
时间:2022-11-06 15:17:56

I've looked around for a solution but I might just be missing something really obvious because they don't solve my issue. I am no JS wiz at all, just a disclaimer.


I have an ASP project where JavaScript calls some C# code some times. I start my code with this:


window.onload = function () {

All of these functions work just fine. But the one of interest is getAllUsers() because it contacts the backend via an AJAX call to get some data to fill in a table.


function getAllUsers() {
    var result_body = "";
        type: 'GET',
        url: '/Home/GetAllUsers',
        dataType: 'json',
        cache: false,
        contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
        data: JSON.stringify(""),
        success: function (users) {
            PushToScope("users", users);
            var dict = scope[2];
            if (dict.key.length > 0) {
                for (var key in dict.value) {
                    result_body += '<tr onclick="getClickedUserObject(' + dict["value"][key].Initials + ')\">';
                    result_body += '<td class=\"col-xs-4\">' + dict["value"][key].Name + '</td>'
                    result_body += '<td class=\"col-xs-4\">' + dict["value"][key].Title + '</td>'
                    result_body += '<td class=\"col-xs-4\">' + dict["value"][key].Department + '</td>'
                    result_body += '<td style=\"display: none\">' + dict["value"][key].PrivatePhone + '</td>'
                    result_body += '<td style=\"display: none\">' + dict["value"][key].WorkEmail + '</td>'
                    result_body += '<td style=\"display: none\">' + dict["value"][key].WorkPhoneLandline + '</td>'
                    result_body += '<td style=\"display: none\">' + dict["value"][key].WorkPhoneMobile + '</td>'
                    result_body += '</tr>';
            } else {
                result_body += '<tr>';
                result_body += '<td style=\"col-xs-12\"><b>No Data. Try again, or Contact IT Support.</b></td>';
                result_body += '</tr>';

Like I said, the above works, but the problem comes forth when I click an element in my table. "getClickedUserObject()" below:


function getClickedUserObject(lettercode) {
    if (lettercode != undefined) {
        var users = scope[2];
        var user = users["value"][lettercode];
        $('#result-email').html('<a href=\"mailto:' + user.WorkEmail + '\">' + work.WorkEmail + '</a>');
        if (lettercode == scope[0]) {
            $("#HidePrivate").disabled = false;
            $("#HidePrivate").checked = user.HiddenPrivatePhone;
        } else {
            $("#HidePrivate").disabled = true;
    return false;

This function never fires, instead I get the error in the title, saying that whatever lettercode I would get from clicking a row is not defined. This is odd to me because looking in the Google Chrome inspector I see this:

这个函数永远不会触发,而是我在标题中得到错误,说没有定义单击行所得到的任何字母代码。这对我来说很奇怪,因为查看Google Chrome检查器我看到了:


So what gives?


1 个解决方案



I'm not familiar with your function, but maybe the argument should be a string? Looks like you don't have any quotes around it in the function call.


Like so:

result_body += '<tr onclick=\"getClickedUserObject(\'' + dict["value"][key].Initials + '\')\">';



I'm not familiar with your function, but maybe the argument should be a string? Looks like you don't have any quotes around it in the function call.


Like so:

result_body += '<tr onclick=\"getClickedUserObject(\'' + dict["value"][key].Initials + '\')\">';