
时间:2022-10-30 09:00:10

I'd like to create a routine that does some logging, takes some other actions, and then throws an Exception. I'd like this routine to be called from many different locations. However, creating Exceptions in this routine means they will have this routine in their stack trace. I would rather the stack trace not report this utility routine. Is there a way to do this without creating the Exception in the caller and passing it to the utility routine?


public static void die(String message) throws MyException {
  throw new MyException();

For programmers who are Perl/Java bilingual: how do I carp in Java?

对于Perl / Java双语的程序员:我如何使用Java进行carp?

9 个解决方案


You can set the stack trace of any exception you want to throw:


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

public class CarpTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new CarpTest().run();

    public void run() {

    private void methodThatCarps() {

    private void carp(String message) {
        RuntimeException e = new RuntimeException(message);
        List<StackTraceElement> stack = new ArrayList<StackTraceElement>(Arrays.asList(e.getStackTrace()));
        e.setStackTrace(stack.toArray(new StackTraceElement[stack.size()]));
        throw e;

This will print the following stacktrace at runtime:


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Message
    at CarpTest.methodThatCarps(CarpTest.java:18)
    at CarpTest.run(CarpTest.java:14)
    at CarpTest.main(CarpTest.java:10)

Note that as you want the method "carp" does not appear in the stacktrace. However the manipulation of stacktraces shoud only be done with greates care.

请注意,如您所愿,方法“carp”不会出现在堆栈跟踪中。然而,堆栈跟踪的操作只能通过greates care来完成。


If you want to use an Exception to control the flow and what happens afterwards, a good advice it to override the fillInStackTrace() method:


public Throwable fillInStackTrace() {
   return this;

As a result you'll have an Exception without the stacktrace and with a reduced overhead (filling in the stack trace takes time).



There is no way to removing the throwing function from the stack trace. The whole purpose of the stack trace is to log the exception path so allowing a function to opt out would defeat the purpose.


The only way you could change this is if you returned the exception instead of throwing it. But that forces you to depend on the caller to know to throw the exception.


throw die("someReason).fillInStackTrace();

Modified function

public static Exception die(String message) {  
  return new MyException();


Added the fillInStackTrace() call to ensure the stack is reset to the point of the throw.




Mmm.. you could subclass exception and override all the methods in it, and wrap the original exception. Internally, generate a new stack trace using the getStackTrace() method from the wrapped exception. I haven't looked at the source of Exception, but you may not even have to override that many methods.



Maybe you should consider approaching the problem from a different direction. Rather than modify the stack trace, why not just have your exception generator method (die in your example) return the exception rather than throw it? Then your call is throw die();.

也许你应该考虑从不同的方向解决问题。而不是修改堆栈跟踪,为什么不只是让你的异常生成器方法(在你的例子中死)返回异常而不是抛出它?然后你的调用是throw die();.

For example:

// revised die() method:
public static MyException die(String message){
  return new MyException();

// calling code:
throw die("a-whoopsie daisy!");

Now, granted, throw die() might seem a little un-aesthetic, so you could rename die() to newException() or something. But the requirement that the exception processing method does not show in the stack trace is met -- die() (or newException()) returns before the exception is thrown and is therefore not part of the stack to be traced.

现在,被授予,throw die()可能看起来有点不美观,所以你可以将die()重命名为newException()或其他东西。但是满足异常处理方法未在堆栈跟踪中显示的要求 - die()(或newException())在抛出异常之前返回,因此不是要跟踪的堆栈的一部分。

Edit: My bad. I've spent so much time working with C# that I forgot that in Java exception stack traces are generated at instantiation, where in C#/.NET exception stack traces are generated at throw-time.

编辑:我的坏。我花了很多时间使用C#,我忘了在Java中异常堆栈跟踪是在实例化时生成的,其中C#/ .NET异常堆栈跟踪是在抛出时生成的。

So this trick would work in C#, but not in Java.



Based on what ordnungswidrig said about setting the stack trace, and what unknown (google) said about overriding fillInStackTrace(), I've created a CarpException that does exactly what I want. Note that I found I had to strip out four stack trace frames instead of just one, as I was picking up frames from both Throwable and Exception.


public class CarpException extends Exception {
  public Throwable fillInStackTrace() {
    StackTraceElement[] origStackTrace = getStackTrace();
    StackTraceElement[] newStackTrace = new StackTraceElement[origStackTrace.length - 4];
    System.arraycopy(origStackTrace, 4, newStackTrace, 0, origStackTrace.length - 4);
    return this;


No can do... I tried doing something like this a while back (I was trying to capture the stack trace to log method calls before AOP existed).


The stack trace is filled in when the exception is created, and that's done natively. For the thing I was working on, I ended up reading the stack trace and looking at the second element, but that wouldn't help you here...



You might consider having your method receive a Logger as a parameter to the method. This would allow you to control the logging output based on the calling class.


I would advise against wanting your exception to exclude this part of the stack trace though. When you leave and some new person gets to maintain your code, the are not going to appreciate this non-standard error handling.



Do you throw the stack trace just to be able to analyze it? In that case you could call the getStackTrace() method on the Exception which returns a StackTraceElement[]. There you can filter the elements you don't want (f.ex. the "die" method).

