
时间:2022-11-10 15:19:53

Update: I deleted my motivation because it seems to distract readers. This is not about "why don't you make your window smaller". See the screenshots and you will see obstructed text because of fixed width. See my reference to "em/ex" notation in CSS. I would like to have a real discussion here. Thank you.

更新:我删除了我的动机,因为它似乎分散了读者的注意力。这不是“为什么不让你的窗户变小”。查看屏幕截图,由于宽度固定,您将看到受阻的文本。请参阅CSS中对“em / ex”表示法的引用。我想在这里进行真正的讨论。谢谢。

Now I would like to ask real experts on this topic -- I'm not a web designer -- why fixed width layout are still that popular and if there are really good reasons for it. (you are welcome to point out reasons against it as well.)

现在我想问一下关于这个主题的真正专家 - 我不是网页设计师 - 为什么固定宽度布局仍然很受欢迎,如果它有很好的理由。 (欢迎您指出反对它的理由。)

  • Is it too hard to design your layout relatively (from start on)? It seems some people even forgot how to do it.


  • Do you have real reasons like readability and just don't know how to deal with it correctly? Here I'm referring to pieces of wisdom, like it's harder to read longer lines (that's why newspapers use columns) -- but then, width should be given using em and ex.

    你有真正的理由,比如可读性,只是不知道如何正确处理它?在这里,我指的是智慧,比如阅读更长的线条更难(这就是报纸使用列的原因) - 但是,宽度应该使用em和ex来给出。

  • Are you forced by some old guidelines? In the dark old age of HTML, people did a lot of things wrong; now everybody finally uses CSS, but perhaps this one just sticked.


  • Or are you like me, wondering why everybody is doing it "wrong"?


To illustrate the issue, I want to give screenshots of negative examples first:


  • * (here I can't even see what would make it any hard to fix it)
  • *(在这里我甚至看不到会让它变得难以修复的东西)

  • Filmstarts (a german website which renders itself unreadable-if I don't take a reading-glass with me)
  • 电影明星(一个德国网站让自己变得难以理解 - 如果我不随身携带阅读玻璃)

And here is a positive example. It looks like a typical fixed with site (even with transparent borders), but it is not:


Website on Wiki software -- associated Forums

维基软件网站 - 相关论坛

What do you think?


Update: Related questions: this one and that one.


27 个解决方案


And here, as expected, comes the usual canard: “long lines are too hard to read”.


[Citation needed], folks.


See http://webusability.com/article_line_length_12_2002.htm for a summary of actual research in this area. A number of these, plus http://psychology.wichita.edu/surl/usabilitynews/72/LineLength.asp, find that although users express a preference for moderate line lengths, reading speeds do not sharply drop off with ‘long’ lines; in fact many show increased speeds with the longer settings.


As long as it's not ridiculously long, and taking care to use a decent amount of leading, long lines are not generally a real issue at today's typical browser widths and default font sizes. (If you're one of those designers that loves to use teeny-tiny type for everything, it could be an issue, but then you're already making it impossible to read with the flyspeck text. Stop it!)

只要它不是非常长,并且注意使用相当数量的前导,长线通常不是当今典型的浏览器宽度和默认字体大小的真正问题。 (如果你是那些喜欢使用极小类型的设计师之一,那可能是一个问题,但是你已经无法用flyspeck文本阅读了。停止它!)

So as it's only an option of user preference that prefers medium-short lines, let us users decide how much screen space we want to give the web site to get our work done. We're the ones best-equipped to know. If you decide you know definitively best you're likely to waste space, or, if you guessed too long, make us scroll back and forth sideways to read the text — and that really is a readability nightmare.

因此,只有用户偏好的选项更喜欢中短线,让我们用户决定我们希望为网站提供多少屏幕空间来完成我们的工作。我们是最有能力知道的人。如果你决定最终知道最好你可能会浪费空间,或者,如果你猜太久,让我们来回滚动来阅读文本 - 这真的是一个可读性的噩梦。

If you want to protect us from ourselves, you can compromise by specifying a min-width and max-width in ‘em’ units so that the page is responsive to liquid layout, but doesn't get stretched to extremes.


But otherwise, the best reason to design fixed-width is indeed that it is easier, especially for someone with a fixed-2D-grid view of the world and static visual-design tools like Photoshop.



It's already a pain to make a website that renders correctly across all popular browsers; if you also want it to render correctly at all text sizes, it's quite a lot of work. A lot of web developers design their sites for the default font size and try to support fonts that are either a little bit larger or a little bit smaller. (You might be interested in this dated but relevant piece from Jakob Nielsen.)

制作一个能够在所有流行浏览器中正确呈现的网站已经很痛苦;如果你还希望它能在所有文本大小上正确呈现,那么这是相当多的工作。许多Web开发人员将他们的站点设计为默认字体大小,并尝试支持更大或更小的字体。 (你可能会对雅各布尼尔森这篇过时但相关的文章感兴趣。)

As for fixed-width sites, it's hard to say. Personally, I suspect that a lot of web designers just like to feel like they have a lot of control over their look and feel, and think the site looks "ugly" when you stretch it too far, so they don't let you do it. Probably not wise, but there you go.



Now I would like to ask real experts on this topic -- I'm not a web designer -- why fixed width layout are still that popular and if there are really good reasons for it.

现在我想问一下关于这个主题的真正专家 - 我不是网页设计师 - 为什么固定宽度布局仍然很受欢迎,如果它有很好的理由。

Ah, both subjective and argumentative. I'm sure my argument won't convince you, but here's one really good reason, IMHO:



Just like a movie, the director has an experience in mind for the viewer. They frame the movie just so. They move the action at a given pace for the emotion they are trying to invoke in the viewer. Even though DVDs have had the "angle" feature since inception, few movies have ever given viewers the opportunity to watch the film from a different point of view, and if they have that viewpoint was still under the control of the director.


Now, any old sap can throw up a website, and for the most part they aren't interested in anything more than the content.


