如何在没有第三方控制的情况下以Win Form [.Net]向下钻取报告?

时间:2022-10-30 09:32:59

Looks like my only option is to create a mutatant child of the tree view and data grid view,but Im mostly an asp.net developer,and thus my lack of knowledge of all things windows. but Im sure there is an alternate easier solution, so before I go down that ugly path, does anyone know a way to create a drill down report in a winform application?


1 个解决方案


Why not use the Crystal Reports viewer that comes with .NET now?

为什么不立即使用.NET附带的Crystal Reports查看器?

Introduction to Crystal Reports in .NET

.NET中的Crystal Reports简介


Why not use the Crystal Reports viewer that comes with .NET now?

为什么不立即使用.NET附带的Crystal Reports查看器?

Introduction to Crystal Reports in .NET

.NET中的Crystal Reports简介