
  dataType: "json",
  url: $('#<%=textBoxUrlPath.ClientID %>').val(),
  contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
  async: true,
  success: function(res) {
  error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {

How do I sync the data retrieved by $.ajax with the code behind for the user control?

如何将$ .ajax检索的数据与用户控件的后台代码同步?

The reason I'm using $.ajax rather than doing a partial update via the UpdatePanel control is due UpdatePanel's inability to have multiple asynchronous calls at a time on a single page.

我之所以使用$ .ajax而不是通过UpdatePanel控件进行部分更新,是因为UpdatePanel无法在一个页面上同时进行多次异步调用。

2 个解决方案



I decided to not go this route of client side updating, since it's directly opposing the Web Form structure. Instead I'll settle for a synchronous solution of make this call from the code behind and populating the DropDownList before serving the Page.

我决定不再采用这种客户端更新的方式,因为它直接反对Web Form结构。相反,我将寻求一个同步解决方案,从后面的代码进行调用,并在服务页面之前填充DropDownList。



I guess you can use asp.net hidden fields to store the selected values but yes it could become unnecessarily cumbersome through client side.




I decided to not go this route of client side updating, since it's directly opposing the Web Form structure. Instead I'll settle for a synchronous solution of make this call from the code behind and populating the DropDownList before serving the Page.

我决定不再采用这种客户端更新的方式,因为它直接反对Web Form结构。相反,我将寻求一个同步解决方案,从后面的代码进行调用,并在服务页面之前填充DropDownList。



I guess you can use asp.net hidden fields to store the selected values but yes it could become unnecessarily cumbersome through client side.