But real designers fully understand that the design must be understood as a whole. A wide layout has a very different impact on people than a multicolumn or thin layout. Reader eyes move in a certain pattern, and the text is intended to pull the reader along a path.


Those who claim that every layout should have certain features are shortsighted. There are no universally true 'rules', and trying to make an expanding layout a rule is shortsighted at best, and arrogant at worst.




Here are my $0.02 and they are worth exactly what you paid for them (and if that's not a perfect example of the current economic situation... :-))

这是我的0.02美元,他们的价值正是你为他们付出的(如果这不是当前经济形势的完美例子...... :-))

The layout of a website should be dictated by the overall user experience. This is in part determined by the accessibility, in part by the design, in part by the functionality:


  1. Accessibility - as several people pointed out, letting the website use the full width of the browser without any control can result in quite a long lines that make it hard to read[1]. Making the text automatically layout in multiple columns is a potential answer to this problem, but it's really hard to achieve with CSS (that's gotta be the worst tool for doing layout humanity ever devised, but that's a separate topic) and is fraught with other issues as well.
  2. 可访问性 - 正如几位人士所指出的那样,让网站在没有任何控制的情况下使用浏览器的整个宽度会导致相当长的行,这使得难以阅读[1]。使文本自动布局在多列中是这个问题的一个潜在答案,但是用CSS实现真的很难(这是制作布局人性化的最糟糕的工具,但这是一个单独的主题)并且充满了其他问题同样。

I should note that you do have a point - most websites with fixed width do suck on high-DPI because they don't take into account the changed font size. However, that's not an inherent problem of the fixed width design; I've seen it with fluid designs as well.

我应该注意到你确实有一点 - 大多数具有固定宽度的网站都会对高DPI感到厌烦,因为它们没有考虑到改变的字体大小。然而,这不是固定宽度设计的固有问题;我也看过流体设计。

[1] No, I don't have a citation. I, however, have tried reading on full-screen on my 24" 1920x1200 96dpi [2] and gotta tell you - after 15 minutes my neck is cramping from the constant turning of my head.

[1]不,我没有引用。然而,我已经尝试在我的24英寸1920x1200 96dpi [2]上全屏阅读,并且要告诉你 - 15分钟后,我的脖子因不断转过头而痉挛。

[2] The typical user still runs 1024x768 or 1280x1024 (based on instrumentation from the product I work on, with about little bit less than 10mln installs for the latest version). So yeah, I am not the typical user.


  1. Design - most modern designs are very rich on graphical and video elements. Most graphical elements do not scale well with the document reflow and video does not scale at all. (I would again blame this on CSS - it's support for dynamic resizing of images is lacking some basic operations and there is aboslutely no support for building and control of the visual tree. But I digress again :-)) As such, disegners opt in for the easier approach.

    设计 - 大多数现代设计都非常丰富的图形和视频元素。大多数图形元素无法与文档重排进行良好的扩展,视频根本无法扩展。 (我会再次把它归咎于CSS - 它支持动态调整大小的图像缺乏一些基本的操作,而且很可能不支持构建和控制可视化树。但我再次离题:-))因此,提供者选择加入为了更容易的方法。

  2. Functionality - fluid layout is really good for dealing with big text chunks like documents. However, quite a few modern websites are in effect applications, not documents. They have multiple elements and controls and increasing the area on which these elements are scatered makes it harder for the user to keep all of them in focus.

    功能 - 流畅的布局非常适合处理像文档这样的大文本块。但是,相当多的现代网站实际上是应用程序,而不是文档。它们具有多个元素和控件,并且增加了这些元素被占用的区域,使得用户更难以将所有元素保持在焦点上。

Couple examples:

  • two control groups that are aligned at the left and the right end will be too far away from each other in full-screen width. Note: that can be alleviated by choosing to always keep all the controls grouped together, like most desktop applications do (almost all desktop apps keep all toolbars left-aligned).
  • 在左屏幕和右端对齐的两个控制组在全屏宽度上彼此相距太远。注意:可以通过选择始终将所有控件组合在一起来缓解这种情况,就像大多数桌面应用程序一样(几乎所有桌面应用程序都保持所有工具栏左对齐)。

  • a picture/video and associated text below it. On full screen there are two possible approaches for fluid layout: a) scale the picture to the full width, at which point the text is visually lost b) leave the picture the same width, but let the text flow the full width, at which point the picture is visually lost.
  • 下面的图片/视频及相关文字。在全屏幕上有两种可能的流体布局方法:a)将图片缩放到整个宽度,此时文本在视觉上丢失b)使图片保持相同的宽度,但让文本流动整个宽度,在此处指出图片在视觉上丢失了。

I guess my point is that the fluid layout is not the Holy Grail of all layouts and there are scenarios where it's not applicable. The designer and the developer of the webapp should choose the appropriate layout and implement it so that it meets the needs of the target users, delivers the best experience of the product functionality and adapts to the user environment.

我想我的观点是流体布局不是所有布局的圣杯,并且有些场景不适用。 webapp的设计者和开发者应该选择适当的布局并实现它,以便满足目标用户的需求,提*品功能的最佳体验并适应用户环境。


I suspect that most web developers go for fixed width because it's by far easier to develop such a site (in addition, many Content Management Systems only offer a fixed-width layout). Getting a dynamic layout to work well & correctly in different browsers is more tricky - but it is definity doable (I'm just recently working on that issue ;-).

我怀疑大多数Web开发人员都采用固定宽度,因为开发这样一个站点要容易得多(此外,许多内容管理系统只提供固定宽度的布局)。让动态布局在不同的浏览器中正常和正确地工作是更棘手的 - 但它是可靠的(我最近刚刚在这个问题上工作;-)。

And I do agree with you - I want web pages that dynamically adjust their contents to the browser size that I as the 'customer' like to work with (whether that's small or large). I don't like to be patronized into "not using my browser in full-screen mode" or anything the like...

