用户定义类型没有定义windows 10

时间:2022-11-06 18:58:57

I have this sub that gets weather information from a weather API. It works on windows 7 computers but not windows 10. I get a "User-defined type not defined" error and it highlights the "Dim Req As New XMLHTTP" line. I have tried to change the DOMDocument to DOMDocument60 and Ive tried to make sure the MicrosoftXML V6.0 is checked.

我有一个从天气API获取天气信息的子。它适用于windows 7电脑,而不是windows 10。我得到一个“用户定义的类型未定义”错误,它突出显示了“Dim Req作为新的XMLHTTP”行。我试过将DOMDocument更改为DOMDocument60,我也试过检查MicrosoftXML V6.0。

Public Sub GetWeather(APIurl As String, sted As String)

    Dim i As Integer
    Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ActiveSheet
    Dim city As String
    Dim omraade As String
    Dim Req As New XMLHTTP
    Dim Weather As IXMLDOMNode
    Dim wShape As Shape
    Dim thisCell As Range
    Dim Resp As New DOMDocument60

    i = 0
    omraade = ""
    omraade = sted

    Select Case omraade
        Case "Area1"
            i = 4
        Case "Area2"
            i = 6
        Case "Area3"
            i = 8
    Case Else
        Exit Sub
    End Select

    Req.Open "GET", "" & APIurl & "", False
    Resp.LoadXML Req.responseText

    For Each Weather In Resp.getElementsByTagName("current_condition")

        Set thisCell = ws.Range(Cells(2, i), Cells(2, i))
        Set wShape = ws.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, thisCell.Left, thisCell.Top, thisCell.Width, thisCell.Height)

        wShape.Fill.UserPicture Weather.ChildNodes(4).Text 'img

        Cells(3, i).Value = "" & Weather.ChildNodes(7).Text * 0.28 & " m/s" 'windspeedkmph
        Cells(4, i).Value = Weather.ChildNodes(9).Text 'Direction
        Cells(5, i).Value = Weather.ChildNodes(1).Text & " C"  'observation time
    Next Weather

End Sub

Any ideas?


1 个解决方案



With the Microsoft XML v6.0 library properly referenced in Tools, References, the appropriate call is,

通过在工具、引用中正确引用Microsoft XML v6.0库,适当的调用是:

Dim req As New MSXML2.XMLHTTP60



With the Microsoft XML v6.0 library properly referenced in Tools, References, the appropriate call is,

通过在工具、引用中正确引用Microsoft XML v6.0库,适当的调用是:

Dim req As New MSXML2.XMLHTTP60