
时间:2022-10-30 11:52:12

I have a byte array which I got back from a FileStream.Read and I would like to turn that into a string. I'm not 100% sure of the encoding - it's just a file i saved to disk - how do I do the conversion? Is there a .NET class that reads the byte order mark and can figure out the encoding for me?

我有一个字节数组,我从FileStream.Read返回,我想把它变成一个字符串。我不是100%肯定编码 - 它只是我保存到磁盘的文件 - 我该如何进行转换?是否有一个.NET类读取字节顺序标记并可以为我找出编码?

6 个解决方案


If File.ReadAllText will read the file correctly, then you have a couple of options.


Instead of calling BeginRead, you could just call File.ReadAllText asynchronously:


    delegate string AsyncMethodCaller(string fname);

    static void Main(string[] args)
        string InputFilename = "testo.txt";
        AsyncMethodCaller caller = File.ReadAllText;
        IAsyncResult rslt = caller.BeginInvoke(InputFilename, null, null);

        // do other work ...

        string fileContents = caller.EndInvoke(rslt);

Or you can create a MemoryStream from the byte array, and then use a StreamReader on that.



See how-to-guess-the-encoding-of-a-file-with-no-bom-in-net.

Since strings are Unicode, you must specify an encoding on conversion. Text streams (even ReadAllText() ) have an active encoding inside, usually some sensible default.



Try something like this:


buffer = Encoding.Convert( Encoding.GetEncoding("iso-8859-1"), Encoding.UTF8, buffer );
newString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString( buffer, 0, len );


How much do you know about the file? Could it really be any encoding? If so, you'd need to use heuristics to guess the encoding. If it's going to be UTF-8, UTF-16 or UTF-32 then


new StreamReader(new MemoryStream(bytes), true)

will detect the encoding for you automatically. Text is pretty nasty if you really don't know the encoding though. There are plenty of cases where you really would just be guessing.



There is no simple way to get the encoding, but as mentioned above use


string str = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(mybytearray);

if you have no clue of what the encoding is. If you are in europe the ISO-8859-1 is probably the encoding you have.


string str = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1").GetString(mybytearray);


System.IO.File.ReadAllText does what you want.



If File.ReadAllText will read the file correctly, then you have a couple of options.


Instead of calling BeginRead, you could just call File.ReadAllText asynchronously:


    delegate string AsyncMethodCaller(string fname);

    static void Main(string[] args)
        string InputFilename = "testo.txt";
        AsyncMethodCaller caller = File.ReadAllText;
        IAsyncResult rslt = caller.BeginInvoke(InputFilename, null, null);

        // do other work ...

        string fileContents = caller.EndInvoke(rslt);

Or you can create a MemoryStream from the byte array, and then use a StreamReader on that.



See how-to-guess-the-encoding-of-a-file-with-no-bom-in-net.

Since strings are Unicode, you must specify an encoding on conversion. Text streams (even ReadAllText() ) have an active encoding inside, usually some sensible default.



Try something like this:


buffer = Encoding.Convert( Encoding.GetEncoding("iso-8859-1"), Encoding.UTF8, buffer );
newString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString( buffer, 0, len );


How much do you know about the file? Could it really be any encoding? If so, you'd need to use heuristics to guess the encoding. If it's going to be UTF-8, UTF-16 or UTF-32 then


new StreamReader(new MemoryStream(bytes), true)

will detect the encoding for you automatically. Text is pretty nasty if you really don't know the encoding though. There are plenty of cases where you really would just be guessing.



There is no simple way to get the encoding, but as mentioned above use


string str = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(mybytearray);

if you have no clue of what the encoding is. If you are in europe the ISO-8859-1 is probably the encoding you have.


string str = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1").GetString(mybytearray);


System.IO.File.ReadAllText does what you want.