我同意你的看法 - 我希望网页能够动态调整其内容,使其成为我作为“客户”喜欢使用的浏览器大小(无论是小还是小)。我不喜欢光顾“不在全屏模式下使用我的浏览器”或类似的东西......


You might try zooming in. Most modern browsers will zoom the whole page by default, not just the text. This preserves the page layout and uses more of your screen. Usually the shortcut is ctrl + + and ctrl + -. It works well on my laptop, at least

您可以尝试放大。大多数现代浏览器默认会缩放整个页面,而不仅仅是文本。这样可以保留页面布局并使用更多屏幕。通常快捷键是ctrl + +和ctrl + - 。至少在我的笔记本电脑上运行良好


[Forget my mention of the windowmanagement, it wasnt on topic]


I currently run a big internet-community and we'll switch to fixed-width (for 1024px) design asap because we only get problems currently using a dynamic-width-layout: You cant rely on anything, and (the biggest problem imho) text gets to long, so there are only a few lines but the lines themself are much to long to overview.



Readability and Predictability

You need to know how things will be displayed to be sure it will be readable and pleasant to the eyes. By using a fixed width, you know exactly (almost exactly because of cross-browser support) what your users will see.


However fixed-width designs would be a thing from the past if browsers could support correctly exactly 2 CSS properties:




That would allow designers to design web sites that would be flexible and predictable. No more surprises and users can use whatever resolution they want.



In my experience, it is for two reasons:


1) Speed - it is generally faster to write a web page in fixed with, rather than trying to write one that resizes correctly at more than a small number of resolutions.

1)速度 - 编写一个固定的网页通常更快,而不是尝试编写一个在超过少量分辨率下正确调整大小的网页。

2) The designer of the web site isn't the ultimate approver of what goes into production - if you try to work with a flow instead of fixed layout you get questions about why it looks different on Sallys' PC vs the Big bosses, and why can't you move this over to here, etc, which are easier to fix by moving to a fixed layout.

2)网站的设计者并不是投入生产的最终批准者 - 如果你尝试使用流程而不是固定布局,你会得到关于为什么它在Sallys的PC和Big Boss上看起来不同的问题,以及为什么你不能把它移到这里等,通过移动到固定的布局更容易修复。


Tabbed Browsers

Since I use a tabbed browser for day to day use, resizing my window every time I switch tabs is actually a bit of a hassle. I have the window set to the maximum usable width for my purposes, and to accommodate the "largest" tab that is open. For the remaining tabs, having fluid layouts is actually kind of annoying and distracting. Items and text jump around and change position depending on how I may have resized my window for another tab. Also, fluid layouts result in uncomfortably wide blocks of short (vertically) text.


For me, it's a lot easier as a reader to keep my eyes tracking properly on narrower blocks of text with lots of vertical scroll, and it's much easier when sites I'm familiar with stay the same size so that the layout and positioning is predictable, regardless of what I've done to my window to accommodate other tabs. I actually used to be a big fan of fluid layouts, but I find more and more that I prefer fixed layouts now that I use a tabbed browser.



I think the question shouldn't be "Why would you choose a fixed-width design?" it should be "why wouldn't you?"


Firstly, you need to cater for the lowest-common denominator. Many developers will be running on screens with resolutions like 1680x1050, 1920x1200 and 1280x1024. Some users will be using 1024x768, which I personally consider the lowest resolution you need to cater for (thank God it's not 800x600 anymore). If you fix the width to 960-1000 pixels then you don't run the problem of developers unintentionally making pages that can't be viewed without scrolling on a monitor with less than 1600 pixels (wide). Believe me it happens.


Layout on any non-trivial Webpage is hard. Throw in cross-browser support such that your page not only works but looks reasonably consistent and it's a huge problem. Now try to throw in variable width and it just gets that much worse if not impossible. Look at the payoff too: who is it going to benefit? A small minority of users that have high resolutions and actually want to stretch that content across the entire screen. I have a widescreen monitor and I won't maximize my browser for instance. Many people are like me in this respect.


Consider another problem: CSS. CSS s good for many things but is a royal pain in many others. For one thing. Now browser box model differences aside, there are still many quirks with how different browsers handle CSS and even if there weren't there are many trivial things CSS can't do and the only workaround is to do things by pixel.

考虑另一个问题:CSS。 CSS对许多事情有好处,但在许多其他事情上是一种皇室般的痛苦。一方面。现在除了浏览器盒模型差异之外,还有许多不同浏览器如何处理CSS的怪癖,即使没有很多CSS无法做到的琐碎事情,唯一的解决方法是按像素执行操作。

As a concrete example, I'm doing some tables at the moment that are bursting at the seams. I'm reloading the contents with an Ajax call and replacing the contents. Now I at first tried to fix the widths of the columns with percentages. Doing it this way would be a prerequisite for not fixing the width. Firefox treated those as a suggestion and would resize them anyway even when it arguably didn't have to. I didn't get satisfactory results until I fixed the widths in pixels.

作为一个具体的例子,我正在做一些在接缝处爆裂的桌子。我正在用Ajax调用重新加载内容并替换内容。现在我开始尝试用百分比来修复列的宽度。这样做是未固定宽度的先决条件。 Firefox将这些视为一种建议,并且无论如何都会调整大小,即使它可能没有必要。在我以像素为单位修正宽度之前,我没有得到满意的结果。

At the end of the day no website really cares if it stretches across 1600 pixels or not. That's what it comes down to.



I've worked with a lot of artists. They design a layout to be pleasing and clear. They want the presentation to match what they designed. Artist-driven design leads to fixed-width. For brochure sites, fixed width makes a lot of sense.


For sites with rapidly-changing content (news or shopping, or most anything driven by a CMS), I much prefer fluid, full-screen designs.



One of the biggest concerns that fixing the width of a website solves is readability. If you let a site be arbitrarily wide and have a block of text using that entire width, it becomes very difficult for people to read. If you make the font size bigger to compensate, then you destroy the experience for people with smaller screens.