你是否抛出堆栈跟踪只是为了能够分析它?在这种情况下,您可以在Exception上调用getStackTrace()方法,该方法返回StackTraceElement []。在那里你可以过滤你不想要的元素(例如“die”方法)。


You can set the stack trace of any exception you want to throw:


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

public class CarpTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new CarpTest().run();

    public void run() {

    private void methodThatCarps() {

    private void carp(String message) {
        RuntimeException e = new RuntimeException(message);
        List<StackTraceElement> stack = new ArrayList<StackTraceElement>(Arrays.asList(e.getStackTrace()));
        e.setStackTrace(stack.toArray(new StackTraceElement[stack.size()]));
        throw e;

This will print the following stacktrace at runtime:


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Message
    at CarpTest.methodThatCarps(CarpTest.java:18)
    at CarpTest.run(CarpTest.java:14)
    at CarpTest.main(CarpTest.java:10)

Note that as you want the method "carp" does not appear in the stacktrace. However the manipulation of stacktraces shoud only be done with greates care.

请注意,如您所愿,方法“carp”不会出现在堆栈跟踪中。然而,堆栈跟踪的操作只能通过greates care来完成。


If you want to use an Exception to control the flow and what happens afterwards, a good advice it to override the fillInStackTrace() method:


public Throwable fillInStackTrace() {
   return this;

As a result you'll have an Exception without the stacktrace and with a reduced overhead (filling in the stack trace takes time).



There is no way to removing the throwing function from the stack trace. The whole purpose of the stack trace is to log the exception path so allowing a function to opt out would defeat the purpose.


The only way you could change this is if you returned the exception instead of throwing it. But that forces you to depend on the caller to know to throw the exception.


throw die("someReason).fillInStackTrace();

Modified function

public static Exception die(String message) {  
  return new MyException();


Added the fillInStackTrace() call to ensure the stack is reset to the point of the throw.




Mmm.. you could subclass exception and override all the methods in it, and wrap the original exception. Internally, generate a new stack trace using the getStackTrace() method from the wrapped exception. I haven't looked at the source of Exception, but you may not even have to override that many methods.



Maybe you should consider approaching the problem from a different direction. Rather than modify the stack trace, why not just have your exception generator method (die in your example) return the exception rather than throw it? Then your call is throw die();.

也许你应该考虑从不同的方向解决问题。而不是修改堆栈跟踪,为什么不只是让你的异常生成器方法(在你的例子中死)返回异常而不是抛出它?然后你的调用是throw die();.

For example:

// revised die() method:
public static MyException die(String message){
  return new MyException();

// calling code:
throw die("a-whoopsie daisy!");

Now, granted, throw die() might seem a little un-aesthetic, so you could rename die() to newException() or something. But the requirement that the exception processing method does not show in the stack trace is met -- die() (or newException()) returns before the exception is thrown and is therefore not part of the stack to be traced.

现在,被授予,throw die()可能看起来有点不美观,所以你可以将die()重命名为newException()或其他东西。但是满足异常处理方法未在堆栈跟踪中显示的要求 - die()(或newException())在抛出异常之前返回,因此不是要跟踪的堆栈的一部分。

Edit: My bad. I've spent so much time working with C# that I forgot that in Java exception stack traces are generated at instantiation, where in C#/.NET exception stack traces are generated at throw-time.

编辑:我的坏。我花了很多时间使用C#,我忘了在Java中异常堆栈跟踪是在实例化时生成的,其中C#/ .NET异常堆栈跟踪是在抛出时生成的。

So this trick would work in C#, but not in Java.



Based on what ordnungswidrig said about setting the stack trace, and what unknown (google) said about overriding fillInStackTrace(), I've created a CarpException that does exactly what I want. Note that I found I had to strip out four stack trace frames instead of just one, as I was picking up frames from both Throwable and Exception.


public class CarpException extends Exception {
  public Throwable fillInStackTrace() {
    StackTraceElement[] origStackTrace = getStackTrace();
    StackTraceElement[] newStackTrace = new StackTraceElement[origStackTrace.length - 4];
    System.arraycopy(origStackTrace, 4, newStackTrace, 0, origStackTrace.length - 4);
    return this;


No can do... I tried doing something like this a while back (I was trying to capture the stack trace to log method calls before AOP existed).


The stack trace is filled in when the exception is created, and that's done natively. For the thing I was working on, I ended up reading the stack trace and looking at the second element, but that wouldn't help you here...



You might consider having your method receive a Logger as a parameter to the method. This would allow you to control the logging output based on the calling class.


I would advise against wanting your exception to exclude this part of the stack trace though. When you leave and some new person gets to maintain your code, the are not going to appreciate this non-standard error handling.



Do you throw the stack trace just to be able to analyze it? In that case you could call the getStackTrace() method on the Exception which returns a StackTraceElement[]. There you can filter the elements you don't want (f.ex. the "die" method).

你是否抛出堆栈跟踪只是为了能够分析它?在这种情况下,您可以在Exception上调用getStackTrace()方法,该方法返回StackTraceElement []。在那里你可以过滤你不想要的元素(例如“die”方法)。