
时间:2022-11-05 23:24:31

I have one scrolling image which is in jQuery, it scrolls and logos of the clients appears in scrolling box and it keeps scrolling without a pause. I can increase and decrease the speed. But for pause and then resuming the animation in 2 seconds, I am not able to which I want. Here is the link where I have downloaded the source code http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/javascript-ajax/building-a-jquery-image-scroller/


                **The code in html file**
    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://jqueryjs.googlecode.com/files/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(function() {

          //remove js-disabled class

          //create new container for images
            $("<div>").attr("id", "container").css({ position:"absolute"}).width($(".wrapper").length * 170).height(170).appendTo("div#viewer");

            //add images to container
            $(".wrapper").each(function() {

            //work out duration of anim based on number of images (1 second for each image)
            var duration = $(".wrapper").length * 1000;

            //store speed for later (distance / time)
            var speed = (parseInt($("div#container").width()) + parseInt($("div#viewer").width())) / duration;

            //set direction
            var direction = "rtl";

            //set initial position and class based on direction
            (direction == "rtl") ? $("div#container").css("left", $("div#viewer").width()).addClass("rtl") : $("div#container").css("left", 0 - $("div#container").width()).addClass("ltr") ;

            //animator function
            var animator = function(el, time, dir) {

                //which direction to scroll
                if(dir == "rtl") {

                  //add direction class

                    //animate the el
                    el.animate({ left:"-" + el.width() + "px" }, time, "linear", function() {

                        //reset container position
                        $(this).css({ left:$("div#imageScroller").width(), right:"" });

                        //restart animation
                        animator($(this), duration, "rtl");

                        //hide controls if visible
                        ($("div#controls").length > 0) ? $("div#controls").slideUp("slow").remove() : null ;            

                } else {

                  //add direction class

                    //animate the el
                    el.animate({ left:$("div#viewer").width() + "px" }, time, "linear", function() {

                        //reset container position
                        $(this).css({ left:0 - $("div#container").width() });

                        //restart animation
                        animator($(this), duration, "ltr");

                        //hide controls if visible
                        ($("div#controls").length > 0) ? $("div#controls").slideUp("slow").remove() : null ;            

            //start anim
            animator($("div#container"), duration, direction);

            //pause on mouseover
            $("a.wrapper").live("mouseover", function() {

                //stop anim

                //show controls
                ($("div#controls").length == 0) ? $("<div>").attr("id", "controls").appendTo("div#outerContainer").css({ opacity:0.7 }).slideDown("slow") : null ;
                ($("a#rtl").length == 0) ? $("<a>").attr({ id:"rtl", href:"#", title:"rtl" }).appendTo("#controls") : null ;
                ($("a#ltr").length == 0) ? $("<a>").attr({ id:"ltr", href:"#", title:"ltr" }).appendTo("#controls") : null ;

                //variable to hold trigger element
                var title = $(this).attr("title");

                //add p if doesn't exist, update it if it does
                ($("p#title").length == 0) ? $("<p>").attr("id", "title").text(title).appendTo("div#controls") : $("p#title").text(title) ;

            //restart on mouseout
            $("a.wrapper").live("mouseout", function(e) {

                //hide controls if not hovering on them
                (e.relatedTarget == null) ? null : (e.relatedTarget.id != "controls") ? $("div#controls").slideUp("slow").remove() : null ;

                //work out total travel distance
                var totalDistance = parseInt($("div#container").width()) + parseInt($("div#viewer").width());

                //work out distance left to travel
                var distanceLeft = ($("div#container").hasClass("ltr")) ? totalDistance - (parseInt($("div#container").css("left")) + parseInt($("div#container").width())) : totalDistance - (parseInt($("div#viewer").width()) - (parseInt($("div#container").css("left")))) ;

                //new duration is distance left / speed)
                var newDuration = distanceLeft / speed;

                //restart anim
                animator($("div#container"), newDuration, $("div#container").attr("class"));


            //handler for ltr button
            $("#ltr").live("click", function() {

                //stop anim

                //swap class names

                //work out total travel distance
                var totalDistance = parseInt($("div#container").width()) + parseInt($("div#viewer").width());

                //work out remaining distance
                var distanceLeft = totalDistance - (parseInt($("div#container").css("left")) + parseInt($("div#container").width()));

                //new duration is distance left / speed)
                var newDuration = distanceLeft / speed;

                //restart anim
                animator($("div#container"), newDuration, "ltr");

            //handler for rtl button
            $("#rtl").live("click", function() {

                //stop anim

                //swap class names

                //work out total travel distance
                var totalDistance = parseInt($("div#container").width()) + parseInt($("div#viewer").width());

                //work out remaining distance
                var distanceLeft = totalDistance - (parseInt($("div#viewer").width()) - (parseInt($("div#container").css("left"))));

                //new duration is distance left / speed)
                var newDuration = distanceLeft / speed;

                //restart anim
                animator($("div#container"), newDuration, "rtl");

1 个解决方案



There is already code in the example you posted that will stop and resume the animation (the live mouseover and mouseout event handlers on a.wrapper).


You should be able to take the required code out of those functions, and use it in combination with the jQuery delay function, or JavaScript's native setTimeout function to pause the animation for a specified amount of time.




There is already code in the example you posted that will stop and resume the animation (the live mouseover and mouseout event handlers on a.wrapper).


You should be able to take the required code out of those functions, and use it in combination with the jQuery delay function, or JavaScript's native setTimeout function to pause the animation for a specified amount of time.