On the other hand, if your content is visual or modular and you can make it fill up the page more intelligently, you might have a case for a totally fluid layout.


But I agree with the others who question why you would maximize a browser on such a big display. Why not make your browser window smaller? You'll be more productive and you'll stop worrying about it at the same time.


Many browsers do a better job of scaling websites to be larger than they used to; Firefox 3, at least, grows the entire page when you zoom in, not breaking the layout.

许多浏览器在将网站扩展到比以前更大的方面做得更好;至少Firefox 3在放大时会增加整个页面,而不会破坏布局。


If you want it to take up more screen real estate, use a lower resolution. This can be useful if you're displaying a website on a large monitor up on a wall for public view. Otherwise, take @theomega's advice and use the rest of your screen for other windows.


As for a little (of the very little) of what I know about web design and fixed width sites:


  • They tend to make good use of white space and draw your focus down the page. Cluttering up the page by cramming every last corner with content is what designers call "visual intimidation." It's difficult to figure out what's important versus what's not.
  • 他们倾向于充分利用空白区域并将注意力集中在页面上。设计师称之为“视觉恐吓”,将每一个角落都塞满内容,使页面混乱。很难弄清楚什么是重要的而不是什么。

  • They feel more "finished", like a picture in a frame instead of like a photo print thumb-tacked up on a cork board.
  • 他们感觉更“完美”,就像一个框架中的图片,而不是像在软木板上用拇指钉上的照片打印。


"It has a resolution of 1920x1200, so all fixed-width sites waste space The form factor is only 15". So I have to use larger fonts and the text won't fit into these crammed layouts any more, sometimes even getting obstructed by other elements."


There is a good reason for that. If the paragraph are stretched too wide, it gets more difficult to read. Humans need a "break" after about 15 to 20 words and that is EXACTLY why we don't have books that are very wide.


The higher resolution allows you to have MORE details BUT it also depends on HOW you use the space. I never maximize the browser and PC's are built for window multitasking, not ONE window at a time.



The whole point of being able to adjust the size of your browser window is to better see the content of a web page, in the way that suits your situation. If the page isn't going to adjust, why not just make browser windows a single, fixed size?


If I have a big monitor, I want to be able to stretch my window out and have the content correctly fill it. If I need space for another window, I want to be able to shrink my browser window down and have the content correctly adjust by changing the layout (until a certain minimum point, and then by switching to a scroll bar, of course.)



Fixed width layouts are perfectly acceptable.


Fluid layouts are nice, but are more difficult to implement, especially if there are more than two columns and source div order is important.


Line length is an issue regarding readability, but this interacts with font size. So you have to balance width against likely font sizes on screen.


Nowadays, it's reasonable to assume that 1024 x 768 and up is the vast majority of the desktop user market, so you can safely design for 960 px fixed width -- for screen media type.

如今,假设1024 x 768及以上是桌面用户市场的绝大部分是合理的,因此您可以安全地设计960像素的固定宽度 - 用于屏幕媒体类型。

A couple of important constraints:


  • ensure is that horizontal scrolling is never required by the user
  • 确保用户永远不需要水平滚动

  • if conversions are an issue, make sure that clickable things -- particularly "calls to action" or anything than makes your cash register go "ka-ching" should not fall to the right of the 770th pixel or so -- just in case.
  • 如果转换是一个问题,请确保可点击的东西 - 特别是“号召性用语”或任何使你的收银机变为“ka-ching”的东西不应该落在第770个像素左右 - 以防万一。

But another consideration is handheld media. You should provide alternate CSS for handheld media type. Many of these screens are under 400 px wide.


Delivering a site that looks good and functions on a wide variety browsers, devices, display widths and viewport sizes is a moving target and continuous challenge.


As regards the filmstarts.de site, it is definitely a mess, but the problem is not that it is a fixed width layout, but rather with how the layout is designed and implemented. There are good and bad implementations of fixed width layouts, just like there are good and bad implementations of fluid layouts, or semi-fluid layouts with fixed width elements, etc.



I put it down to laziness. Fixed width layouts are simply easier to design and make look nice because you do not need to worry about the size changing. This, for example, makes it really easy to add images, since you know what size the layout will be.


Personally, fixed-width websites really irritate me. I like to use large monitors. I paid a lot of money for them, so I'd like to make use to make use of them instead of having most of it be left blank. This is made even worse by sites which refuse to get larger if I increase the font size. I don't have the best eyesight and often use larger fonts to read text on websites and nothing is worse than a fixed-width layout leaving me with three words per line and a mostly blank screen...



As far as I'm aware while all the reasons cited are valid, the primary reason is that a lot of machines in monolithic institutions like banks and government orgs are still on fixed and somewhat archaic low resolutions. It's just the lowest common denominator sadly.



I personally like fixed width sites better. I am not forced to mess with my browser window to get a line size I can deal with. I personally find very long lines very hard to read. I also just think it looks better although that is 100% completely subjective.


I have designed and worked with both. Some aspects of variable width sites make displaying data easier. The only problem I have had with them is due to right aligned navigation which was a little messy when it could move based on the user's browser setting.


My final answer - both are fine and each have their place.

我的最终答案 - 两者都很好,每个人都有自己的位置。


I just came across this site, which actually has a link in the top right corner that lets you switch between fixed and fluid.




Long lines of text can be difficult to read. For the website I work on we limit the width for usability and readability. We have also designed our site to scale well using CTRL-+ to zoom.

长行的文字可能难以阅读。对于我工作的网站,我们限制了可用性和可读性的宽度。我们还设计了我们的网站,以便使用CTRL- +进行缩放。


A major point for using fixed width is that the designer can actually control the way the webpage looks irrespective of browser environment. I see two reasons to use FW:


  1. The designer wants the webpage to look all the same.
  2. 设计师希望网页看起来都一样。

  3. The designer lacks time/wish/... to test their page in different modes and in different browsers, and just avoids the risk of webpage layot starting flying around.
  4. 设计师缺乏时间/愿望/ ......以不同的模式和不同的浏览器测试他们的页面,只是避免了网页开始飞来飞去的风险。


I didn't make fixed-size layout until I switched to a 32 inches monitor. It is very hard to read the text if the lines goes over 32 inches. I've learned appreciate text that do not span over more than 1,000 pixels, and I have switched to fixed layout since.


But I agree that reducing the content width to < 800px is a pain when you have a big monitor.



Most users lack understanding of how to use a browser properly. When the day come such that users actually know how to use a computer then you will understand that fluid width is the obvious choice for web sites.



I am frequently forced too. None of the 3 developers here has a strong background in design, and the dictated rules and implementations we strive for reflects this. It is an area I want to improve in.



Liquid layout using % as unit can adapt to any screen.


Some layouts must use fixed column design. If there's table or image in the column, you have to use fixed column, or the table or image will break the column in liquid design. In grid layouts with heights of the grid normally fixed, it's better using fixed column or the widths may got uneven.


It's upto the content of webpage to use elastic column or fixed column layout.



And here, as expected, comes the usual canard: “long lines are too hard to read”.


[Citation needed], folks.


See http://webusability.com/article_line_length_12_2002.htm for a summary of actual research in this area. A number of these, plus http://psychology.wichita.edu/surl/usabilitynews/72/LineLength.asp, find that although users express a preference for moderate line lengths, reading speeds do not sharply drop off with ‘long’ lines; in fact many show increased speeds with the longer settings.


As long as it's not ridiculously long, and taking care to use a decent amount of leading, long lines are not generally a real issue at today's typical browser widths and default font sizes. (If you're one of those designers that loves to use teeny-tiny type for everything, it could be an issue, but then you're already making it impossible to read with the flyspeck text. Stop it!)

只要它不是非常长,并且注意使用相当数量的前导,长线通常不是当今典型的浏览器宽度和默认字体大小的真正问题。 (如果你是那些喜欢使用极小类型的设计师之一,那可能是一个问题,但是你已经无法用flyspeck文本阅读了。停止它!)

So as it's only an option of user preference that prefers medium-short lines, let us users decide how much screen space we want to give the web site to get our work done. We're the ones best-equipped to know. If you decide you know definitively best you're likely to waste space, or, if you guessed too long, make us scroll back and forth sideways to read the text — and that really is a readability nightmare.

因此,只有用户偏好的选项更喜欢中短线,让我们用户决定我们希望为网站提供多少屏幕空间来完成我们的工作。我们是最有能力知道的人。如果你决定最终知道最好你可能会浪费空间,或者,如果你猜太久,让我们来回滚动来阅读文本 - 这真的是一个可读性的噩梦。

If you want to protect us from ourselves, you can compromise by specifying a min-width and max-width in ‘em’ units so that the page is responsive to liquid layout, but doesn't get stretched to extremes.


But otherwise, the best reason to design fixed-width is indeed that it is easier, especially for someone with a fixed-2D-grid view of the world and static visual-design tools like Photoshop.



It's already a pain to make a website that renders correctly across all popular browsers; if you also want it to render correctly at all text sizes, it's quite a lot of work. A lot of web developers design their sites for the default font size and try to support fonts that are either a little bit larger or a little bit smaller. (You might be interested in this dated but relevant piece from Jakob Nielsen.)

制作一个能够在所有流行浏览器中正确呈现的网站已经很痛苦;如果你还希望它能在所有文本大小上正确呈现,那么这是相当多的工作。许多Web开发人员将他们的站点设计为默认字体大小,并尝试支持更大或更小的字体。 (你可能会对雅各布尼尔森这篇过时但相关的文章感兴趣。)

As for fixed-width sites, it's hard to say. Personally, I suspect that a lot of web designers just like to feel like they have a lot of control over their look and feel, and think the site looks "ugly" when you stretch it too far, so they don't let you do it. Probably not wise, but there you go.



Now I would like to ask real experts on this topic -- I'm not a web designer -- why fixed width layout are still that popular and if there are really good reasons for it.

现在我想问一下关于这个主题的真正专家 - 我不是网页设计师 - 为什么固定宽度布局仍然很受欢迎,如果它有很好的理由。

Ah, both subjective and argumentative. I'm sure my argument won't convince you, but here's one really good reason, IMHO:



Just like a movie, the director has an experience in mind for the viewer. They frame the movie just so. They move the action at a given pace for the emotion they are trying to invoke in the viewer. Even though DVDs have had the "angle" feature since inception, few movies have ever given viewers the opportunity to watch the film from a different point of view, and if they have that viewpoint was still under the control of the director.


Now, any old sap can throw up a website, and for the most part they aren't interested in anything more than the content.


But real designers fully understand that the design must be understood as a whole. A wide layout has a very different impact on people than a multicolumn or thin layout. Reader eyes move in a certain pattern, and the text is intended to pull the reader along a path.


Those who claim that every layout should have certain features are shortsighted. There are no universally true 'rules', and trying to make an expanding layout a rule is shortsighted at best, and arrogant at worst.




Here are my $0.02 and they are worth exactly what you paid for them (and if that's not a perfect example of the current economic situation... :-))

这是我的0.02美元,他们的价值正是你为他们付出的(如果这不是当前经济形势的完美例子...... :-))

The layout of a website should be dictated by the overall user experience. This is in part determined by the accessibility, in part by the design, in part by the functionality:


  1. Accessibility - as several people pointed out, letting the website use the full width of the browser without any control can result in quite a long lines that make it hard to read[1]. Making the text automatically layout in multiple columns is a potential answer to this problem, but it's really hard to achieve with CSS (that's gotta be the worst tool for doing layout humanity ever devised, but that's a separate topic) and is fraught with other issues as well.
  2. 可访问性 - 正如几位人士所指出的那样,让网站在没有任何控制的情况下使用浏览器的整个宽度会导致相当长的行,这使得难以阅读[1]。使文本自动布局在多列中是这个问题的一个潜在答案,但是用CSS实现真的很难(这是制作布局人性化的最糟糕的工具,但这是一个单独的主题)并且充满了其他问题同样。

I should note that you do have a point - most websites with fixed width do suck on high-DPI because they don't take into account the changed font size. However, that's not an inherent problem of the fixed width design; I've seen it with fluid designs as well.

我应该注意到你确实有一点 - 大多数具有固定宽度的网站都会对高DPI感到厌烦,因为它们没有考虑到改变的字体大小。然而,这不是固定宽度设计的固有问题;我也看过流体设计。

[1] No, I don't have a citation. I, however, have tried reading on full-screen on my 24" 1920x1200 96dpi [2] and gotta tell you - after 15 minutes my neck is cramping from the constant turning of my head.

[1]不,我没有引用。然而,我已经尝试在我的24英寸1920x1200 96dpi [2]上全屏阅读,并且要告诉你 - 15分钟后,我的脖子因不断转过头而痉挛。

[2] The typical user still runs 1024x768 or 1280x1024 (based on instrumentation from the product I work on, with about little bit less than 10mln installs for the latest version). So yeah, I am not the typical user.


  1. Design - most modern designs are very rich on graphical and video elements. Most graphical elements do not scale well with the document reflow and video does not scale at all. (I would again blame this on CSS - it's support for dynamic resizing of images is lacking some basic operations and there is aboslutely no support for building and control of the visual tree. But I digress again :-)) As such, disegners opt in for the easier approach.

    设计 - 大多数现代设计都非常丰富的图形和视频元素。大多数图形元素无法与文档重排进行良好的扩展,视频根本无法扩展。 (我会再次把它归咎于CSS - 它支持动态调整大小的图像缺乏一些基本的操作,而且很可能不支持构建和控制可视化树。但我再次离题:-))因此,提供者选择加入为了更容易的方法。

  2. Functionality - fluid layout is really good for dealing with big text chunks like documents. However, quite a few modern websites are in effect applications, not documents. They have multiple elements and controls and increasing the area on which these elements are scatered makes it harder for the user to keep all of them in focus.

    功能 - 流畅的布局非常适合处理像文档这样的大文本块。但是,相当多的现代网站实际上是应用程序,而不是文档。它们具有多个元素和控件,并且增加了这些元素被占用的区域,使得用户更难以将所有元素保持在焦点上。

Couple examples:

  • two control groups that are aligned at the left and the right end will be too far away from each other in full-screen width. Note: that can be alleviated by choosing to always keep all the controls grouped together, like most desktop applications do (almost all desktop apps keep all toolbars left-aligned).
  • 在左屏幕和右端对齐的两个控制组在全屏宽度上彼此相距太远。注意:可以通过选择始终将所有控件组合在一起来缓解这种情况,就像大多数桌面应用程序一样(几乎所有桌面应用程序都保持所有工具栏左对齐)。

  • a picture/video and associated text below it. On full screen there are two possible approaches for fluid layout: a) scale the picture to the full width, at which point the text is visually lost b) leave the picture the same width, but let the text flow the full width, at which point the picture is visually lost.
  • 下面的图片/视频及相关文字。在全屏幕上有两种可能的流体布局方法:a)将图片缩放到整个宽度,此时文本在视觉上丢失b)使图片保持相同的宽度,但让文本流动整个宽度,在此处指出图片在视觉上丢失了。

I guess my point is that the fluid layout is not the Holy Grail of all layouts and there are scenarios where it's not applicable. The designer and the developer of the webapp should choose the appropriate layout and implement it so that it meets the needs of the target users, delivers the best experience of the product functionality and adapts to the user environment.

我想我的观点是流体布局不是所有布局的圣杯,并且有些场景不适用。 webapp的设计者和开发者应该选择适当的布局并实现它,以便满足目标用户的需求,提*品功能的最佳体验并适应用户环境。


I suspect that most web developers go for fixed width because it's by far easier to develop such a site (in addition, many Content Management Systems only offer a fixed-width layout). Getting a dynamic layout to work well & correctly in different browsers is more tricky - but it is definity doable (I'm just recently working on that issue ;-).

我怀疑大多数Web开发人员都采用固定宽度,因为开发这样一个站点要容易得多(此外,许多内容管理系统只提供固定宽度的布局)。让动态布局在不同的浏览器中正常和正确地工作是更棘手的 - 但它是可靠的(我最近刚刚在这个问题上工作;-)。

And I do agree with you - I want web pages that dynamically adjust their contents to the browser size that I as the 'customer' like to work with (whether that's small or large). I don't like to be patronized into "not using my browser in full-screen mode" or anything the like...

我同意你的看法 - 我希望网页能够动态调整其内容,使其成为我作为“客户”喜欢使用的浏览器大小(无论是小还是小)。我不喜欢光顾“不在全屏模式下使用我的浏览器”或类似的东西......


You might try zooming in. Most modern browsers will zoom the whole page by default, not just the text. This preserves the page layout and uses more of your screen. Usually the shortcut is ctrl + + and ctrl + -. It works well on my laptop, at least

您可以尝试放大。大多数现代浏览器默认会缩放整个页面,而不仅仅是文本。这样可以保留页面布局并使用更多屏幕。通常快捷键是ctrl + +和ctrl + - 。至少在我的笔记本电脑上运行良好


[Forget my mention of the windowmanagement, it wasnt on topic]


I currently run a big internet-community and we'll switch to fixed-width (for 1024px) design asap because we only get problems currently using a dynamic-width-layout: You cant rely on anything, and (the biggest problem imho) text gets to long, so there are only a few lines but the lines themself are much to long to overview.



Readability and Predictability

You need to know how things will be displayed to be sure it will be readable and pleasant to the eyes. By using a fixed width, you know exactly (almost exactly because of cross-browser support) what your users will see.


However fixed-width designs would be a thing from the past if browsers could support correctly exactly 2 CSS properties:




That would allow designers to design web sites that would be flexible and predictable. No more surprises and users can use whatever resolution they want.



In my experience, it is for two reasons:


1) Speed - it is generally faster to write a web page in fixed with, rather than trying to write one that resizes correctly at more than a small number of resolutions.

1)速度 - 编写一个固定的网页通常更快,而不是尝试编写一个在超过少量分辨率下正确调整大小的网页。

2) The designer of the web site isn't the ultimate approver of what goes into production - if you try to work with a flow instead of fixed layout you get questions about why it looks different on Sallys' PC vs the Big bosses, and why can't you move this over to here, etc, which are easier to fix by moving to a fixed layout.

2)网站的设计者并不是投入生产的最终批准者 - 如果你尝试使用流程而不是固定布局,你会得到关于为什么它在Sallys的PC和Big Boss上看起来不同的问题,以及为什么你不能把它移到这里等,通过移动到固定的布局更容易修复。


Tabbed Browsers

Since I use a tabbed browser for day to day use, resizing my window every time I switch tabs is actually a bit of a hassle. I have the window set to the maximum usable width for my purposes, and to accommodate the "largest" tab that is open. For the remaining tabs, having fluid layouts is actually kind of annoying and distracting. Items and text jump around and change position depending on how I may have resized my window for another tab. Also, fluid layouts result in uncomfortably wide blocks of short (vertically) text.


For me, it's a lot easier as a reader to keep my eyes tracking properly on narrower blocks of text with lots of vertical scroll, and it's much easier when sites I'm familiar with stay the same size so that the layout and positioning is predictable, regardless of what I've done to my window to accommodate other tabs. I actually used to be a big fan of fluid layouts, but I find more and more that I prefer fixed layouts now that I use a tabbed browser.



I think the question shouldn't be "Why would you choose a fixed-width design?" it should be "why wouldn't you?"


Firstly, you need to cater for the lowest-common denominator. Many developers will be running on screens with resolutions like 1680x1050, 1920x1200 and 1280x1024. Some users will be using 1024x768, which I personally consider the lowest resolution you need to cater for (thank God it's not 800x600 anymore). If you fix the width to 960-1000 pixels then you don't run the problem of developers unintentionally making pages that can't be viewed without scrolling on a monitor with less than 1600 pixels (wide). Believe me it happens.


Layout on any non-trivial Webpage is hard. Throw in cross-browser support such that your page not only works but looks reasonably consistent and it's a huge problem. Now try to throw in variable width and it just gets that much worse if not impossible. Look at the payoff too: who is it going to benefit? A small minority of users that have high resolutions and actually want to stretch that content across the entire screen. I have a widescreen monitor and I won't maximize my browser for instance. Many people are like me in this respect.


Consider another problem: CSS. CSS s good for many things but is a royal pain in many others. For one thing. Now browser box model differences aside, there are still many quirks with how different browsers handle CSS and even if there weren't there are many trivial things CSS can't do and the only workaround is to do things by pixel.

考虑另一个问题:CSS。 CSS对许多事情有好处,但在许多其他事情上是一种皇室般的痛苦。一方面。现在除了浏览器盒模型差异之外,还有许多不同浏览器如何处理CSS的怪癖,即使没有很多CSS无法做到的琐碎事情,唯一的解决方法是按像素执行操作。

As a concrete example, I'm doing some tables at the moment that are bursting at the seams. I'm reloading the contents with an Ajax call and replacing the contents. Now I at first tried to fix the widths of the columns with percentages. Doing it this way would be a prerequisite for not fixing the width. Firefox treated those as a suggestion and would resize them anyway even when it arguably didn't have to. I didn't get satisfactory results until I fixed the widths in pixels.

作为一个具体的例子,我正在做一些在接缝处爆裂的桌子。我正在用Ajax调用重新加载内容并替换内容。现在我开始尝试用百分比来修复列的宽度。这样做是未固定宽度的先决条件。 Firefox将这些视为一种建议,并且无论如何都会调整大小,即使它可能没有必要。在我以像素为单位修正宽度之前,我没有得到满意的结果。

At the end of the day no website really cares if it stretches across 1600 pixels or not. That's what it comes down to.



I've worked with a lot of artists. They design a layout to be pleasing and clear. They want the presentation to match what they designed. Artist-driven design leads to fixed-width. For brochure sites, fixed width makes a lot of sense.


For sites with rapidly-changing content (news or shopping, or most anything driven by a CMS), I much prefer fluid, full-screen designs.



One of the biggest concerns that fixing the width of a website solves is readability. If you let a site be arbitrarily wide and have a block of text using that entire width, it becomes very difficult for people to read. If you make the font size bigger to compensate, then you destroy the experience for people with smaller screens.


On the other hand, if your content is visual or modular and you can make it fill up the page more intelligently, you might have a case for a totally fluid layout.


But I agree with the others who question why you would maximize a browser on such a big display. Why not make your browser window smaller? You'll be more productive and you'll stop worrying about it at the same time.


Many browsers do a better job of scaling websites to be larger than they used to; Firefox 3, at least, grows the entire page when you zoom in, not breaking the layout.

许多浏览器在将网站扩展到比以前更大的方面做得更好;至少Firefox 3在放大时会增加整个页面,而不会破坏布局。


If you want it to take up more screen real estate, use a lower resolution. This can be useful if you're displaying a website on a large monitor up on a wall for public view. Otherwise, take @theomega's advice and use the rest of your screen for other windows.


As for a little (of the very little) of what I know about web design and fixed width sites:


  • They tend to make good use of white space and draw your focus down the page. Cluttering up the page by cramming every last corner with content is what designers call "visual intimidation." It's difficult to figure out what's important versus what's not.
  • 他们倾向于充分利用空白区域并将注意力集中在页面上。设计师称之为“视觉恐吓”,将每一个角落都塞满内容,使页面混乱。很难弄清楚什么是重要的而不是什么。

  • They feel more "finished", like a picture in a frame instead of like a photo print thumb-tacked up on a cork board.
  • 他们感觉更“完美”,就像一个框架中的图片,而不是像在软木板上用拇指钉上的照片打印。


"It has a resolution of 1920x1200, so all fixed-width sites waste space The form factor is only 15". So I have to use larger fonts and the text won't fit into these crammed layouts any more, sometimes even getting obstructed by other elements."


There is a good reason for that. If the paragraph are stretched too wide, it gets more difficult to read. Humans need a "break" after about 15 to 20 words and that is EXACTLY why we don't have books that are very wide.


The higher resolution allows you to have MORE details BUT it also depends on HOW you use the space. I never maximize the browser and PC's are built for window multitasking, not ONE window at a time.



The whole point of being able to adjust the size of your browser window is to better see the content of a web page, in the way that suits your situation. If the page isn't going to adjust, why not just make browser windows a single, fixed size?


If I have a big monitor, I want to be able to stretch my window out and have the content correctly fill it. If I need space for another window, I want to be able to shrink my browser window down and have the content correctly adjust by changing the layout (until a certain minimum point, and then by switching to a scroll bar, of course.)



Fixed width layouts are perfectly acceptable.


Fluid layouts are nice, but are more difficult to implement, especially if there are more than two columns and source div order is important.


Line length is an issue regarding readability, but this interacts with font size. So you have to balance width against likely font sizes on screen.


Nowadays, it's reasonable to assume that 1024 x 768 and up is the vast majority of the desktop user market, so you can safely design for 960 px fixed width -- for screen media type.

如今,假设1024 x 768及以上是桌面用户市场的绝大部分是合理的,因此您可以安全地设计960像素的固定宽度 - 用于屏幕媒体类型。

A couple of important constraints:


  • ensure is that horizontal scrolling is never required by the user
  • 确保用户永远不需要水平滚动

  • if conversions are an issue, make sure that clickable things -- particularly "calls to action" or anything than makes your cash register go "ka-ching" should not fall to the right of the 770th pixel or so -- just in case.
  • 如果转换是一个问题,请确保可点击的东西 - 特别是“号召性用语”或任何使你的收银机变为“ka-ching”的东西不应该落在第770个像素左右 - 以防万一。

But another consideration is handheld media. You should provide alternate CSS for handheld media type. Many of these screens are under 400 px wide.


Delivering a site that looks good and functions on a wide variety browsers, devices, display widths and viewport sizes is a moving target and continuous challenge.


As regards the filmstarts.de site, it is definitely a mess, but the problem is not that it is a fixed width layout, but rather with how the layout is designed and implemented. There are good and bad implementations of fixed width layouts, just like there are good and bad implementations of fluid layouts, or semi-fluid layouts with fixed width elements, etc.



I put it down to laziness. Fixed width layouts are simply easier to design and make look nice because you do not need to worry about the size changing. This, for example, makes it really easy to add images, since you know what size the layout will be.


Personally, fixed-width websites really irritate me. I like to use large monitors. I paid a lot of money for them, so I'd like to make use to make use of them instead of having most of it be left blank. This is made even worse by sites which refuse to get larger if I increase the font size. I don't have the best eyesight and often use larger fonts to read text on websites and nothing is worse than a fixed-width layout leaving me with three words per line and a mostly blank screen...



As far as I'm aware while all the reasons cited are valid, the primary reason is that a lot of machines in monolithic institutions like banks and government orgs are still on fixed and somewhat archaic low resolutions. It's just the lowest common denominator sadly.



I personally like fixed width sites better. I am not forced to mess with my browser window to get a line size I can deal with. I personally find very long lines very hard to read. I also just think it looks better although that is 100% completely subjective.


I have designed and worked with both. Some aspects of variable width sites make displaying data easier. The only problem I have had with them is due to right aligned navigation which was a little messy when it could move based on the user's browser setting.


My final answer - both are fine and each have their place.

我的最终答案 - 两者都很好,每个人都有自己的位置。


I just came across this site, which actually has a link in the top right corner that lets you switch between fixed and fluid.




Long lines of text can be difficult to read. For the website I work on we limit the width for usability and readability. We have also designed our site to scale well using CTRL-+ to zoom.

长行的文字可能难以阅读。对于我工作的网站,我们限制了可用性和可读性的宽度。我们还设计了我们的网站,以便使用CTRL- +进行缩放。


A major point for using fixed width is that the designer can actually control the way the webpage looks irrespective of browser environment. I see two reasons to use FW:


  1. The designer wants the webpage to look all the same.
  2. 设计师希望网页看起来都一样。

  3. The designer lacks time/wish/... to test their page in different modes and in different browsers, and just avoids the risk of webpage layot starting flying around.
  4. 设计师缺乏时间/愿望/ ......以不同的模式和不同的浏览器测试他们的页面,只是避免了网页开始飞来飞去的风险。


I didn't make fixed-size layout until I switched to a 32 inches monitor. It is very hard to read the text if the lines goes over 32 inches. I've learned appreciate text that do not span over more than 1,000 pixels, and I have switched to fixed layout since.


But I agree that reducing the content width to < 800px is a pain when you have a big monitor.



Most users lack understanding of how to use a browser properly. When the day come such that users actually know how to use a computer then you will understand that fluid width is the obvious choice for web sites.



I am frequently forced too. None of the 3 developers here has a strong background in design, and the dictated rules and implementations we strive for reflects this. It is an area I want to improve in.



Liquid layout using % as unit can adapt to any screen.


Some layouts must use fixed column design. If there's table or image in the column, you have to use fixed column, or the table or image will break the column in liquid design. In grid layouts with heights of the grid normally fixed, it's better using fixed column or the widths may got uneven.


It's upto the content of webpage to use elastic column or fixed column layout.
